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Author Topic: US Special Forces Addons  (Read 8832 times)

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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #45 on: 19 Oct 2002, 23:09:01 »
Any H-60 modification can be made, in a week or so BAS will have a brand new H-60L model to work with (as the demo and ingame models just dont cut the mustard any more),(all the time working on the UH-1N and AH-1W they shouldnt take long to get released), so then the whole team is going to pull together and get the model textured then there will be a brand new UH-60L so there may be room for new infantry after all...then the team will split up into different sections again and start on H-60 modifications (first MH-60L/K then MH-60G) so any modifications on the blackhawk model you would like for this pack, start requesting now as the sooner we know what is wanted the sooner we can start planning :)

[edit: ive just read that the PJ's use the HH-60G, ofpeditor you can probably answer this the best, are there enough changes between HH-60G's and MH-60G's to warrant a change in the model? even if its changes in the equipment in the cabin]
« Last Edit: 19 Oct 2002, 23:27:53 by Eviscerator »


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #46 on: 20 Oct 2002, 00:58:56 »
A suggestion..how bout you guys team up with the LB guys if our interested in having spec ops guys with your helo's I think the LB team has proved they know how to make truely amazing addon units with their pask HK pack and they are already workin on a Spec Op units pack so why not just team up and work with them? Oh and another question ...who is ofpeditor? is he former military or something cause I see alot of referrals to him as "in the know" when it comes to special operations...I only ask because I know former operators and I know how much they HATE people claiming to be something their not....I'm not challenging him cause he might be legit It just strikes me as odd....my 2 cents.  If you guys want REAL info on how to make your units "look" better for this GAME...you might wanna try sites like www.specialoperations.com ... that site has been established as a site where REAL current and formers operators shoot the shit...and has alot of info on TF160 and any other units your interested in modeling in the game.  just don't go asking "how can I make my GAME addon more realistic?" that'll get you a quick flame and laugh...my 2 cents....


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #47 on: 20 Oct 2002, 01:28:17 »
futurehornetdriver -
Mate, to fill you in about myself:
I live here in the US and work for a Domestic & Abroad HR firm...I'm not 'Special Operations' as you may classify them as members of a branch of the services here in the states; however, I work in Airborne Search and Rescue. I spent time in co-op training in England with Her Majesty's Special Air Services in Rescue and Retrieval for 6 months and through services and training provided by our firm. If you've seen the movie 'Proof of Life,' the operational side of the film is a glorified example of the type of work I do. Nearly all my colleagues are former Service members, domestic and abroad, and some are former Special Operations troops.
If you have any questions, comments, etc, feel free to drop me a PM.
Cheers mate


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #48 on: 20 Oct 2002, 01:28:38 »
As for teaming up with lost brothers mod, this will have to be discussed between all the team members, and a decision will have to be unanamous, so await further info on that, although it may (and probably will) not happen.
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2002, 01:31:49 by DeadMeatXM2 »


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #49 on: 20 Oct 2002, 01:44:55 »
futurehornetdriver -

I agree with you completely, mate...My knowledge of Special Operations is limited to the work I do and what I train and am in contact with. Using sites like www.specialoperations.com as resources to confirm and gather information is what I hope most people do if they search for realism.
Posted by: futurehornetdriver Posted on: Today at 16:58:56

just don't go asking "how can I make my GAME addon more realistic?" that'll get you a quick flame and laugh...my 2 cents....

I couldn't say it any better mate...spending time on research is crucial.



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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #50 on: 20 Oct 2002, 01:55:33 »
well i cant speak for the rest of ballistics but i spend at least 5-6 hours researchng what im about to model, not only for pictures of every minute detail but for information on who uses it, how fast it is, what its armed with, the fuel range, every tiny detail...so youll see a lot of realism from us :)


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #51 on: 20 Oct 2002, 05:49:36 »
Thanks ofpeditor for responding.....I just wanted to get "out of the dark" of your background since everyone else seems to know about you.  Anyway, keep up the good work..BTW..your job sounds kinda cool


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #52 on: 20 Oct 2002, 09:38:25 »
*makes a child-like, whiny/pouty sound*
Sounds like itll take a while to come out. Until them im having to use German SFs - HK Pack is good, maybe you could use it for PSG-1 and MP5N, navy SEALs use those. DKM MOD have a Mossberg 500. And lastly, itd be cool if you made Navy SEALs, Navy SEAL Jumpers and NAVY SEAL divers. The divers could dive underwater (its possible, the Chain of Command are making a diver addon). You could, like have a new model for the Jumper and all that with parachute.


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #53 on: 20 Oct 2002, 16:20:29 »
Is the Littlebird pack still on schedule for release today?


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #54 on: 20 Oct 2002, 22:04:04 »
scratches head uuhm

i dont know did not talk to tiger for 3 days


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #55 on: 20 Oct 2002, 22:27:38 »
its not on schedule, theres a slight delay, not sure of when it will be released


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #56 on: 23 Oct 2002, 06:33:16 »
Just something that Ferret Fangs mentioned in regards to giving the special forces increased skills and accuracy.

This idea was mooted in the SEB Nam Pack 2.0 thread ( page 21 SelectThis   http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=14;action=display;threadid=61;start=300 )

but it was dismissed later on as impractical for that particular venture because any tweaks may have unbalanced other addons.

*However*, could it be incoporated into this pack? After all these are special forces units. Although the danger of unbalancing other addons would remain, at least with a special forces pack it could be seen as justified? Thoughts?

Normally in the editor ( I know nothing about config edits), I've tried to simulate such spec op missions by lowering the enemy skill slider to minimum and increasing friendly AI to maximum and still a small (5 squad Team ) gets wiped out when attacking just one enemy group ( I, as the player am just observing )

It's also noticable that the attacking squad ALWAYS seems to get killed while the defending team may lose one or two at the most. This is quite infuriating as you want a better ratio, after all these are spec ops and it adds to the excitement and drama of the mission if the firefight is somewhat prolonged.

The most definitive explanation and exploration of this that I have read so far, was by TheCaptain.

SEB Nam Pack 2.0 thread p24


It would require some experimentation, but I think the end results would be worth it.

Regards to all those involved in this endeavour.  :)

Ferret Fangs

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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #57 on: 23 Oct 2002, 22:53:27 »
 ;DIt's so nice to be noticed ;D
So I guess there are two way's to tweak the gameplay for more realism, or two schools of thought...
On one hand you have Captains method of scripting and mission design, which seems to work fairly well, and is less complicated than most may think. It increases a units longevity, susceptability to damage from small arms fire, and modifies the AI fight or flight response.
On the other hand, you have the modellers approach... which is more like what I was suggesting, ( I am more of a model tweaker as opposed to scripter/mission maker) was special attributes in the unit's design. For instance, the lines such as attendent=true, for the medic's ability to heal, camoflage=0.50000 for a truly well camoflaged ghillie sniper, sensitivity=2 which increases I don't really know what, but I think it's the units ability to spot enemies.
BTW I looked at Black Baron's T-800 addon, and saw that he had these values in the config:

This is how he achieves the Terminator's armor. I guess this could be applied to any other unit to simulate modern body armor and helmets... I suppose the nomal values would be much lower for an Interceptor vest.

So which method is better? Modeller, or Scripter... I think maybe a combination of both should be used to achieve optimal realism. Anyway things seem to have slowed down dramatically on this thread... I hope we can maintain momentum and get some units out to the people, soon. I'm going to continue experimenting with this stuff and post my results.


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Re:US Special Forces Addons
« Reply #58 on: 24 Oct 2002, 08:05:21 »
So gents...it looks like OFPEDITOR has stepped up the plate to act as "co-manager".

Problem is...we don't have his "co"

Anyone else willing to pull all this all together with ofpeditor?