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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Zombie Outbreak Simulation  (Read 14056 times)

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Offline Cheetah

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation
« Reply #30 on: 14 Sep 2005, 11:03:22 »
Well, I think that next time I'll just let them get evacuated in open territory instead of on the road as I did. Though that I would be easier for the AI that way.

Another thing is that it is important to let everyone know that you can use the action menu of the AI for hiding bodies. AI controlling is really important in this mission.
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Offline bardosy

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation
« Reply #31 on: 14 Sep 2005, 13:37:13 »
If 20-30 zombies attack in the same time, it's mean the next village is completly changed to zombie?
Fix bayonet!

Offline Trapper

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation
« Reply #32 on: 14 Sep 2005, 14:33:35 »
I'll add this additional AI information to the "Zombies" hint.

Yes it's very likely that a nearby village turnend into zombies. (For these numbers 2 or 3 villages are needed)

Offline bardosy

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation
« Reply #33 on: 14 Sep 2005, 14:44:40 »
There is a twin village next to me....  ;D
Fix bayonet!

Offline Trapper

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation
« Reply #34 on: 14 Sep 2005, 20:12:25 »
@bardosy - reply #29
I'm sorry I didn't see this reply earlier.

You are doing everything right. No need for you to read the tutorial again. :)

This bug with up standing drivers and a not out moving convoy was never reported before.
Can you reproduce it?
Anyone knows something about this?

I guess it could be an addon/conversation mod problem, not directly a bug in the mission.

Offline bardosy

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation
« Reply #35 on: 16 Sep 2005, 08:05:31 »
I take two screenshots about this bug. I belive this is not your fault.


I try your mission again and doesn't happend this, everithing works.

In this new try, I evacuated 5 villages quick and without fight. In the 6th there is no nothing. And in the 7th there are 50-60 zombies. We fought well and I hide the bodies but the overnumbered enemy forced us to retreat. Half of my squad are dead.
We flee very quick and I want reorganise at base, but in half of the way back to base the mission is ended: I gave two redcross penelty.

1., If the mission is end, it's mean there is no more survivors in the island?
2., The starting situation the zombies are randomly in the map? Because in this game I evacuated without fight and when I started fight the game ened. In the forst try I fought a little bit in every evacuation.
Fix bayonet!

Offline Trapper

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation
« Reply #36 on: 16 Sep 2005, 16:02:11 »
Thanks for all the testing bardosy.

I hope it isn't my fault. I don't know what happened on these screens. :)

1. Yes.
2. Yes, always. Same civilian count everytime, but the first twelve Zombies start randomly in the vincinity of all the villages.

All the remaining survivors had turnend into zombies when the mission ended for you.
The scoring system is customized, it counts how many civilians (100p/survivor) were evacuated and the casualties of your 1st squad and it's two HMMWVs. Score ranges from 0 to 17500 and your score was around 5000 I guess, so thats the reason why your reward was only two redcross'. The star rewards should start around 10000.

The 2nd beta version release is close, this is the changelist so far:

   *computer voices replaced with human voice actors
   *moving mapmarkers for evac convoys
   *improved briefing/tutorial
   *overview picture shadow
   *slightly reduced init lag
   *a few, small bug fixes
   *improved readme
   *two advertisement pics added to the zip

Of course, I had a look at all your suggestions in this 1st beta test. If you want to discuss one of the dropped out suggestions, this would be the best moment to try to persuade me of a last minute change.  8)

Offline Trapper

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #37 on: 23 Sep 2005, 00:52:37 »
2nd Beta Version Release

2nd Beta is planed as the last version before the final release. Main goal is the detection of any last bugs that escaped notice until now.
Also my proofreader has no time at the moment. I would appreciate if someone will have a special look at my english for the "Hints" page in briefing. - Or do it right here, at reply #13.

New in 2nd Beta:
- computer voices replaced with human voice actors
- moving mapmarkers for evac convoys
- improved briefing/tutorial
- overview picture shadow
- slightly reduced init lag
- a few, small bug fixes
- improved readme
- two advertisement pics added to the zip

Mirror with bandwithlimit - Please try the other first.
« Last Edit: 23 Sep 2005, 00:56:46 by Trapper »

Offline Trapper

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #38 on: 29 Sep 2005, 00:20:46 »
I know my mission isn't short, but four downloads and no reply until now... ???

Is anyone of my downloaders still doing time extensive tests, or am I doing the right thing with bumping this topic to find a tester? ;)

If you're a native english speaking person and don't like to play my mission, you can already help me with proofreading a short text in reply #13.  8)

Offline Mikero

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #39 on: 29 Sep 2005, 16:47:55 »
same reply as for Klavan's. I'll put my hand up for you trapper to proof read the hints, but I need a few days as I'm  <ahem> 'otherwise engaged'

Eta 3 days, unless someone else steps in.
Just say no to bugz

Offline MrN

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #40 on: 30 Sep 2005, 12:46:27 »
I've only scanned through previous posts so I may be repeating things…

Benchmark 6410, ECP 1.085, Vet mode, no super AI

Typo's noted:
In Notes:  no place on earth seems to be safe
Mellecombat: comes too close
Mellecombat: it is as safe

Otherwise, very good.

Clean and well presented pic.

Fantastic, nicely done.

Complicated but well done. The only niggle I've found is that under Evac sites there's a picture but with no reference to where this is on the map.

I'm not keen on controlling big squads so I left the majority of the squad at the start and just took 2,3 and with me, with me driving.

First went to San Alto and after a bit of head scratching and briefing reading, I got the civ's to Evac. I then headed North to Vadora and Vilm but it looks like I'm too late, lots of Zombies here. Discover the Melee combat as a zombie starts trying to chew my face off, nice touch.

Then head west and come across a small bunch of zombies, aim for the head! Provoo and Triglav are empty. Only 2 zombies at Saint Bieuc, but a lot at Internia, I guess I'm too late and I witness a big crowd of zombies devouring the civvies. More zombies come from the south and I get shot by my gunner in the HMMWV. Bah!

I load my save game and the sepia tint that I started the mission with has gone. I head off to Internia again, this time I make it in time and most of the civvies survive. I call in the evac.

Head off to the northern part of the island, all towns except Tormes and Leviata are quiet. I call in the evac for Tormes and find I haven't given an evac point for Internia. Hmmmm. I don't really grasp this evac business, I'm a bit simple with things like this, I need telling exactly what I'm supposed to be doing and I can't find anywhere on the map that resembles the picture in the briefing. So, right or wrong I'm sending them to the rescue center.

Then move to Leviata and call for the evac and get told I only have resources for 2 evacs. No bother I'll wait. While I'm waiting I get 5,6 and 7 in a Hummer and head them off to Saint Renoir to see what happens.

They get to their destination and nothing seems to be happening, I get them to disembark and send them around the town, no messages or actions appear so I get them back into the Hummer and move them off to Meridian.

I then get a message saying that  Evac Delta Blue has got stuck and I should reload or hope it's sorted out by itself. Hmmmm. I opt for the wait.
I then get a message saying that  Evac Delta Green has got stuck and I should reload or hope it's sorted out by itself. Hmmmm


Well, the premise is excellent, the presentation is excellent, the atmosphere is excellent, good use of addons, the convoy's though…bah. If they don't do the job there is a fundamental flaw with the mission. I may be missing something in this but I didn't "get" where I'm supposed to be sending the rescued Civvies to and if the convoys don't work then it makes it all a bit pointless, sorry. I think you need to investigate either how to keep the convoys moving, or use choppers as the evac method.

I also would respectfully request that if I'm downloading all these addons you could also make me download a weapon pack of some description, if I'm taking on Zombies I have to have a shotgun! Shame no one has done a chainsaw addon.  ;D Although this is obviously your call. ;)

No offence intended .  ;)
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Offline Trapper

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #41 on: 30 Sep 2005, 14:30:42 »
Thank you Mikero, I hope you'll find the time.

Welcome MrN and thanks for the test.  :)

This sepia (gas mask simulation color filter) gone after reloading, is exactly one of the bugs I would have missed before final release.

Damn, now that I added this new picture to the evac tutorial to make it more clear, the picture itself is misconceived.  :P
You have to understand this map picture as a part of any map, no matter where exactly. It's only a principle picture, showing how places on the map should look that I call "prefere open spaces for evacs".

Caused by this misconceiving, here is what happened to your evacs:
1. You selected the evac site in front of the base gates (maybe even usefull in some situations...)
2. The convoy leaves the base and stops after a few meters
3. The civilians run all the way to the base
4. Of course this can take them very long, so the debug message "convoy stuck" kicks in falsely, just because the convoy is not moving if waiting over 15mins at the evac site.

"normal" evac procedure:
1. select the evac site close(/er) to the village you want to evacuate. (Always remember to choose an open place)
2. The convoy leaves the base and the civilians head to wait at the evac site.
3. Convoy arrives, civilians board it in no time.
4. Convoy drives back to base with them.
No falsely triggered debug message. - This is the reason why I leave it up to the player to decide what to do after this message: It can be triggered if the player wants to do something special intentionaly, too.

Was this misconceiving caused by bad english?
Picture subtitle is:
Good places for evac sites...
Would anything like "Examples for "open spaces"..." be more clear?

You've got no shotgun, because I don't believe they are standard issue US National Guard weapons, especially in this short on supply situation.
Maybe I'm wrong?
I could just add the Remigton 870 to the weapon selection then, but you wouldn't even like it, because everyone hates it to drive back to the rescue center for ammo later, and the shotgun has a max of only 70 shells.

EDIT/offtopic: There's a Michael Vorhees (Friday the 13th) Addon at Farmland, including a chainsaw. But if I remember right it's not for player use. MiG also posted his mission (search Friday 13th) long ago for testing on this board.
Well, I don't want a chainsaw in ZOS :)
« Last Edit: 30 Sep 2005, 14:56:53 by Trapper »

Offline MrN

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #42 on: 30 Sep 2005, 15:11:44 »

the picture itself is misconceived
I SO missed the point of all this evac business.
You have put a lot of detail in the briefing and now I know what I know it makes sense but before I didn't get it! I assumed (yeah, yeah I know) that the HMMWV's come to where you've just called the extraction and I had to click the map for their end position.

I should have payed more attention in class! ::)

In which case, Point 3 about evacs should be a lot more precise, something like:

After calling in the evac, single click in an open area near the civilian's location. An orange marker will appear indicating where the HMMWV's will stop.

Was this misconceiving caused by bad english?
Partly, also I'm guilty of "scanning" the text instead of reading it. If anything you've been a little too descriptive, explaining everything apart from what actually happens.  ;)

If in doubt understate the obvious and overstate the less obvious. (C) Macguba

For example:
Overstating the obvious:
(Be smart, you know AI drivers)
Yes I do.  ;)

I'll try and help if you want some pointers about the briefing. If no one else has mentioned this then it's probably just me.

You've got no shotgun, because I don't believe they are standard issue US National Guard weapons
This is no "normal" situation though eh?  ;)

Right, I'm off to try again.  :joystick:
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Offline MrN

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #43 on: 30 Sep 2005, 16:50:43 »
ZOS: aka Abandonded Zombies.  ;)

I had a blast with this. But with a but...

Split my team up and send 7,8,9 and 10 to Saint Renoir while I go to San Alto and succesfully evacuate them.  ;D I then head off to Vilm, call in the Evac and move to Vadora. I have to wait while my other Evacs are happening. I "get it" now. smacks forehead on desk

While I wait for the evacs to happen I go back up to Vedora east to watch what happens. The jeeps turn  up and some dudes all wearing gasmasks with their lights on have a look around while the civs got in the jeeps was all very atmospheric. :thumbsup:

Team green report enemy at Saint Renoir so I get them back in the Hummer and order them off to Lebrija. When they get close they start calling out enemy so I order them to Meridian. They're reporting badguys like crazy though so I think I'll get them back up to the North.

I travel to Porvoo and have to defend against a couple of zombies, I have to remind myself to hide the bodies too. I get team green to go to Belnuevue Hospital while I go to Triglav. Which is now empty and quiet.

I then head up to Saint Bieuc, while team green starts calling out more and more targets on their journey north. I get to Saint Bieuc and things are all too quiet, I check the map to check where the marker is and just as I come away from the map I see a couple of Zombies heading up the road from the east. Easy Peasy I think and drive over there to shoot them up. As I drive up to them I notice there's a lot more than just a couple. I stick the Hummer in reverse and start calling out targets to my gunner as more and more zombies run towards us over the brow of the hill. I consider getting out briefly to shoot them up but notice more and more coming our way. So, in true action hero style I put the loud pedal to the floor and drove straight throught them as my gunner was blasting away.

I get 500 metres away and use the opportunity to have a quick look at the map. I am heading towards Internia. That means a dead end. That means I have to go back through them all again. I turn the Hummer around so it's facing the direction of the horde, get out and start calling targets out for the MG. There must have been about 50 of the damn things running towards us. I also get the M60 guy out of the HMMWV so he can join in as I'm running around dodging bullets and zombies to hide as many bodies as I can.

I move on to Jarna and discover nothing. It looks like the I just wiped out the entire population of the 3 towns.  

Same for Elicante.

I check on team greens status and all of a sudden the mission ends. I'm told I rescued over 30 of them.
Score:4400 with 2 red crosses.
Time: 41 minutes.

Well, I feel a bit deflated now. I was having such a good game but that ending was a bit abrupt for my liking. How about having to make it back to the rescue centre and use a black out on the end trigger?

Overall impressions: very nice work indeed. Atmospheric, tense in places and all works ok.

The issue I have now is that you've spent all this time building up to the succesful evacuation and get no reward, just a sudden end. How do I know we've evacuated them all? I haven't visited all the towns yet.

I would prefer to make it back to the base, hopefully there's still some more zombies around to make the journey interesting. Even if there isn't, the thought that there might be still adds tension.
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Offline Trapper

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Re:ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation (2nd Beta)
« Reply #44 on: 30 Sep 2005, 23:37:53 »
Intesive tests, thank you very much.

I've read the unstick vehicle script you told me about. It's close to my own work, but also has two new ideas: Turning the vehicles 180 degrees and getting a disembarked  driver back in.
I'm still hesitating to incorporate them. The evacs heart is one lengthy, fragile script without bugs in theory/test. But in a real game it can be broken now and then by unknown OFP AI inconsistencies and really bad user input.
The script doesn't know it's broken, it just waits and waits for the AI. If I unstick the convoy externely, I can't kill the old script. So from there on two scripts would control the same convoy, with even more unpredictable consequences... Well, I'm digressing.
I prefer my reloading recommendation, because it's more "Keep it simple, stupid". 8)
Thinking about all this, maybe completely new evac scripting from scratch, based on all the new knowledge, would be the real solution. :noo:
...hm, but you don't mention any stucked convoy in your latest test, very good. ;)

The shotgun...
You're still playing in the last hours of a "normal" situation. It's all fictional and I would expect first military reponse to be very "normal" and they're in a hurry, too.
If you find me an information source, which shows me that shotguns are common firearms in the US Army National Guard, you'll get one. 8)

The briefing...
Almost everyone made the mistake to only scan the tutorial at first. But I'm sure that's a major problem with all long briefings.
What I've tried, is to include my "game manual" into OFP. Mission briefing is only plan and notes. All the links in the notes are the documentation how to play. Formating options are very limited in game, but alt+tabbing for a .pdf is even worse.
3. Single click on the map to select coordinates for the evac.
(Be smart, you know the AI drivers)
An orange marker appears.
3. Single click on the map to select an open area for the pick up.
An orange marker appears.
Defination of "open area"...
If you have some more really good pointers about the briefing go on. Where ever I can make it shorter, while getting it even better - perfect.

The end...
I know, I know. I've made it that short, because most testers told me the mission is soooo long, and I thought no one of them would like to drive home 10 minutes just for debriefing. ;D Also there is no way for the scripts to tell if the player is sure about all the civilian survivors.
Hm, what about ending the mission with a radio command? If you like to even without playing :) This would add a new factor to the mission/highscore hunt: The player has to reckon the overall situation on his own.

Highscore is 17500, so just XX for you. IMO an average result for completing it the first time.
When you're ready your brain will automaticly switch the mission to "Expert Mode", and you will search for the ultimate highscore strategie. ;)
« Last Edit: 30 Sep 2005, 23:47:47 by Trapper »