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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Crushed  (Read 14633 times)

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Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #15 on: 20 Mar 2005, 13:03:16 »
Anyway, back on topic, anyone else want to give it (the mission, not the flying MG) a test?
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Wildebeest

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #16 on: 20 Mar 2005, 21:54:16 »
It's funny but I haven't tested it yet. I will as soon as I find some time, I promise. It seems really fun. You can go ahead and test my mission too if you feel like it: La Delivrance. Look for it on this board. :)

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #17 on: 21 Mar 2005, 14:44:11 »
Aight, here's my review:


Nice, the text makes you want to play the mission, since the concept seems different. You might want to pick a shorter title for the mission though. You can't see all the words in the mission list. The photo is nice but I would like to have seen it in passpartou, that is to say with a white "frame". And perhaps the photo should have been that of a real M1A1.


You get a good idea what to do. It's short but everything you need to know is in there. Some grammar mistakes and such though:
"Will a attack", should be "Will attack"; in "Then, move onto... then along" you should consider replacing the second "then" with "continue", since repetitions are never nice; "linking up" should be "to link up" since it's not proper grammar; "thisroute" should be "this route" and also a "," after "route".
I liked the notes section because the personal letter gives you a feeling of realism.


Just a quick zoom in on your tank. I don't care much for intros but it's nice to see yourself in the gunner position.

Playing the mission

Aight, I'm in the tank. I play in super duper veteran mode so I can only use the iron sight of the M2. We get a silent radio message that we are moving onto the objectives. Aight, here we go. The tanks roll on at good speed. You feel the power of the vehicles!
We approach Le Moule and before I can see the village the tanks open fire at the enemy. We then advance farther into the village. I MG down some bastards crawling around, but there's never any real danger of dying. At first, I had some problems hitting anything. I then discovered that the sight of the M2 wasn't like other iron sights: you need to aim lower.
Again I feel the furiousness of the vehicles as they blow the whole village to shreads, sweet!  :gunman:

We proceed toward the observation post and I MG most of the guys lying there. I think this was a little strange. Why were they just lying there? And why didn't I see any RPG guys there?
All the tanks open fire at the MG and miss, over and over again. Trees fall and the sound of the shells is like thunder. Finally the MG explodes, we get a radio message to move on and the tanks do this.
We join up with the infantry and await the others.

The assault on Lementin becomes a massive one. Ruskies are flying everywhere from shell blasts and I must honestly say I was having problems hitting anything. My tank wanted to do all the killing itself so it was not easy to aim. It became like an eager battle horse. I yelled "Wooohaaaa" and stuff but it didn't help much.  I've never ridden a horse.  ;)
My computer is an AMD 1800+, 256 RAM, Radeon 8500. The lag was horrible in Lementin, hence preventing me from making a just estimation of the scene.
Anyway, the battle was over quite fast. No friendly tanks had been destroyed that I could see, and I was still alive. We now moved up on a hill to face the rest of the Ruskies who were to make a counter-attack. This was my favourite part, since the tank stood still. I MGed most of the guys coming from the forest and suddenly the mission has ended.


None, which suits me just fine, although I like outros better than intros.


Told you that you had won and that some M1A1 tanks had been destroyed or damaged. I don't know if you had other debriefings for different outcomes but I don't care much for debriefings anyway. This one was nice.


I had fun, even though I experienced lag and difficulties with aiming. I think the mission was a little too easy. It could have been longer too. You should considering putting some more attackers at the end, trying to get Lementin back. Since you got a vulcan a helicopter could have come and attacked you and dropped some guys off. It would have been fun to MG parachutes, hehe.
Overall I had fun. The power you felt having that tank underneath you, sometimes blowing smoke in your face, was great. Keep up the good work.

Cheers  8)
« Last Edit: 21 Mar 2005, 14:49:48 by Wildebeest »

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #18 on: 21 Mar 2005, 17:29:27 »
Thanks for the review.  ;)

I'll take a look at the breifing and change the mistakes you pointed out.  8)

As for the name, I suppose it is too long  :-[  Shame really. What do you think of just 'Crushed'?

Before I released the mission here, I did have a pair of hinds attack your platoon, hence the vulcan. But it was too hard to shoot them down with the tank moving and all. Also, the choppers tended to stay out of sight. There should be some tell-tale remains of my former plan in there somewhere, such as the vulcan and some AA guys in the town.  ;)
« Last Edit: 21 Mar 2005, 17:29:52 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Wildebeest

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #19 on: 21 Mar 2005, 19:16:57 »
Hehe, OK. Well, some kind of nice surprise towards the end would be cool. Like "omg, we're gonna die!" and then you probably won't. :)

"Crushed" sounds like a nice title. The tanks really crush everything.

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #20 on: 25 Mar 2005, 13:05:49 »
OK, I've updated the mission. I havn't changed much of the gameplay itself, but i've changed the mistakes in the breifing and changed the name to 'crushed'. Download from the same link on the first post as before.   ;D
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Wildebeest

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #21 on: 25 Mar 2005, 14:07:02 »


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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #22 on: 27 Mar 2005, 20:47:47 »
I can't download the right addon. It says I don't have permission to download from the server.
I'd like to try this to see this new idea for a mission. ;)

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #23 on: 27 Mar 2005, 22:18:41 »
Have you tried clicking refresh when on that 'acess denied' screen? That works for me  ;)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg


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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #24 on: 28 Mar 2005, 04:33:47 »
Got it, cut and paste...

Test soon. ;)

Edit: No full review yet. But I wanted to point out some things.

-overview pic is blurry
-using the m2 is very difficult, especially when the turret is swishing back and forth
-I can't get rid of all the infantry fast enough. I run out of ammo and get shot, either by some rifleman or the M2 east 500m away. Plus reloading kills me.
-Why are these infantry lying down? I'd be in and out of town, not sitting on the dirt going, "ooo big bad abrams. Look at that."
-I like this new POV though. Its fun. :)

Edit2: Soz I haven't reported back. I haven't played it in a while. All I know is I'm the biggest bl--ping target on the map. ;) ;D
« Last Edit: 29 Mar 2005, 18:47:47 by GuiltyRoachKillar »

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #25 on: 28 Mar 2005, 10:01:23 »
Thanks.  ;)

I'm not to good at overviews. The only way I can make them work is to get a picture and in 'paint', make it EXACTLY 128x64, otherwise I get a lot of errors, and have to start again. I have no idea how to change the blurryness.  :-[

Maybe I should add some guys running away from the first town. It would be realistic.  ;)
The idea was that they were pre-occupied by the US squad approaching from the East. I'll look into the mission and change some more stuff  8)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg


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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #26 on: 01 Apr 2005, 02:11:58 »
Okay, I still haven't finished. I've been away from the comp for a day or so without OFP.

overview: I honestly can't remember, if something was wrong it'd stand out. ;)

intro: none

briefing: Good, just little spelling irks. Got the info across

mission: The mission jolted to life suddenly and some radio pops up quickly. Off we go...

I get within sight of town and the big guns open up. I see infantry and open fire. I kill a lot and finally the other gunners are firing on the enemy. After getting pasted by some bloody M2 way off someplace I put all my lead that way first upon retry. I kill him and just shoot infantry at leisure. Then out pops some T72s behind the houses. What a trick, I didn't see them till we drove around the house. :o

We proceed to the outpost. A few quick shots clears the place. We then set up for Lamenten. We rush Lamentin and I fire madly as the crap is flying. The soviet tanks are sitting with their backs to us...

The abrams lay into the armor and I hit a few infantry. Our grunts haven't been seen yet. ???

Then we park right where the enemy tanks were parked before. And my tank is sitting in a fallen tree and my Machine gun is useless. We won't move for 3-5 minutes and nothing happens so I jump out and shoot 4 ppl before getting a rifle grenade landing next to me. That's where I'm stopped.

Comments so far: Emplaced guns are a pain the arse. Infantry are laying down which is unrealistic. The enemy placement in Lamentin should be rethought. Otherwise I can't think of much else. :P

More later...

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #27 on: 01 Apr 2005, 10:20:55 »
Thanks for the review. I'll get right onto changing some stuff.  ;)

You said intro: none
There was an intro though.  ???
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline 456820

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #28 on: 01 Apr 2005, 19:41:45 »
right i played this but not all the way through

picture is blury

shows player before the intro

fine gave me enough info i dont really care alot for briefing as long as it tells me my objectives

this is the annoying part we killed all the infantry and all tanks but one t72 that was flipped upside down somehow but then we got to the edge of the town where the westerns couldnt see the t72 and therefore did not attck
so i got out and looked for an RPG found one t72 destroyed
oh wait where are my abrams going they were 500 metres ahead then i got to the save point. then i ran straighn into lamentin to get my abram back
am i going to make it only 80 metres left oh wait maybe not it accelerated. then again i was close damn i was injured shot in the legs and couldnt run so i tried to crawl to the tank but no i got shot

at that point i thought iw ould not bother trying the rest so if you could change the waypoint abit closer to the town so you could see all tanks.

even thought that happened it was still a good level i liked that adon aswell

keep up the good work

Offline greg147

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Re:Crushed under our tracks.
« Reply #29 on: 01 Apr 2005, 21:16:19 »
I think the idea is to not get out of the tank  ;)

I'm already making an update, with a chopper in the counter attack and some other stuff. I'll look into your suggestion.  8)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg