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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Abandoned Armies  (Read 220759 times)

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #195 on: 11 Feb 2005, 22:17:25 »
And I must add...

I wonder how this would go as a MP mission?

Think of it, you and your mates get to wreck havoc on the island and for every civvie you rescue that's another person to be "transferred" to when you die. ;)
Though it might be laggy... :P

Offline THobson

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #196 on: 11 Feb 2005, 23:01:42 »
In deed.  I remember looking at Un-impossible in the editor and being quite taken with how efficient it was.  Minimal use of 'suff', but to add more would be redundant.  That level of polish is a long way off at the moment, I am still moving load bearing  supports.

Mac is right.  There was a problem at the end when he played it.  I am going to re-write the end to try and cope with OFP glitches but the more info I have the better.  Also I am interested to know if anyone else suffers from having the ruin at the mountain lodge sink into the ground as it did for mac.

is a new version expected soon?
Short answer - No.

cause its so d**n addicting
;DThat is what I hoped it would be.  

I wonder how this would go as a MP mission?
MP would be a neat idea, but you would need to get your mates together for a weekend fest.  I would also need to change the story otherwise it would be pretty boring for the likes of Ruslan, Karl etc at the Mountain Lodge not to mention Pavel, Yuri and Marek in the hut with the civis.

I am trying this mission
I am glad you are.  Thanks.  This is a mission that takes tenacity and patience.  I thought about how you dealt with mac's Un-Impossible mission several times when considering if anyone would like this mission.
2 - 3 fps playing speed
You exagerate I hope.
The save file is well over 10Mb.
They are about 5Mbt without ECP.  I am guessing that ECP adds the rest.
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2005, 23:05:28 by THobson »


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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #197 on: 11 Feb 2005, 23:04:03 »
For MP, forgot to add that you'd need to kinda remove bits of the story and just start at the lodge.

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #198 on: 11 Feb 2005, 23:19:14 »
2 - 3 fps playing speed
You exagerate I hope.

Actually no, I'm deadly serious.

To be honest it occasionally speeds up to about 5 fps, anyway, you can imagine how careful I have to be whilst running about.


I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #199 on: 12 Feb 2005, 00:41:02 »
I work from home so I don't have a boss peering over my shoulder.   ;D

The house didn't sink much.    Your top half does go through the wall.    I'm trying to remember how it was when I came back to it that time and I didn't even contemplate not crawling, but crawling was ok so it can't have sunk more than about 18 inches.   Anyway I wouldn't worry about it, although maybe reconsider the building or its orientation.

The last couple of times I played I thought "duh-oh" and kept the last lot of civvies, giving me a group of 12.   As far as I can tell there is no downside to this.    I know you are rethinking the civvies anyway, but consider having them just leap into their transport and make their own way home, not joining the player's group at all.

The history of the statics in Unimpossible is that they started off very sparse indeed - in what was at the time not meant to be a proper mission, they originally appeared onto to help you identify which starting position you were at.    When I decided to make it a proper mission I put a lot more in, and later on, when I was trying to make it look good, I put a lot more in again.     This brought the lag up to unsustainable levels and I stripped out a great deal.   Whole scenes had to go - some I was proud of - so only good things were left before you even start.   They were taken to down to the minimum - every last object really had to justify its inclusion.   If you group things in the right way its amazing how few you need to create the impression of more.

@Planck you are a hero.   I have found 2 fps unplayable.   3-4 is doable but its very hard work.     Never had any real problems with this mission fortunately.
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #200 on: 12 Feb 2005, 08:15:28 »
As far as I can tell there is no downside to this.  
Well if they get killed you get a red cross and also you wont get any hints.  Not much of a downside I admit.  As soon as I saw you were popping the civis after you had got them safe I realised there are loop holes in all this that you can drive a coach through.  Hence the re-think.  

The idea of the last lot not joining the player - I was wonderimg about something like that to help make the whole experience of the civis more varied - but of course it would help with avoid this also.  I will give some thought to what I can do to make them a liability in combat.  If only I could replicate the behaviour of Ruslan when he was with you.  You mentioned you have played the mission more than once.  Did you notice how Ruslan behaved on other occassions?

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #201 on: 12 Feb 2005, 12:44:16 »
I haven't played it properly more than once, I've only been mucking around mostly with my cheated version, now consigned to re-formatted hard drive hell.    Panic ye not, I have already downloaded a fresh original.     Ruslan was always fine, not that I really checked.    His tank always stayed in the right place.    I'll check it properly when I get the chance.

I was being a bit flippant with the "no downside".     I know now that you can still win the mission with civvies dead, although when you pick them up you wouldn't be willing to take the risk.     I don't think the hints are a great success anyway:  they are a bit clunky and they didn't mention anything I hadn't or wouldn't have thought of anyway.    I got hints even though the third group of civvies were killed by the enemy on their way back to the lodge.

There is a real problem with making civvies a liability in combat.    The problem - and I only noticed it when playing this mission - is that in a mixed squad the soldiers all have to carry rocket launchers of one sort or another.   This decreases their camouflage value to worse than that of the civvies.    Therefore the soldiers get targetted first.   Perhaps that is sufficient liability.

Turning back to the war for a second, is there any advantage to the player in not starting it?  
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play


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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #202 on: 12 Feb 2005, 15:26:45 »
@ for starting the war

Only advantage I see is that everyone is mostly peaceful and you're not going to hit much more than infantry if the war never happens.

Like before, when I started the war and came back to find the tanks and infantry had pillaged my lodge area. That wasn't good and the player will have to deal with many more heavily armored or alert enemies. On the other hand its nice to not have your arse being riddled with bullets and grenades all the time... :P ;D

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #203 on: 12 Feb 2005, 17:09:20 »
I am working on the civis at the moment.  They will be quite different - and so will avoid a lot of issues.

On not starting the war:  GRK has is.
There are 450 to 500 loons on the map,  some of them in quite heavy amour groups.  A fair number (but not all) go on guard if you kill anyone on their side.  

You could decide just to sit and wait a the lodge and do nothing.  Assuming you don't do that and want to do the mission, then if you don't start the war you will have to deal with all the loons yourself while avoiding some pretty nasty pieces of hardware that will follow you around.  Much better to get the guard units on each side to cancel each other out.

Well that was my design, but who knows there may be a flaw.

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #204 on: 12 Feb 2005, 19:21:16 »
First off - 10/10 for the concept/story. It's been a long time since a mission has made me want to fight the AI as a player and not an editor.

I'm some way behind on the playing of this. Suffice to say my night navigation was much better than my CQB skills in Vigny; it had to be after I'd fragged the jeep and car with grenades in a vain attempt to not give my position away. Walked up to the lodge - hit it spot-on and met my group. Promptly left them hiding in the lodge area and bimbled down through the fog to La Trinite; it was starting to get light.

Detoured to rescue the civvies NW of the town.  Sent them back under there own steam to the lodge where, except for the res medic, they were unjoined from my group.

Into La Trinite. Had enough time to take in the oodles of ordnance and start the tedious task of loading the BMP ambulance when the first convoy arrived. Spent the next two hours crawling around the town picking off soldiers with a Bizon as they came along.

During this time the lodge group were engaged by a patrol - a nice consequence of my neglect.  Two are still alive plus the medic from the civvy group. The civvy objective is still ticked so I assume they must be alive somewhere . . .

Spent a while in La Trinite watching the two sides have a go at each other, helping out where I could. About 1030 the fog came down fairly quickly and I set off back to the lodge. Completely missed it and ended up the other side of the hill (DJ39-ish I think), bumping into a convoy that was halted on a road.  It was late and I didn't recce it before opening fire.  KO'd one MG jeep but got KO'd by another.  There was also a fuel truck. Try again later.

Next serious attempt, I ended up meeting the two jeeps and captured both. Took one down to La Pessagne and La Riviere before stashing it near Cancon. All the above were devoid of obvious activity. Moved carefully over the saddle to Chapoi and could see why - looked like Stamenov had been attacked fairly hard.  Crawled around and into town Bizoning survivors and ended up in the street behind his tent. Borrowed a couple of grenades off of a victim and lobbed them at the tent.  Got a scream and the 'killed him' speech followed by 'killed civilian' slap.  Got a red cross for the civvie but nothing for Stamenov!  Never got to see if he was still alive as I was caught in an adjacent building trying to get up a ladder (action didn't appear) by a Spetsnaz who'd been called back to base. I'll try again again later.


My thoughts so far are:

Structural things:

Objectives don't seem to consider the ultimate fate of the civilians. I've not seen an attack on the lodge reported elsewhere or sending off the civvies on their own.  If you want to prevent this uncaring tactic you could:
i) have them follow sheep-like, rather than Join, until they are led back to the lodge area;
ii) a weak enemy patrol tracks and engages the civvies after release - if you're not there to defend them they suffer their fate and you get the red cross.

I popped in on the western group of civvies later in the game. It seems they'd been bumped as the res soldier with them was dead. After a slight delay I got the 'rescued' speech and my tick but the four civvies didn't join me.  Curiosity got the better of me and I !Alive-d them; still had a tick afterwards . . .

The arms bazaar in La Trinite doesn't feel right, particularly as it's no-man's land and would already have been plundered by one side or the other. Personally, loading vehicles one weapon at a time was a pain in Resistance - too much like 'It's A Knockout' - and of course it's the same here. Real scavenging is harder but, perversely, seems easier because it isn't as tedious, you don't have to pick and choose.  

If there's to be a gift to the player of a respectable armoury, how about a slightly contrived player-triggered scene on first entering La Trinite - some squaddies loading the truck? Might help establish the tension between the two sides ('hurry up before the so-and-so's get here') and replace the pain of loading with a bit of a firefight. It might also be possible to preload the lorry with mines and satchels and avoiding the problem of picking them up but not being able to put them down safely.  All the signs point to La Trinite as the first port of call so it seems permissible and could add both slickness and atmosphere. Convoys would have to be prevented from cycling through scene until such a setpiece had happened.

Alternatively, why not preload random weapons cargos to all vehicles as a compromise rather than a single big stash? Not too random - right mags for the right weapons would be helpful. As they patrol, it's not unreasonable to expect vehicles to have hoovered up arms and ammo. Alternatively, they could dynamically collect arms from corpses they pass - so if you don't stash them yourself, they may not be there when you get back.

You're carrying an awful lot of mines which is obviously unrealistic. Default mines are far too powerful so it may be worth a micro-addon to create one at your desired power and sound - it'll save 20 triggers as well.  The grenade-based AP mine is a neat idea and I don't think it would detract too much to simplify it to an 'Anybody present not player' trigger to prevent self-fraggings.

Could the evaders and rescued civilians have uniformed doubles swapped in at appropriate points to suggest uniforms had been looted off enemy dead? That would resolve some of the camouflage and cargo-capacity issues.

I haven't tried, but are resistance units locked out of AFVs and helicopters that they wouldn't be able to operate? Maybe a concession for Cadet mode?

Most of the main road villages I visited seemed to be devoid of garrisons.  My gut feeling is that there would be some post/patrol presence even if part of a garrison had been called away to fight.  Obviously, that wouldn't apply to the endgame when it's quite plausible that the outposts collapse back on the main base.

Pleased to say I didn't notice any loons standing around in AWARE begging to be shot!

Story things:

If numbers need to be thinned at the lodge, a group could express reluctance to resist and go off to hide.

Intro music - timing's great, but that 'middle bit' (not the technical term) of 'Mars' seems too jolly go with the tone of the story. I realise that's Holst's fault and not yours.

I don't think the backstory needs any great elaboration, it serves its purpose. The more densely it's woven the more threads there are to unravel. Personally, I'm not keen on the armoured standoff scene; I know it's a representation but it just  looks artificial.

The women - I am uneasy about the portrayal of the women . . . surely the desirable ones would not be killed out of hand?  I might just have been unlucky in where I've lived, but an inexhaustible supply seems unlikely.  Given the evilness of the opposing factions, a bit of sex-slave-trade is not outside the scope of the story (hard to imagine what they'd trade of military value). It's probably not worth developing as you're unlikely to witness much. However, if the ladies were held as 'comfort girls' it could add another rescue element to the mission and also motivation to the resistance.

'Why/how does the player become the leader?' is a question that's been asked. Why not have the evaders unarmed and scared, then you, as a confirmed baddie-killer, are already a rung up the leadership ladder. Unarmed fugitives means having to go to find arms and take them back to the lodge (or risk taking the group with you) and might reinforce the lodge's importance as a base as per Macguba's comment. If Alexi has to motivate them: Cota's (?) quote on Omaha springs to mind? Something along the lines of 'only two types are staying on the beach: the dead and those who are going to die' could be usefully paraphrased to set the player up as the vengeful driving force. Or a Pythonesque 'we have nothing, we are nothing.  What can we lose? Nothing.'

I hope there's not too much tedious repetition in the above - I've been following the thread but there's a bit too much to cross reference!

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #205 on: 12 Feb 2005, 20:17:25 »

Thank you that is excellent.  Some of the points you make confirm those made by others and some are brand new.  

You walked to the lodge!?

I am re-doing the whole civilian bit.

The enemy attack on the mountain lodge is purely random.  I don't tell them to do it.

There is a perfectly good ammo truck in La Trinite complete with extra goodies.  Maybe I should re-locate it.

You saw a jeep with a fuel truck.  Interesting.

You're carrying an awful lot of mines which is obviously unrealistic.
macguba had a good suggestion for this.  It is all on the growing pile of things to do.

looked like Stamenov had been attacked fairly hard.
I am not sure I have this bit right yet.   Sometime the attack doesn't strike home and others it seems to pulverise the base.  I am inclided to leave it and put it down to the vagaries of war.

There are a few illogicalities in the mission as it stands.  I am working on them, the one that I have yet to think about more fully is the one about, how come I get to be leader?

Thanks again for your comments, I appreciate it.


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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #206 on: 12 Feb 2005, 21:22:08 »
MISSION (con'd) - im finaly managed to escape the tank trio, and decide against taking them on single handidly. Made some progress on the weapons front gathered two AAl aunchers,3 RPGs, an AT4 and some M60s and M16/203's. Cleared the 6 man squad out of Arundy and clearled them of weapons. (perhaps you could add another ammo crate by the lodge,empty so it can be filled as weapons are collected). Thats about it for that little session. Looking for some convoys to take on with the 'RPG krew' lol. More tomorow.



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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #207 on: 12 Feb 2005, 21:24:46 »
Okay, I think I may be able to do some serious kicking of arse soon.

Back from where I left off...

I reloaded from where I was before and was getting ready to go rescue civvies to the east of La trinite. Then a big infantry AT squad jumps into our lodge area! I just shot each down having the advantage in terrain and I now have about 5 more AT weapons/ammo than before. ;D

I've decided to save my men for later and leave everyone in the lodge where they don't get shot at nor do they shoot back. Seems to work cause the enemy infantry just pass by.

Anyways I see a bicycle and decide to use that. My jeep & motorcycle are bust from my stupid misfires with the infantry 5 min before. And I want to keep that PV3S in good condition cause it holds tons of ammo + it shields the cabin. So off down the hill.... :o :o... crap too fast, weeeee....

Exciting ride, I get to the bottom of the hill and find myself in a rock field with a solitary destroyed T80. Hmm, then I hear a crapload of firing/explosions towards La trinite and on the hills to my right. ???

So into La Trinite. I kill some leftover southerons and move into town hopefully before any other ppl arrive. I find a damaged T80 still functioning inbetween the BMPs and ammocrates. I move around find the mines (yay) and I can't figure out how to get rid of the T80, it can still shoot easily but its stuck. :P So I move a BMP and it conviently pulls out and tries to drive around. After getting stuck on the building I use a RPG and the commander jumps out cause his mates are dead. I shoot him.... ;D ;D....my T80! I stock it with HK and AT weapons/ammo and I go visit my civ buddies and take 2 of them to crew my tank. I leave the others to be picked up later.

I drive about and see that nothing is happening in La Trinite. So I drive to Dourdan and find an empty camp. ??? And I set an AV mine in the main road incase any other nourtherons or southerons try to drive around. I go up to Arudy and nothing is there, just a camp with a truck. I guess the infantry is on the move. Oh yea and I destroyed the fuel in Dourdan but it didn't explode nor could I refuel there. ???

Off to Vigny and La Pessagne where again, nobody is around and the fuel station there does not work. I decide its time to see if I can hit Stamenov in the back by driving down from La Pessagne. My tank can only take one more shell or AT so I'm careful. Inspect La Riviere and Cancon and find nothing. :P

So I drive to the fuel west of Chapoi. A repair truck eh? Hell yes. A bright shiny T80 8). I save here and this is where I died a couple of times. A few infantry with big ATs flanked me and the civ commander was stupid so with a little HK action the enemy was destroyed. I then drove my tank (I was the driver, makes life easier) into Chapoi after putting shells all over their town. I ran over about 15 ppl before 2 LAWs hit me and I hightailed it out of their cause I got reports of 2 T72s. :o

I got to the top of hill by the fuel once more. Save. And I died a few more times as an abram and a BMP2 came up the road behind me. >:( The T72s kept me outta town and I finally flanked the Abrams and BMP2. Too bad for Stamenov, I'll get him later. ;D

I roll up to St. Marie the back way and find a danger area. I soon find out why cause a southeron infantry squad ran through it. I kept the tank back, the enemy armor is still lurking about...

Then boom, boom, boom the infantry is killed. Grenades or mines?  ???

Oh well can't think the Abrams and BMP are coming! Somehow through the terrain we disabled then blew up the Abrams and then the BMP. ;D Then I hightailed it through the woods to the north with LAWs flying around. I noticed heli sounds and lots of fighting again. Its now 10:00 ofp time and its clear and sunny.  :'( The infantry follow us up the hills and we turn and ice them. Good thing too, the tank will only take 2 more AT hits. :P

I visit the western civs again, but they haven't changed. I get back home and take another jeepmg convoy out. Yay, but we have to get back to base, heard something about another Abrams and T72. :P

I get back kill some more infantry hanging around our cabin and decide that there's tooo much going on to be in a tank. I park all my vehicles outside blocking the cabin/lodge. Then I grab an AT4 and more HK mags and head for Larche on foot. I find the Abrams and T72 milling about the city but they leave before I can shoot. I run towards La Trinite again to rescue the rest of the civs and cause more mayhem. I harass some infantry in the valley and sneak back into La Trinite. I dodge an northeron infantry group headed south and steal a BMP Ambulance. I pick my civs and we're now headin home. Hopefully I can jump back into the city to put some AP mines down to screw with some infantrys' heads when they pass through. But gotta keep mines away from the ammo. ;D

And that's all for now... ::) :P ;)


I'm enjoying myself immensly, I do need a repair truck to fix my T80 but I feel like I'm gaining control. Maybe another deadlier visit to Stamenov.... ;D

The civs west of the lodge are the only ones acting oddly, the others act fine.

Why is there so much unused ammo in La Trinite? I would think one side would just take it and obliterate the other. :P

Mines, had to restart one time when I accidently placed an AV mine under my T80 when trading guns... :'(
Maybe a deactivation action?

Noticed a Cobra went down east of my lodge. I think I hear a Hind, isn't that kinda unfair?
Cobras= 1 AA hit
Hind= 2 AA hits
AH64= 2 AA hits
though I dunno how that would affect the mission.

The cities south of Chapoi are totally desolate of life? Could you explain that? And why some infantry didn't leave 1 or 2 mates behind to guard camps in Dourdan, Arudy, and La Pesaagne? Unless they were killed of course, but no bodies.... :P

I think that's all, damn long post... ;D

Oh and other things
-not playing with ECP, too big a save problem
-Why does it seem the northerons are always the tougher oppoenent? They seem to be winning cause they are kinda in control of La Trinite except for the odd Southie infantry patrol that invades north territory, but they don't last long

-Have a TON of weapons now. Prolly about 25 rifles + about 5 mags for each rifle, 18 AT weapons, and tons of other things.
Plus my new hardware... My T80...
I think I might visit Stamenov to steal that Repair truck to grab some jeepmgs
Actually I think I have more mags for weapons then previously.... ::)

-Stamenov's base was pretty cool, I'm lucky I didn't hit it at its full strength, their were at least 7 wasted vehicles about but 2 T72s and a BMP are still lurking in the city along with infantry

-Stamenov seems to control southeastern Malden and Chapoi. I kinda rule everything else except La Trinite and up

-why do the Northeron forces go straight for Stamenov's base? I mean if it were that easy to go for the general, I'm surprised it didn't happen before I arrived on the island.
But I may be wrong, the southeron base is definatley Stamenovs cause I saw a large amount of tank carcasses to the east of it, meaning the Southerons prolly don't control southeastern Malden anymore. And there isn't much armor left on the island. I'll have to check to the north to try and find more abrams... :P

EDIT2: And I've just read about some woman in La Trinite, never saw her. The only real civvies I've seen were at their hideouts when I tried to rescued them, some dead ones in Stamenov's base, and one dead woman by a house on the road that is west of the lodge. :P
« Last Edit: 12 Feb 2005, 21:40:53 by GuiltyRoachKillar »

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #208 on: 13 Feb 2005, 00:00:42 »
Then a big infantry AT squad jumps into our lodge area!
This happens sometimes.  It is not scripted.
leave everyone in the lodge where they don't get shot at nor do they shoot back. Seems to work cause the enemy infantry just pass by.
That shouldn't happen
my T80! I stock it with HK and AT weapons/ammo and I go visit my civ buddies and take 2 of them to crew my tank. I leave the others to be picked up later
Well done.  I had hoped that with all the armour about some of it would be serviceable  
I drive to Dourdan and find an empty camp.  
Quite right too.  The loons don't just stand around waiting for you.  They go looking.
Oh yea and I destroyed the fuel in Dourdan but it didn't explode nor could I refuel there.
The only fuel stations with fuel are guarded by the soldiers and are shown on the map
I got to the top of hill by the fuel once more. Save. And I died a few more times as an abram and a BMP2 came up the road behind me
Probably Andropov's attack striking home.
Then boom, boom, boom the infantry is killed. Grenades or mines?  
Mine field.  Explosions caused by grenades - so both.
I visit the western civs again, but they haven't changed.
I have just re-written all the civi stuff.
I'm enjoying myself immensly,
It sure sounds like it.
I do need a repair truck to fix my T80 but I feel like I'm gaining control.
It is a good feeling when that begins to happen
Why is there so much unused ammo in La Trinite? I would think one side would just take it and obliterate the other.
This is meant to represent what they are trading - in part.  It is a case of Mutually Assured Destruction if any one side starts anything.
Mines, had to restart one time when I accidently placed an AV mine under my T80 when trading guns...  
Maybe a deactivation action?
On the list
Noticed a Cobra went down east of my lodge. I think I hear a Hind, isn't that kinda unfair?
Cobras= 1 AA hit
Hind= 2 AA hits
AH64= 2 AA hits
though I dunno how that would affect the mission.
I have worked hard to ensure that each side is well balanced.
The cities south of Chapoi are totally desolate of life? Could you explain that?
The are not significant places in the context of the northern front.  In later versions these towns will show signs of destruction and pillage.
And why some infantry didn't leave 1 or 2 mates behind to guard camps in Dourdan, Arudy, and La Pesaagne? Unless they were killed of course, but no bodies
I would like to, and may still do - but that will mean extra groups and so increased lag
Why does it seem the northerons are always the tougher oppoenent? They seem to be winning cause they are kinda in control of La Trinite except for the odd Southie infantry patrol that invades north territory, but they don't last long
As I said I have tried to balance the forces numerically, but the northrons have a geographical advantage in that their base is closer to La Trinite so they can concentrate their forces there more quickly.  It is surprising just how powerful that is.
Stamenov's base was pretty cool
I liked it.  But I like the new one better!
why do the Northeron forces go straight for Stamenov's base? I mean if it were that easy to go for the general, I'm surprised it didn't happen before I arrived on the island.
MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.  The northron attack on Chapoi is actually a reprisal for an attack by the southrons on Andropov's base.  The attacks don't always get though - part of the fortunes of war.
And I've just read about some woman in La Trinite, never saw her
A little joke of mine - actually there are two of them running up and own the island.
The only real civvies I've seen were at their hideouts when I tried to rescued them
You have probably realised that these aren't civis, they are resistance bods that just happen to look like civis.  There are actually very few civis on the island.

Keep going!
« Last Edit: 13 Feb 2005, 00:02:26 by THobson »


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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #209 on: 13 Feb 2005, 02:46:39 »
About the lodge. I've arranged it so that I have vehicles blocking the entrances so my guys don't die so easily when I'm out to the "store"...
Plus no one shoots through windows, I guess its out of style... ::) :)

The abram & BMP2 seemed to be a southeron defense, cause they were never lawed or attacked by the T72s around and in Stamenov's base. Plus the infantry there were rather calm. I think if I ever go east of Chapoi I will find the remains of a large battle. :o

Why is St. Marie just a random minefield with some vehicles in it? :P
Though its kinda cool, it obliterated a squad for me.

Civs acting even weirder. Though I think you got it under control.

Northerons I guess will always have the advantage unless Stamenov does really well. Maybe next test I'll try to reverse the roles by my own doing, cause Stamenov has been relativly easy to attack. ::)

About guarding: I understand.

And now on to my current situation.

I've done well. I've returned the remaining civvis to my lodge but they're still on my team, oh well more riflemen/women... ::) ;D

I then proceeded to leave with my jeep and I come across a large infantry battle only 150m away, I quickly dodge it as bullets are flying everywhere and I find a jeepmg, driver dead. Perfectly usable later. ;)

So I go down to see Stamenov about "borrowing" his repair truck. He said yes... ;D

Though once I reached the truck its foggy as hell and raining once more and visability is only 25m in front. I decide to put an AP mine or two in the base. I do that and attract attention by killing 2 guards. Hopefully I'll see the fruit of my labors later. Maybe the infantry will run into my mine, maybe not, its all in good fun. ;) ;D

So back to my prize repair truck. I drive it away to worseing fog. I hear that 9 has died. Another patrol has got him. The little bastard prolly clipped himself out of the building. ::)

I drive back no resistance and come back to find my little lodge has sunk or risen or something. It moved and I'm sure of it cause half my people were under the floor! :o I told them to stand up and they got back to normal, but :wow: that's just odd. :P

So now my T80 is basically indestructable unless I do something stupid. ;D ;D
And I've barricaded my lodge with vehicles all around to hole up cause this fog is getting horrible, only 5m in front are visable. And I suspect that when I cause trouble the guard units come long distances and a long while later they find the lodge. That's prolly what's happening. :P :)

So now I've armed everyone and I'm also in control of an ammo truck. ;D ;D ;D
Now I've got M21s, HKs, Bizons, RPGs, etc! And my T80 has more ammo.

Anyways yea, I'm gonna have to wait out the fog as I can do nothing at the moment. Later, I'll go out "hunting".  I'll report back what I bagged. :-*  ;)