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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Pebble - airfield assault  (Read 8765 times)

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(Review Completed) [SP] Pebble - airfield assault
« on: 28 Nov 2004, 15:50:31 »
This is in my opinion my best mission, my others werent very good at all but with the help of this great website and all the people on the forums my editing has improved by miles, when I started i coulndt even make people face in different directions but now i can do so much more! Theres my lil' speech out the way.On with the mission.


Version 1.96
Take part in a raid on an airfield, keep your squadmates alive or face certain death, fight tanks,soldiers,spetz natz,help resistance forces,fool the russains,WIN THE BATTLE!

Hope y'all have fun. (If you can guess why its called 'Pebble' you could win a small but not insignificant prize.......)

Edit: This mission has been reviewed and is available in the Missions Depot.
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 00:44:03 by Walter_E_Kurtz »


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #1 on: 28 Nov 2004, 17:46:58 »
Nice work. Why are you calling it Pebble, makes wrong associasions about Falklands war? I hope it doesn't sound like an offense, just curious as I am waiting for the real Pebble island addon.


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #2 on: 28 Nov 2004, 17:47:23 »

Just had a crack at Pebble ( ??? ).  To summarise what I thought - great fun to play and really well thought out.  There's one or two minor criticisms which are going to seem really picky now, but here goes.

Installation - no problems, but the zip file contained a user mission rather than a .pbo file, so I had to open the editor and do 'save to single missions'.

Overview - Good picture but needs a border and shadow.  These can be added in pretty easily with a basic image editor.  The text was fine.

Intro - There wasn't one.  Although not an essential, an intro showing the powerful Russian air group inflicting heavy losses on the Resistance and/or US forces would give a good sense of why the mission is so important, but this can always be added in later.

Briefing - No worries here.  All the objectives on one page is good, and a short paragraph gave a good summary.  The only thing I would say, and I'm going to sound like your English teacher here, is that maybe you could improve the notes page by breaking up some of the long sentences.  But considering that this is a complex mission,  it all makes good sense.

The Mission - Took me four or five goes to get to the end and left me wanting another crack - it's challenging, but not too tough, and the radio chatter, helicopters buzzing overhead and resistance tanks on their way into battle made me feel like I was part of a major operation.  I'll run through how it went for me:

Destroy the Shilka: We rumble up the beach in the M113. Our gunner kills an enemy patrol for us and we pile out.  We head for the town and make contact with the enemy as we approach the first lighthouse.  I get so specific orders so I put down covering fire and kill one enemy.  As we press forward, one of the other LAW soldiers outflanks the Shilka and destroys it.  Objective clear, but two of our men are dead.  Some nice touches here, such as the sandbag emplacement for the Shilka.  We head out of town to meet the M113, and see some resistance units on the way to join the diversionary attack.  Pile into the M113 ready for:

The Spetsnaz Camp: As we move on, helicopters pass low overhead and we roll into the desolate valley south of the airport.  A well placed game save makes me breathe a bit easier as the squad disembarks and we move on the camp.  The spetsnaz fight fiercely, but they're outnumbered by our two squads and quickly overcome.  The camp is very well put together and looks  convincing.  Right now I'm feeling totally immersed in the game.

The Airfield: The Russians in the valley bring our advance to a stop, but with a bit of nifty marksmanship from me (three enemy killed) and the squad moves forward.  A BMP turns up and is quickly knocked out by the other LAW soldier.  We move towards the airport, taking sporadic fire.  Another BMP emerges and I run to wreck of the first to ambush it, but super-LAW soldier gets there first.  He kills the BMP but goes down to a stray bullet.  I line up my LAW on the nearest Mi-17 and KERBOOM!  What was in those helos?  The order comes in to move to the evac point.  The Blackhawks come in and we run for them, scenting victory.  And as I am about to embark, I get splatted by a sniper. Damn!

Overall then, I really enjoyed this mission.  A great choice of location, tough but possible objectives, three very different fights and the feeling of being part of something bigger.  The casualties mount as you go, and you are really on the edge by the time you hit the airfield.  The balance between movement and action is about right, and the save points are right where you want them.

I don't think there's anything much in the mission itself that needs changing.  If you can make some custom radio voices, this will add a lot to the atmosphere, but that's about all.  Some tweaks to the briefing and overview and the addition of a short intro and this will make a really great level.

Not a scooby why it's called 'Pebble' though.  Ah well...



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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #3 on: 28 Nov 2004, 18:50:43 »
Hey Ade thanks for the great review, i'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I left the intro for now cause its only a BETA and i realy should learn how do them properly.

@Uldics - You win the prize (not sure what yet ;D), its called pebble because its a raid on an airfield, not actualy the Falklands. I'll read through again and see what I can do improve it. Thanks again!!!

« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2004, 19:09:26 by GI-YO »

Offline The-Architect

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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #4 on: 28 Nov 2004, 20:00:59 »
On the night of 14-15 May, the SAS carried out a daring raid on the Pebble Island Airstrip on West Falkland. Twenty members of Mountain Troop, D Squadron, led by Captain John Hamilton, assaulted the airstrip to destroy all eleven aircraft. The attack was supported by fire from HMS Glamorgan, while the SAS used 81mm mortar, M203 grenade launchers, 66mm LAWS, and small arms fire to drive the Argentinians to cover. The Argentines were forced to take cover and the SAS moved onto the airstrip ad fixed explosive charges to the aircraft. The assault destroyed six Pucaras, four Turbo-Mentors and a Skyvan transport before the party withdrew.

Despite some last minute hitches, the aircraft had all been destroyed or rendered irreparable and one Argentinian lay dead. Two of the Squadron were wounded by shrapnel when a mine exploded, although not seriously hurt.

My gift to you. Just replace the black with your pic and you'll have a border and shadow. No alpha channels required.

James Andrew Wilkinson 1977 - 2005 R.I.P.
"If it ain't the friggin' incoming it's the friggin' outgoing. Only difference is who gets the friggin' grease, and that ain't no friggin' difference at all."


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #5 on: 29 Nov 2004, 21:06:46 »
Heres the latest version, with an intro added. Enjoy.



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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #6 on: 02 Dec 2004, 11:39:30 »
Ade says it all very well, I agree. If pressed, I'd would make some more comments...(these are only suggestions, you've already done a great job!)

Intro -maybe just tweak it a bit, because after seeing it, I thought I was playing the Rooskies. The idea is good, I'd just maybe add some small end shot of the Allies making the air run. You might want to show the Rooskie POV, but then counterpoint with the Attackers'.

Briefing - lots of info, but you could "militarize" it a bit more, and move some of the stuff from Notes to Main.

My squad got wiped out in the SpetzNatz fight, but I killed the Shilka just prior so felt good (great fight - nice balance of scary/bad/and semi-do-able). I would expect the Spetz to be harder to take, longer fight (yes, even tho my team got cooked).

Had a scary exchange with the BMP and 2 guards in tent at edge of airfield, I finally took 'em. had to go back to Spetz camp and search for ammo for LAW, while I was stumbling around some more Rooskies showed up from rear, but they didn't see me and I poped 'em. Very nice that they come investigating.

Airport - it might be nice not to tell the player that they'll be a chain reaction with popping the choppers. Make them figure it out by aiming at the chopper/fuel truck combo (presumably the fuel truck is the cause). Maybe script it so there's a tiny delay as they pop, and the chain reaction is a bonus for a tired soldier low on RPGs...if they pick one of the lone choppers, no chain reaction.

I didn't have anything left for the last BMP and after taking out a few airport troops I got popped. But I was close! (I actually skirted the whole area and came in on their rear with the other Allies).

Camps all good, whole mission good. Possible idea: limit the obvious objectives (keep it to 2) and then have hidden pop up: "Oh no, trouble,shorthanded, you've also got to do this terrible job of taking airport"...

Just some ideas, very nice mission, well done!


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #7 on: 02 Dec 2004, 15:18:02 »
Thanks for the input Rokket, I like the bit about the chain reaction of the choppers and have changed that and it looks realy cool! With a few more tweaks I think this will be ready for submission in the mission Depot. Thanks again.


Offline The_Mark

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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #8 on: 02 Dec 2004, 19:16:39 »
Good job, GI-YO! :D

A well done mission, and an immersive one also.
I'd say that most of the probs have been pointed out by Ade and Rokket, but I'll do some suggestions for the mission.


A good and detailed briefing, with objectives on the first page. The notes section, however, could use a bit fixing, split it to a few paragraphs, it'll be a lot easier to read, with the plan being so lond and all. [nitpicking: it says vally in the notes, should be valley..]


Shilka fell easily alongside the towns guards, a good warm-up.

Proceed to spetz camp, squad leader gets a bizon bullet to his guts and drops dead right next to me. I shoot couple of the spetzs and try to hit one behind the terrain with M203. Massive overshoot, and as I was still quite far from the camp, it lands right to the middle of it. Apparently it kills the rest of them as I get a message "Spetz camp cleared". I couldn't see what happened in the camp and my squadmates were a bit behind me so there was no way of knowing that the camp was cleared.  :(
You could have a delay in the objective trigger, or maybe have the trigger fire off once someone has checked the camp?
Another thing that struck as odd to me was the fact that, with all the training targets on the hillside, there was no ammo in the camp. None. But that's just a cosmetic issue.

Continue to the valley, bravo had gotten in front of us while I inspected the base and got jumped by the russian squad guarding the pass. I move in to assist and splash the squad, but too late, bravo was already gone.  :'(
Head back to my squad, climbing on the southern hill. Once I get there I spot the fortress and kill one of the guards from far. The another was behind the fort, and I close in for kill. Run around the fort, spot the ruskie, shoot, and MISS. sh*t. Dead.

Retry, back from the spetz camp (?). Same thing again, this time bravo survives but I get killed by the squad north of the valley's west end. Noticed that this time I got a save game in the valley. Missed it the first time. Darn. Again, same thing. Bravo lingers far behind my squad and I get killed by the squad.. And retry. This time I get the squad and the BMP.

Then the airport. I close in with my squad, see a BMP rushing down the runway. I fire a law at it AND THE DAMN THING DODGES IT. I am told to destroy the choppers, but I take the BMP out first. OFP crashes. Nice.

The crash probably didn't have anything to do with the mission, my OFP does that from time to time..  :(

But, overall, a very good mission. A bit easy before exiting the valley though, but I assume the hangars have some intense fights waiting.
Silent enim leges inter arma.


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #9 on: 03 Dec 2004, 08:39:06 »
Good comments The_Mark. GY - waiting for the finished product!


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #10 on: 03 Dec 2004, 11:26:59 »
this sounds like a cool mission, got to try this when i get home from school or tomorow if i cna be home alone and kick up a small lan with some friends  ;D


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #11 on: 03 Dec 2004, 16:03:03 »
Thanks for the review The_Mark, My spelling was never very good but i'll change that. I've never had it crash at the airport so it might just be your comp. In the spetz natz camp there is just a 'east not present' trigger so if they move out the camp then that trigger will fire, i'll look into that. Shouldnt be too long until its all finished.  

@commando, I look forward to your write up, the only issue I have with the mission in the helicopter pick up at the airport at the end of the mission, it seems that when my sqauds been wiped out the blackhawk just hovers around and doesn't pick me up. If this happens to you then I can play around with it and get it too work, or maybe its just me  ;D.

Thanks again for all the great feedback.


Offline The_Mark

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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #12 on: 04 Dec 2004, 12:28:13 »
OK, I've played Pebble through now - but it didn't end. I got stuck into the Mission complete-screen. That's something that needs to be looked into.

Intro could use a bit of buffing up, the airstrike is a bit lame :-\.

The shilka scene is really well put up, it really gives you a feeling of surprising the russians.
But then, I spotted another problem with the spetz camp. I engaged with the spetz patrol a bit further away from the camp than usual, and the ones in the camp decided to help their buddies in trouble. Well, they came too late. But when they got out of the camp, it triggered the camp trigger, while I was fighting for my life with the spetzes. :-\
In that engagement I got a bullet in my stomach and shouted for medic. To my surprise, the call was answered, as It's quite usual to forget to put medics into the mission. I know I did sometimes, and then cursed myself while testing my mission  :(. Good call putting those medics in.

Bravo slaughtered themselves again, but I still managed to continue. Killed the BMP's and the helos. Somebody had a shot at me and I couldn't spot him, so I took cover behind a BMP. He continued to suppress me, which is quite immersive, bullets ricocheting off the BMP. Spot the sniper and take him out, and my squad is advancing on the runway. I decide to try to get to them, and run to the burning helos. There's some ruskie still alive and shooting me, but I manage to tun the 100 meters between the BMP and choppers, bullets whizzing all around me, and some IN me. Got hit at least three times on the run. That was very much the longest 100-m-distance I've ever run in OFP.

My squad pretty much cleared the hangars before I dared to get out of the cover... This s a good example of the advantages of having only a few well-placed soldiers instead of having twenty not-so-well-placed ones. But with bravo around, the few would had been too few, and even now  my squad was able to do it all but themselves. You could add a couple of those well-placed soldiers.

Other than that, and the fact that the mission didn't end (for me - could be that I played with ECP, and my recommendations are, you should too, if you haven't already.), the mission is really good, with  an immersive feeling, and that's a critical factor.
Silent enim leges inter arma.


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #13 on: 04 Dec 2004, 18:09:12 »
Thanks again The_Mark, I will look into the ending, im not sure why it didnt finish im sure theres an end1 trigger there! I might add a bit more to the intro, shwoing some US forces gearing up for the assault, add a bit of story. I will have to change the trigger in spetz natz camp, maybe make it bigger or have a script when all spetz natz killed trigger goes off. I'm glad to see the sniper is earning his keep  ;D, hes got me more than once before! Thanks again you have been great help.

« Last Edit: 04 Dec 2004, 18:15:16 by GI-YO »


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Re:Pebble - airfield assault
« Reply #14 on: 06 Dec 2004, 23:28:56 »

A few comments from me too.

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS, this is a fantastic mission as it stands.

Mission plays fine, with a lot of suspense. It was awkward how I was running in the first town to get one last soldier shot, coz he continued shooting down my whole squad. That town was already pretty action, but I thought that my squad members were dyying very quickly. Also the other Law did a good job on the shilka. 5 men left + me.

The SpetzNatz were not that nasty I thought, killed them all with a mag. They came running out to help their men. (trigger to early)

At the exit of the valley there were 3 men of my group left (so I thought). Went to the right hill next to a halfdamaged BMP and readied my Law. Bullets flying by, sounds like a Sniper. Looking nervously as I pray...spot him. Try to shoot him with my AK74 picked up earlier but he's too far. So I think: he may have a sniper rifle, but I have a Law and know how to use it ;D . That poor guy flew at least a 100 m. Very funny (for once I was was not weeping). Lawed the helos at the right spot (cool).

And here two flaws appear. Run down to rejoin my squad on the runway and the alarm triggers. I get the radio to law the Helos... (but I've already done that). Maybe check the possibility the Helos are already down. BMP takes out the rest of my squad but does not live any longer.
Then the second flaw appears. As I report the death of the last squad member, Number 6 (Law Soldier) appears and is squad leader. Now, he stays 200m inwards the valley and doesn't move. Of course this made the Chopper fail to take off when I reached it. :'(

Otherwise great mission. For all other comments I rally to the aforesaid. I'll be happy to play a final beta if you bring one up.


Ok, 6 finally did move, he just had a very long run now (old OFP bug maybe). Mission didn't end either.

« Last Edit: 06 Dec 2004, 23:36:19 by Mandible »