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Author Topic: Less death more wounds, solution is here  (Read 4091 times)

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #15 on: 29 Nov 2004, 05:03:59 »
Too funny.  You couldn't be more wrong.

No pal, I'm a former Marine and a veteran, and now a small business owner.  Which is why I don't appreciate kids trying to add gore, blood, and screaming men to what is an otherwise very good infantry simulator.

I've never purchased a Medal of Honor game.

You also seem to be unable to follow a thread well.  I never said your "idea" did any of those things.  I was addressing a hypothetical gore/"advanced wounding" script.  If you read more carefully you will see that several times I said your script did NOT require any custom animations, which would indicate it did not include extra blood etc...

I'm currently in the process of adding standard small unit immediate action responses and tactical SOPs to OFP, in an easy to use and intuitive fashion.  My goal is turn this very good game into a first rate small unit training tool through scripting and mission design.  There are several companies that are looking to provide turn-key training solutions to various military branches using off-the-shelf commercial products.

OFP is the best of breed as far as infantry simulators go, and it makes for a fun hobby.

So try dropping the smart-ass tone and suggestions before thanking someone for a custom script in the future.

And you're welcome.


Offline penguinman

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #16 on: 30 Nov 2004, 02:19:27 »
1. execelent job on the script, you should submit it, you may not like it but others will.
2. I couldnt disagree with you more about everything except that we both like ofp.
3. are u talking about traning for security companys. Like mercenarys. I hate mercenarys, they are never the solution to a conflict, only a complicator.
4. A veteren huh? tell me a little more about which war u fought in :hmm:
5. I think since this is a War simulator more realistic everthing is best, including blood and gore.

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #17 on: 30 Nov 2004, 06:45:04 »
* Sui quietly enters the thread and leans his 'keep it on topic!' stick in the corner


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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #18 on: 01 Dec 2004, 11:03:31 »
Hi everyone.

Could this script be very hard to do? AS far as I see it, all you need to do is make a script that activates if the units' dammage is at .2 or whatever, like I know the Setdammage command '1' means your dead, so .2 would be a quater there. Then just make a _unit sidechat "Medic!" with a % and "Help!" or whatever, and then a animation like the medic animation if you 'heal at medic' whilst lying down.

If I can I'll see if I can get a friend to see if he can do it.


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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #19 on: 02 Dec 2004, 00:14:25 »
look at the first page,
kammak, made that script, and u can get it
dont worry about it, the holidays r aproaching,

Offline pexmo

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #20 on: 10 Dec 2004, 10:55:04 »
is there anyway to make them stop shooting a soldier thats "out of the action" in the script. Coz as it is now they will take you down anyhow. Sure you get wounded but they still shoot you up to make sure that your dead.

Damn nice script anyway :)

Offline ACF

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #21 on: 10 Dec 2004, 14:07:34 »
The wounded party needs to be SetCaptive true to stay wounded. Just make sure he isn't going to shoot anyone else though!

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #22 on: 10 Dec 2004, 14:15:32 »
sorry but how do i do that :)


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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #23 on: 14 Dec 2004, 10:38:47 »

      Well, I looked over that medic script and Kamma's scripting madness skills are showing again. Now, I know there's some script gods out there who can work scripting miracles, and I happen to have something that might just help out.

       Awhile back I was searching for an ambulance type script that would detect a dead guy, go out to him, load him in the ambulance, and head back to the hospital and drop him off in perfect condition.

      Well, I still have that script but the guy who made it for me made an error somewhere and it doesn't work fully. However, the part where it detects the dead guy and goes out to him work like a charm.

       What if the medic AI's (Or a player) had the ability to detect a wounded guy after he yells "MEDIC!" and run out to him? Once the medic's distance is less than 2 (Or something suitable), the medic begins playing the heal animation and applies treatment to the guy...Then, in Kamma's script, the wounded guy is healed up and is allowed to move around and shoot again. But what if we gave him a small penatly? INstead of setting his HP back to 0, what about .2? The wounded guys chances to survive are reduced...Sound like a good trade-off?

        Or, if the wounded soldier's wounds are above the damage level .9 or .8(something severe) the medic could "sustain" him until a medevac ambulance arrives. To sustain him would to put him at maybe a damage level of .4, and keep him in the 'wounded' animation (like in Kamma's demo mission/script) until a ambulance arrives at the medics location, loads the soldier up, and drives him off.

      That would be a pretty good application for an AI medic, and it just might work for the player too. Except using waypoints to show him where his patient is.

       I think that making a medic-scenario might be possible, if someone developes that custom menu that allows you to select what proceedure you'd like to use...You could even have fun with it: Amputate the arm of a guy who has a cold. Or even make a series out of it: Go through medical school and end up Cheif Sergeon General.


_AmbulancePos = getPos Ambulance11
people = []
"if ({man} countType [_x] == 1) then {people = people + [_x]}" forEach _this
_nCount = count people

@ ("alive _x" count people) != _nCount
_i = 0
_u = people select _i
_i = _i + 1
? alive _u : goto "FIND_DEAD"

Ambulance assignAsDriver Ambulance11
[Ambulance] orderGetin true
Ambulance move getPos _u

@ Ambulance distance _u < 15
Ambulance domove getPos Ambulance
[Ambulance] orderGetin false
unassignVehicle Ambulance
Ambulance domove getPos _u

@ unitReady Ambulance
_u setDammage 0
Ambulance assignAsDriver Ambulance11
[Ambulance] orderGetin true
Ambulance domove _AmbulancePos

@ unitReady Ambulance
[Ambulance] orderGetin false
unassignVehicle Ambulance
? (AliveP2 == 1) : [P2] Join Player1; AliveP2 = 0
? (AliveP22 == 1) : [P22] Join Player2; AliveP22 = 0
_u setpos getpos EMGOUT
_u setdir 90
_u switchmove "LyingToTreatedLying";

goto "MAIN"


Offline ACF

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #24 on: 14 Dec 2004, 13:01:51 »
@Kammak - hope you don't mind the tweaks to your script for illustrative purposes.  My interest in this lies in trying to break-up the too-surgical (to me) nature of AI targeting without resorting to HD ammo etc.  On and off I've been playing around with ideas to try to get AI to disengage after they hit, not kill, something - with varying degrees of failure.

@pexmo - look at the *** remarked changes:

Code: [Select]
; WoundScriptMonitor.sqs by Kammak
; Tweaked for pexmo (untested!) by ACF

_guy = _this
_dam = getdammage _guy

; *** remove _guy from the firefight
_guy SetCaptive true
_guy Join GrpNull
_guy SetCombatMode "BLUE"

_guy setunitpos "DOWN"
doStop _guy
_guy switchMove "CombatToLying"

_rand=(random 3)
? _rand <=1:_guy sidechat "CORPSMAN!!";goto "next"
? _rand <=2:_guy sidechat "I'M HIT!!";goto "next"
_guy sidechat "Ouch.  This hurts."

_guy switchMove "LyingToTreatedLying"
_guy disableAI "MOVE"
_i = 0
     ? !(alive _guy):_guy switchmove "LyingDying";exit

; *** healed _guy is reset as a target and able to fire in self-defence
     ? getdammage _guy < _dam:_guy switchmove "LyingToTreatedLying";kmkarrWounded = kmkarrWounded - [_guy];_guy SetCaptive false;_guy SetCombatMode "GREEN";exit

   goto "loop"

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #25 on: 14 Dec 2004, 13:11:27 »
testing .... :)

Offline pexmo

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #26 on: 14 Dec 2004, 13:19:24 »
nice the set captive thing seems to work. Although it says something about unexpected aray on a grpnull line

Offline ACF

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #27 on: 14 Dec 2004, 14:45:01 »
Bu99er! Fallen for the oldest one in the book!

One joins an array to a group thus:

[ACF] Join GrpPlonkers


Code: [Select]
_guy Join GrpNull
should be:

Code: [Select]
[_guy] Join GrpNull


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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #28 on: 15 Dec 2004, 02:01:24 »
       I just found a new script, pertaining to medics, in the pending section. It makes the guy call out for a medic using the games voices, instead of calling out for medic in sidechat. Maybe you could impliment that into the script, for some added spice huh?


       What about this idea: When one of the wounded men is down, it randomly picks a medic on the battlefield that is closest to the downed patient (or someone with a medic class) to run over to the guy and administer first aid to him. I could even script that, only problem is I don't know how to detect if a guy is a certain class.

        How about that idea?

« Last Edit: 15 Dec 2004, 02:02:21 by RunAwayScientist »

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Re:Less death more wounds, solution is here
« Reply #29 on: 15 Dec 2004, 02:15:29 »
use the typeof command, i think