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Author Topic: Tomorrow When the War Began  (Read 1868 times)

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Offline dmakatra

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Tomorrow When the War Began
« on: 23 Apr 2004, 23:07:50 »
Or whatever the english title is...

Anyway, anyone read these books? I'm not talking about making an exact copy of the books to OFP but to make something similar. I'm tired of all OFP resi guys who just all of a sudden get's uniforms 'cause they decide to kick some butt or whatever. For those who hasn't read the books I recommend them but if you're too lazy:

It's about some guys camping when Austraila get invaded and they get pissed off and starts fighting back. But it's not like "OK, let's blow the bridge. Select Satchel Charges as gear and let's get goin", no, they carefully plan everything, make home-made bombs, recon the area for days, never take any chances, hardly use any guns and they DO care if someone dies. "Woops, there goes Johnny. James, can you write the letter home this time? I have a headache." is replaced by "OH MY F*CKING GOD!! JOHNNY IS DEAD!!! OH NO!! I CAN'T LIVE WITH THIS PAIN!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!".

I want a complicated and realistic res campaign. This was my only dissappointment with the BIS res campaign, it was not just too complicated to be a realistic rebellion. Any ideas?

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #1 on: 25 Apr 2004, 01:51:29 »
Sounds good, something to fight for, ppl to lose. Need a good island. You cud do the Ressi campaign again...
What do you suggest for homemade bombs?

I got a good idea for johnny dying and all. For each guy lost on your team say that set everyone's skill down some and puts their fleeing up. Maybe even go suicicdal or mutinous, anything can happen. One might abandon you and run off. You shoots himself. One goes angry and rushes the invaders Rambo style but gets picked off a few hundred feet from the camp. It'd take a lot of scripting but it would add realism.

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #2 on: 25 Apr 2004, 10:39:33 »
Home made bombs... Hmmm... When they blew up Cobbler's Bay in the third book they used... hmmm... wtf is it in english... you know, that cow shit farmers lay on the fields to make the growing better to create oxygen (and you can create the oxygen in OFP's oxygen! Hahaha, omg, Im so funny) And then diesel to blow things up.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #3 on: 27 Apr 2004, 07:14:54 »
Sounds like a good idea, but personally, I hated them books.

It's true that OFP cannot totally capture the essence of war without a custom made campaign setting out to do so.


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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #4 on: 01 May 2004, 20:19:29 »
Fertiliser bombs?

O Neil

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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #5 on: 02 May 2004, 04:16:47 »

Yea, it was fertiliser bombs (I was obsesed by these books a while ago).
My opinion, I'm not here to deterr you from making it, but I'd say it's a little too simple. The books sorta focus somewhat on the phsycological side of it, not the majority, but enough to make it a lil simple for a game. I guess that means you'd have a lotta good cut-scenes in there though ;)

Like, if you remember their first attack, the bridge, there was no enemies around, Wich is reasonable for someone in real life, but not really in a game.

But hey, if yu can make it interesting, do go ahead ;)


Offline dmakatra

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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #6 on: 02 May 2004, 09:28:25 »
Well, like I said before, a precise copy of the books to OFP would be boring (for example, they run around towns like 8 hours just to find food, how cool is that?) and very easy for a veteran player. BUT I wanted to have something simillar where the same realism is there. Not like "Whaaa, hey look, they are attacking our islands. Shit man, in the next mission of this campaign we have AK47s and uniforms and 8 Urals"

See what I mean? :D

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #7 on: 07 May 2004, 23:58:36 »
Sounds like a new res campaign is in order that's more realistic. :o
I'll quote my Resistance box:
"New gameplay elements:
Scavenge weapons from the enemy
Keep equipment and soldiers from one mission to the next
Build up your resources over an entire campaign"

Now on the little intro guide:
"The community of Nogovo is a peaceful one; the pastoral lifestyle and relaxed attitude of the region's populace mean that, except for the odd hunting rifle or souvenir sidearm, there are no weapons to speak of. If you are to succesfully bring freedom home, you must arm yourself and your fighting force- and the only source of weapons is the enemy. Scavenge armanments wherever you are able; hoard them from mission to mission, and do not waste them; your sure to need all the bullets you can lay your hands on as the conflict escalates."

Now armstrong if you can simulate that to the point and not have basic weapons being AK47CZs all the time. (The AK47CZ is supposed to the worst, but in reality, the whole campaign could be done without ever touching a real Kalashinkov. :()

Codemasters kinda messed this up here but I bet someone could make a decent campaign like this.
Someone.... :wave:


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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #8 on: 18 May 2004, 16:33:43 »
I think this is a quality idea, and it could really work for the more dedicated and serious gamers. (not that OFP is lacking any of these :D)

I've read the entire series of Tomorow when the War Began, and i LOVED it, its brilliant. The emotions :'(, the action ;D, everything, its great. This would be a great idea. The thing with the chemical fertilizer and diesel-in-container bomb was soo great... I was so impressed when i first read it...

I've got a way to start this off. Lets say, your one man of a group of friends. These guys are all like retired military or police. Although they know that their island is treatened with agresion from the neighboring island, they decide they want to go out on a hunting trip in the outback. For a week or so. While they are out, they notice that things are turning weird. Jets without lights are flying over, and then all of the sudden they start hearing explosions, far far away, but they know what it means. They decide to hide out for a while, but they start to run out of supplies... They are forced to venture out and go to the cities, to find food and the like. This is where the cutscene intro's end, and where the campaign starts. (although u could perhaps add a mission where u have to hunt deer.  ;D )

I hope that helped a litle. I think its a great idea for a campaign.

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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #9 on: 18 May 2004, 17:00:55 »
Yeh and im really into the whole "not actually shooting alot" thing.....well, especially co-ops, i mean the funnest time i had recently was a 2 hour co-op where i got 4 kills and the entire team total (between 4 of us) was 9.....nice and realistic  ;D

Don't know if it would be so fun in single player, the fun in MP was being stealthy, planning our actions out, planning where we wanted to go and what we were going to do, conducting recons before the assault, then planning and executing the assault, all within a non-linear mission (we just had to get off malden, any way we could).....as one of the blokes in the 1985 campaign says: "you should learn to appreciate your downtime, it makes combat more exciting"

But with AI you will struggle to create exciting realism..... ;D

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #10 on: 18 May 2004, 18:34:03 »
Sandvoss: Don't tell me any more! I'm only on the fourth book! :D

Pathy: Yea, the AI could make a problem. In the book they move swiftly... Not OFP AIs greatest area...

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #11 on: 18 May 2004, 19:10:14 »
i'm a newbe :-[, could anyone give me some good mission titles, and where i can find them, of combined arms ops?

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Tomorrow When the War Began
« Reply #12 on: 18 May 2004, 19:11:22 »
You might want to consider your own thread for that...

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: