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Author Topic: ideas for free, good ones  (Read 3078 times)

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ideas for free, good ones
« on: 23 Apr 2004, 05:12:41 »
I once saw this movie called navy seals where they had to locate a stash of stinger missiles and destroy them.  its too bad that the navy seals by BAS aren't out yet.  Once they come out I'm making that mission.  They were at this harbor at night and the fishers were terrorists and they had to use sd guns and sneak around the place searching for the guns.  they had pistols too, but no night vision for some reason.  i guess they could see.   in another part of the movie they were in war torn lebanon hunting for the missiles in the middle of a fued there.  now that was the bomb.  but anyhow back to the mission at night at the harbor, they had this sniper codenamed god and he had this fifty calibre rifle and he was up in a tower sniping down.  it was the bomb.  if only i could find an island with a tower in it that the sniper could get to and cover.  i can hardly wait for bas to finish those seals.  i once saw on tv a thing about the rangers and they had to locate a paramilitary force in the forest or jungle or whatever and kill them then blow up their weapons.  now that was cool.  they were inserted by helicopter in a clearing and trekked through the forest sneakily but they had loud guns and not sd.  I guess the special forces mostly use sd at night according to the movies i've seen because at night time is when people sleep and are quiet.  a small team doesn't want to alert too many people to them.  in a forest in the middle of nowhere sd really doesn't matter, especially against like three or four guys.  thats how i determine whether or not to use an sd force.  I can't remember the script to the movie delta force or any of those movies but in the movie rambo three he was there to help the afghanis fight against the russians.  the same could be done using hyakushikis modern infantry desert 91 and the afghan pack and afghan island and some russian units.  it'd be purely fictional but so is every other mission.  anyhow, if you have any ideas or have seen anything cool that is worth mentioning please post what you've seen special forces do either in a movie or on tv.    


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #1 on: 23 Apr 2004, 10:03:41 »
here goes another idea.  you start off as a prisoner in the medical room and your only weapon is stroke fist.  you were a member of a delta force unit sent in to free refugees from the island and are the last one left alive.  You're guarded by guards on the outside of the medical barracks doorway while there are some soldiers inside armed with only pistol.  A helicopter comes for you outside full of reinforcements to bust you out.  your notepad reads in handwriting, "Year 6 and still no sign of help.  I still hope that they find us."  Then you're standing near a guard at the front door who's looking outside at the gunfire.  You kick his ass with your strokefist then wait inside hoping noone suspects anything.  A delta comes up to the door and opens it like, "cmon!"  Then you grab the weapon from the guard and commence to getting to the chopper.  As soon as you're in the chopper you all get lifted up out of there.  Once you're all at a safe range a delta unleashes his satchel charge on their intelligence building located at the camp from the chopper above.  There's a huge fire (CAT EFFECTS PACK) and they take you to meet the colonel.

and another idea.  Stakeout:  Delta Force recon mission.  Stake out the pub to see if the intelligence we gathered is true.  It may be a russian communications headquarters, if so blow it up.  Watch out for Russians going near it, then begin your assult.  Once you see a russian squad kill everyone but the leader.  Take him hostage and return him back to base.  You'll be inserted by rubber raft and expected to return to the main ship with him onboard.

another mission:  Nogova Delta Force mission:  Sneek into the city.  Stake out the government building where the mayor does his work in a certain town.  You will all remain undercover, as the mayors bodyguards.  If you have to just follow him a few cars back.  Once he's available kidnap him and get to the rubber raft to meet up with the LSD.

CSAR: you are a marine being inserted by a ch53e.  There were two squads on duty from the destabilization of the government downtown.  They both fell under attack and had to retreat them and their supplies into some empty buildings.  It is up to you to destroy the supplies and get them out.  Lots of scripted car explosions on the street n stuff.  Fog present.  Kinda an anarchy setting.

cop mission:  you're called to a public disturbance of a car blasting the radio too loud and when you get there you take gunfire.

mission idea 236 for deltas: (shot down plane, hostages)   a mission where you converge on a downed plane in jungle everon
then head to the closest base to see if theres any hostages inside
and you'll have to blast a wall down to get in...with a homing beacon to the plane which is in the detention camp.

here go some stories from my north korea series:

mission one(RANGERS, Operation BamBoom1:Getitback):  The Marines will be on deck of the LSD as a search and rescue unit involved in rescuing the crew of a Navy spy/cargo plane (E2C Hawkeye) shot down.  vital info will be onboard it concerning the transportation of nuclear cargo from the power plant.  The marines will begin to rescue the crew on the deck of a ship.  they'll get in the helicopter and it will take off.  The marines mission will be to find and retrieve the floppy disk with the vital info on it.  The pilot will be saying what they're goal is concerning the spy plane and what the spy plane's procedure was.  they will fly in off of a ship inside the ch53e.  they'll get there at the same time as the enemy who will come for the crew in a firefight.  might use rangers.  crew from that isn't found at site.      

mission two(SEALS, Operation BamBoom2:Sinkem):  sabotage at the harbor.  The navy seals will be inserted off the coast of a harbor near the nuclear plant to sabotage the ships there.

mission three(SEALS, Operation Bamboom3:What'sgoingon):  The mission will open up with a broadcast from the field of a navy seal talking indicating what has happened on their top secret mission to the garage the camera will show them inside of the nuclear container garage walking around looking at all the nuclear container trucks then some north korean solders enter and a battle starts.  The one with the camera on his shoulder dies.  He'll later indicate that he and a few others made it out alive and with a hostage.  Then, the marines will be standing ready at their camp for the beach invasion where they retake the garage.  A helicopter will pick them up as well as their vehicles and drop them all off at a beach just near the objective. seals blow up the nuke trucks and get out to meet a heli extraction.

mission four(Navy pilots, OoperationBamboo4: Airguard): Navy squadron alerted to protect air bases in south korea, looks like major invasion. beware of substantial aa.  down all enemy jets.  stay clear of northern tip.  

another idea:  you start off as a delta in a hotel room.  theres a spotter with binocs at the balcony and he tells you that its time to go.  you make your way downstairs and start heading towards the target building.  you evacuate the lower half of commoners, then begin making your way to the upstairs part of the pub.  you clear out upstairs and evacuate your undercover contact, and the target, an illegal arms trader.  once outside they get into the jeep waiting for them.  you then extract by jeep as well.  
« Last Edit: 23 Apr 2004, 10:06:22 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #2 on: 23 Apr 2004, 17:36:18 »
mission idea:  your mission is to steal a wanzer and bring it back to base camp for testing.  


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #3 on: 23 Apr 2004, 18:20:14 »
I like all of them really. The one where your in the medical place with your buddies blowing the stuff up with a helicopter and stroke fist, i might make that one.
First rate ideas. :)


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #4 on: 24 Apr 2004, 12:04:02 »
SF use Sd's for only a couple of reasons

1.To reduce muzzle Flash.

2.To infiltrate an area close to a target or targets.

You will rarely see real SF use silencers on their weapons due to the decrease in accuracy and range.

Your ideas are good too keep em' coming.


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #5 on: 25 Apr 2004, 07:10:14 »
the rangers will be at base and call in the helicopter using snypirs air script

version three, the helicopter will move them over the area.  they will either fastrope or get out.  

they will then march to the crash site.  once they reach the crash site the objective will go off.  

there will be some enemy there.  once they spot the enemy the map will be updated that they should

kill them to achieve an objective.  they will kill the enemy and get an objective achieved.  once

the enemy is all dead a song will play saying, "we gotta find the pilot and crew and blow up this

wreckage" and words will appear reading, "blow up the wreckage then activate your homing beacon".  

then they will blow up the crash site to get an objective achieved and activate their homing beacon.

 the beacon will lead them to an enemy camp.  there will be no way in and they will have to bomb

their way inside.  the whole area will be fenced off.  once inside there will be another firefight

to rescue the crew.  once they have the crew (hostage script)  they will call in the chopper and fly

to a new base.

heres some ideas from my wanzer campaign:

First mission(Deltas):  Combat Search and Rescue Team(Littlebirds and Deltas) is assigned to go deep into enemy territory to rescue a downed Blackhawk pilot and search the wreckage to destroy anything left over.  "We got one and it's still alive!  Come on!  Grab some AT's, mines, satchels, whatever.  We have a downed pilot who says he's looking straight at it."  They get to the site and see that there's the badly damaged aircraft and there's a badly damaged wanzur and one guy says, "Look at that.".  They have to defeat the wanzur and rescue the pilot out.  The noise attracts a small russian force(two tanks) that rushes to the scene to engage the team.  Once they get everyone on board they are to evacuate to a base neaby so as not to risk getting shot down heading back.  (Once they get back on ground, the pilot tells them that he was ambushed by the Wanzur while on mission.  He collided his blackhawk into the Wanzur before bailing out.  He also mentions that his gunner was killed in the ambush and that noone else was on board.  He was dropping off some Marines.)  The ARMY has deployed onto the island and set up camp on the Western end of the island that has already been reclaimed.

Second Mission(Marines):  Recon. (Nail and follow an enemy convoy of Wanzer's crossing a bridge on Trinity.)  If security is present bury any bodies after you eliminate them so as not to throw off the convoy.  Plan:  You will be flown deep into the hostile area of Trinity behind the lines for a few days to take part in recon missions before the main force sets foot on the island.  You are to set up a surveillance patrol around things such as bridges and main roads leading to designated hot zones.  If you do hear a Wanzer convoy in the distance coming towards you you are to set up an ambush using satchels or mines to minimize the convoy's numbers, seperating one half from the other.  Once finished we'll have you rendeszvous at an egress point immediately and send in Commanches to give you cover fire.  Notes: No aircraft have been flying over the area due to the unknown nature of the Wanzer's air to air weapons systems and unknown position of enemy emplacements.  Story:  (sidenote:  look into surveilling a wanzur camp seeing its capabilities during its training.  Perhaps using global chat to act as a surveillance mic transmission between BLOOD WING officers going over the Wanzers performance abilities.)

Third Mission(Deltas):  The recon mission done by the Marine Force Recon recently indicated a hostile airbase has some Wanzurs on board cargo planes ready to ship out.  If we sieze this airport good and maintain it nothing flies off this island.  Your mission will be to raid an enemy held airport and hijack a plane holding mechs onboard.  The culmination of your training and skill will be proven today.  Clear the airbase, then have the pilot steal the plane with the mecha onboard and fly it to our airbase so we can get a look at it.        

Fourth Mission(Rangers): Stand guard around our airbase to protect against any counter-attack that may take place while we research the technology behind the Wanzur.  

Fifth Mission(Pilot): Our Marine boys still behind enemy lines have taken on the task of locating enemy Wanzurs until a flight is ready to get them.  They've done well.  F/A 18 hornet strike against enemy Wanzers in the hostile area of Trinity.  Plan:  The Wanzers armor is very strong.  To ensure that pilots come home F/A 18 attack bombers will be flown in to nail any Wanzers in the northeastern area to clear the way for the front lines to move in and occupy a base nearby.  We need this base to keep the enemy mecha pinned down to one area.  If they spread out we could be in for some serious trouble.

Sixth Mission(Pilot):  The Wanzers put up a good fight against those Hornets and now the Marine Force Recon unit is somewhere behind enemy lines waiting to come home.  With most of the Wanzers down they should have made it to the egress point easily but it will be very difficult to tell for sure.  Escort a blackhawk to the rendesvous point in your Commanches and wait there until the Marines get on board then get them all home.

Mission Idea:  Detachment Delta Rescue
objectives: rescue a captured officer, destroy enemy intelligence room
They start off at the base (barracks addon) mustering up equipment for a recon mission from the crates.  A helicopter convoy comes and lands just outside and they get in.  They're brought to a drop zone (a clearing) and the convoy pulls out.  They get out and start moving into a forest towards the objective on foot for a long journey.  They go to rescue a fellow soldier who's been captured with important information on him.  Along the way they see an enemy convoy of soldiers, and a tank moving slowly somewhere.  They're guns are loud.  Things come in their path that are hard to get around.  At times, an enemy helicopter may even unload troops.  Once there, they find out that the guy isn't at the camp after engaging the troops.  They raid the intel room for clues as to where he will be taken.  One of their objectives is to bomb the intelligence building at the enemy camp, so they do that and once they do, the entire base erupts into flames.  They need to escape before reinforcements arrive.  It'll be set up so that once the base is under attack, a truck will come to evacuate and the enemy will have a board waypoint to get inside of it.  They learn that hes on the move and they go to rescue him from the vehicle.  They have air support of one F18 air to ground fighter armed with mavericks.  The island is going to have a forest.  Once the base is blown up, the fire will be in the surrounding trees, all through the area.  It's going to look like a huge blast zone using the CAT effects pack, even when the tank blows up.  Maybe I'll have cinematic music for the explosion and escape choppers for the bad guys for when the Deltas attack.  Maybe it'll be a huge attack.  Lag might be a problem.  I see it happening like, your riding on a helicopter to the attack point, you get dropped off nearby in several choppers, like two squads, then the tanks are moving in ahead of you all as defence.  You land behind the tanks.  Evac trucks are moving in to help the enemy.  Your squad is assigned to move in, get out the prisoner, then blow up the intelligence building.  The enemy base has to be near a forest for the soldiers to sneak up to.      
Situation:  "We lost contact with a 5 man squad from Delta Detachment on assignment to check up on a base that lost contact with command suddenly."          

"We start off at the base mustering stuff from the crates.  Helicopters will insert us and help us escape.  Proceed from the lz to the enemy base, rescue the man, plant the bomb, then evacuate."

Notes:  "Kolgujev.  I understand the place but I'd never move here.  There are enforcements on what you can buy and what you can't just to improve the Russian economy."

The resistance calls you and tells you Rangers theres a fire near the armory and they need assistance.  The base will be on fire and its up to your detachment to take upon a special operation to see what's going on there.  So you head over there to rescue anyone and find out its a Resistance intelligence base.  It's also on fire.  You are tasked with retrieving a floppy disk before the whole place goes up.  You meet light enemy forces.  Time limited.  
« Last Edit: 25 Apr 2004, 07:12:13 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #6 on: 26 Apr 2004, 20:58:21 »
I kinda half started the mission idea where your an officer on this NATO prisoner camp on this island on Nogovo. Two Hinds with Spetz Natz eliminate the main camp and two of yur three guards rush to help. You crawl under the fence and knock out the remaining interrogator who had an empty glock. He was issueing empty threats. You get flown away when your choppers are intercepted by three apaches and a vulcan and your shot down and must reach soviet terriotry. The Davle bridge. It would've been a good idea to steal some weapons from your prison. I was thinking a hunter ppatrol script from OFPEC would help too.

What do you think?


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #7 on: 03 May 2004, 00:54:36 »
sounds good.  definitely a good one for mapfact barracks addon.  So you play as the prisoner in this one or not?  It'd be neat to get the prisoners point of view.  Perhaps he'd be in plain clothes by the time the mission starts because you're usually stripped of your combat gear in prison.  


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #8 on: 05 May 2004, 15:57:46 »
Heres an idea that rhymes:  

We start off at the base mustering stuff from the crates.

Helicopters will insert us and help us escape.

Proceed from the lz to the enemy base.

Rescue the man, plant the bomb, then evacuate.


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #9 on: 05 May 2004, 20:07:53 »
Yes you play the prisoner but I haven't worked on it in a while.

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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #10 on: 06 May 2004, 13:57:06 »
The pub is involved in alot of your missions, just say it:

"i got another idea, one mission, you go down the pub, grab a pint......"


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #11 on: 10 May 2004, 17:51:03 »
I recently made an iraqi mission about the iraq war 2 that we're involved in, and it is a marine squad tasked with a night mission of going into an iraqi city to capture a baath party stronghold.  I just didn't have any iraqi troops to use in it.  I'm not going to release the map till i find the iraqi army pbo file.  I released an iraq pack before with the iraqi army in it, but now i can't find it.  


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #12 on: 10 May 2004, 18:34:18 »
Okay for awhile now I have been thinking about doing a war set in the future where two countries are at their technological peak and have the futuristic weaponry n stuff.  I'd use the united states colonial marines guns, gigans lazer and wanzer mech, n some like code blue marines or sucheys marines and a nice desert island.  It'd be set in the desert in the future.  Niiiiiiice.  


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #13 on: 11 May 2004, 01:20:44 »

Sounds cool, lasers and guns and mechs going around and blowing stuff up. I'd put it in the forest though.

Today we were patrolling and some enemies appeared, we promptly blasted them as their futile bullets pinged off our armor.

Then as we left the forest the ground shook and through the bushes a mech appeared. Holy sh!t said the Captain and I ran my ass off to get back to base.
Our VTOL took care of it though. Nothing like a few plasma torpedos through the windshield. ;)


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Re:ideas for free, good ones
« Reply #14 on: 13 May 2004, 17:39:59 »
Okay here's an idea.  There is an unidentified ship in the harbors of war.  It's a marine LSD but no signal is coming from it.  It still shows signs of life such as lights, power, life support systems, stuff like that.  You can even see people moving on the ship but whom?  You as a combat diver are tasked with being deployed by helicopter into the water near the rear of the ship and then to enter the ship and get the situation.  If hostiles are present you are to evacuate the crew via radioing the helicopter.  The ship is behind enemy lines and may have been captured by the enemy.  Evacuate the crew and blow the ship apart using charges.    
« Last Edit: 13 May 2004, 17:41:07 by BronzeEagle »