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Author Topic: ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship  (Read 2381 times)

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ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship
« on: 18 Nov 2003, 04:59:58 »
Hello Again, all! :)

Here's my latest submision;

It was a bit over the 50kb limit (56kb  >:(), so I submitted it on the editors depot's pending page.  You can download it there!

Well, you might ask, what the heck does it do exactly? ???

The script uses some fancy coding to create a "modified" CH-47D with the ability to act as a gunship similar to the AC-130 Spooky/Spectre gunship.  The forementioned helo will orbit a strike area and rain death upon the enemy with three independently targeted and fired weapons.  The ACH-47D gunship sports a 7.62mm minigun, a 40mm AGL, and a 90mm cannon. Like the AC-130, the weapons fire from the left side of the gunship as the pilot makes pylon turn around the target area.

BTW this is a fictitious unit, but a logical adaptation of current technology and entirely possible.  In my "OFP universe", the Army has decided that it needs a "Spooky" asset of it's own (as the AC-130 is an Air force asset), and has retrofitted the Chinook with a scaled weapons load.

The script was inspired by real world gun camera footage of an AC-130 conducting an attack on some Afghani terrorist scum.

Let me know what you think, and offer any suggestions...oh, and the sniper/spotter script cometh soon... really, really soon;)
« Last Edit: 20 Nov 2003, 01:11:33 by Grendel »

Offline oyman

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Re:ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship
« Reply #1 on: 18 Nov 2003, 19:06:41 »
i have downloaded your scirpt it is good and fun to watch them get blown up


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Re:ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship
« Reply #2 on: 20 Nov 2003, 23:57:02 »
Any chance of a link to the file...?
Cool idea :)
- Ben
PS, on the Virtual SAS's site, they have a C130.. I have a picture of a AC130 droping flares.. They look very similar.. Could this be used..? Site is http://www.ofpsas.com/  under vhicle addons I think.. Looks pretty good/works.... Wait, is the C130 and the AC130 the same..... Don't think so.. Different, not the same :) Should stop asking questions then answering them my self.. Hmm, maybe... :P


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Re:ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship
« Reply #3 on: 21 Nov 2003, 00:44:01 »
here' a link to the OFPEC Editor Depot's pending page where the file is:


Actually, I did download and try out a C-130 (aside from the weapons mounted on the port side they are the same basic airframe).  The problem was that due to the wide turning radius, the C-130 was too far away for my current system's (a 3 year old Alienware 1 gig AMD) graphic setting to draw in the model.  The tracers would seem to come from nowhere.  When my new Alienware gets here in a week or so I'm sure that I will be able to pretty much max the settings, but not everyone out there has that luxury.

If you do have a high end system it would be woth checking out.  All you really need to do is delete the CH-47D in the editor and replace it with a C-130 named "Spooky".  I haven't really messed with having fixed wing aircraft take off and land with a script, but I think you might need to locate it at a functioning Airport as well or it will just try to drive the whole way cross country (had some A-10s doo that once)...


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Re:ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship
« Reply #4 on: 28 Nov 2003, 18:31:30 »
Just set it as flying.. Then there no take off..
Just off to test it now... :)
- Ben
BTW, I downloaded another AC130 simulator (From Noon's site, I think).. Its pretty good, looks realy cool at night, but to plane, just bullets from the sky..


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Re:ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship
« Reply #5 on: 04 Dec 2003, 04:40:25 »
Aaahh... I just love this script Grendel  8)

But heres a question.. Is there any way that you can make a script that shoots bullets from one spot to another? (Similar to how you had the gunship shoot at the target, even though it was moving).  Like having 2 gamelogics set on the map, and having bullets spew out from one location to hit in the general area around the other gamelogic (but i would want both to be movable, and the shots to follow accordingly).., ofcourse the bullets would have to travel at a higher velocity then what you have em at now, so there arent long and heavy tracers...

Actually, i've almost done this by playing around with your script.. but it has a bunch of problems which makes it almost un-usable except for certain situations...

The reason i want a script like this is for cutscenes mostly.. and it would come extremely useful to add that "under fire" feeling in the game.

EDIT: Wow... Nevermind.. i've edited it enough so that it works now  ;D lots of fun just playing around in the mission editor  :P
« Last Edit: 05 Dec 2003, 07:34:48 by Korax »


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Re:ACH-47D "Spooky" Gunship
« Reply #6 on: 24 Dec 2003, 01:39:14 »

Been out of the loop for awhile, sorry!

Actually, the spooky script evolved from a script for exactly what Korax wanted.  It was an Ambush Script I named the Pretty Little Hate Machine, and I'll submit it soon if anyone is interested.
