The ECP (Enhanced Configuration Project) has just been released, this adds effects to OFP without having to edit missions, these effects are fully compatible with MP and SP missions.
From the readme:
ECP - Enhanced config project; Version: Beta 1 - 04/11/03
1. About
The Enhanced OFP Configuration Project aims to increase the potential of the game through providing updated OFP game configuration files. The enhanced configuration provides special effects, and improved sound. The ECP will soon contain realistic weapons and vehicles provided in a future update.
In addition to increasing the enjoyment of the game for individuals, we aim to provide an open-source enhanced configuration for use by all mods.
The ECP adds effects to OFP without having to edit missions, these effects are fully compatible with MP and SP missions.
All effects can be turned off and on in ECP_settings.sqs to suit your needs.
The ECP contains 3 configs:
Normal config (default): No new sounds added, adds ECP eventhandlers and changes the colour of blood puff to match snYpirs blood addon.
DR config: DR sounds in wss format (reduces heavy lag caused by old DR .ogg file sounds) Adds ECP eventhandlers and changes the colour of blood puff to match snYpirs blood addon.
New DR config: Some new DR sounds in wss format (reduces heavy lag caused by old DR .ogg file sounds, reconfigured all volumes to more realistic levels) Adds ECP eventhandlers and changes the colour of blood puff to match snYpirs blood addon.
Note: The new Dynamic Range addon is not yet finished, though it is highly recommended to download. We will provide easy to install
and small downloads to patch the DR pack.
2. Installation
Copy the @ECP folder into your root OFP directory. Now create a shortcut to your Resistance.exe file and modify
the shortcut's properties. In the target box, following 'Resistance.exe', place the following:
An example command line: "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=@ECP
Hit apply and then OK. Run Resistance using the new shortcut to enable the new config. Kegetys OFP launcher is highly recommended
this can be found at his website in the other section.
To use different configs, copy the relevant config.bin from its folder and replace with the default config.bin in the bin folder (\@ECP\Bin)
You also have the option of playing the example map, this will show you the effects that are available in the game.
Copy the _effects_test.Intro folder to your Users\<your user name>\Missions directory and preview in the editor.
Note: To use the New DR config, you must download the wss dynamic range from the ECP page at the OFPEC,
3. Features
The following effects are automatically activated when the ECP is run (users do not have to do anything to get them to work) all effects can be modified to meet the users needs.
Effect Author(s) Description
Blood - (ECP - snYpir) - Blood will shoot out from any man class unit in a mission
Chopper dust - (BAS and Vektorboson) - Choppers will create dust when flying near the ground
Fire - (BAS - TJ) - Destroyed vehicles will smoke and produce fire
Tank shock dust - (Fishion) - Tanks will create dust when they shoot
Tail rotor failure - (Vektorboson) - When choppers reach a certain damage a tail rotor failure may occur
Anti tank backblast - (Sui's concept, ECP - RED) - AT weapons produce a backblast which also damages anyone behind it
Plane damage - (ECP - Stalker and RED) - Planes smoke when damaged
Chopper smoke - (BAS - TJ) - Choppers smoke when damaged
Spectating - (Kegetys) - Spectating script activates when a player dies in an MP mission without respawn
Sound scripts - (ECP - Zayfod) - Bullets have in flight sounds, Tanks shells make noises
All author permission has been granted.
4. Effects Settings
All effects are customisable via text sqs files in the @ECP folder. See ECP_Settings.sqs and ECP_Blood_Settings.sqs for more information.
Any of the global variables can be defined within missions, any variables that mission editors choose in
missions will be used by OFP rather than those in the ECP_settings file.
Changes made to the ECP_settings file while mid-mission will not take effect until the mission is reloaded.
5. Troubleshooting
Q: How do I run other mods with the ECP?
A: Add -mod=@ECP;modname;modnam2 to the commandline in the shortcut
Q: I get lag with the ECP, can I stop this?
A: You will have to edit the ECP settings to suit your needs, eg turning off all the effects. IE to turn off chopper dust you would edit '\@ECP\ECP_Settings.sqs' file in a text editor (notepad will do) and make ECP_chopper_dust_enable = false.
Q: I don't want to turn any effects off, but I get some lag when units are shot?
A: Open up the '\@ECP\ECP_Blood_Settings.sqs' file in a text editor (notepad will do) and change the blood_particle_number to a lower number, default is 50.
6. Feedback
We would love to know what you think of this, both positive and negative CONSTRUCTIVE comments.
Email: (Reds email address)
Forums: ECP topic at the Offical Flashpoint Forums, addons and mods: Complete
7. Credits
snYpir (Effects scripts, eventhandlers, project leader)
Red (Effects scripting, optimisations, second in command)
DeadMeat (Config changes)
PitViper (DR, config decryption)
Stalker (Scripting)
Zayfod (Sounds, scripting)
TJ (Effects scripting)
Gummi (Camera scripting)
Kaliyuga (Testing)
KTottE (Testing)
Macguba (Testing)
Shadow (Testing)
GD (Testing)
We would like to thank all the authors of the scripts we used in this pack!
The ECP download can be found at the Editors Depot under the mods section named
ECPYou might want to note that the best way of testing the ECP is by playing missions, the effects test included will not give you the propper feeling of the ECP.
We are all very pleased with the way things are in the ECP now, though we know we have much more work to do before it is ready for final release. It would be great to hear your suggestions on how to improve it.
It is best to use OFP v1.94 for this addon, we had someone crashing on v1.91.