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Author Topic: BAYONET/MACHETTE  (Read 5302 times)

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Offline wired

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« on: 26 Oct 2003, 14:05:29 »
how cum, after all this time, no one has bothered to make a knife if sum kind? if any one has, or u are willing to make it, or if u hav an idea in the same kinda area, please reply!
We have a problem at 'Oscar-Charlie 2-7' do you read me? Well its that guy with the RPG!

Cpl. Vagabond

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« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2003, 13:22:34 »
whats the point???, the knife would have be a secondary weapon which means the player must have resistance...and why would you trade in your pistol for a knife, if i hade to trade in my beretta 92fs for anything it would be more mags for my primary....knife....you'd get shot before you could use it

Offline wired

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« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2003, 15:38:05 »
what about if you crept behing an enemy soldier who has his back turned and slash his wind pipe? it would be good for killing some1 without getting noticed as the knife wouldn't make a noise when you used it and the man cant alert any1.

Anyway, it was just a thought!
We have a problem at 'Oscar-Charlie 2-7' do you read me? Well its that guy with the RPG!

Cpl. Vagabond

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« Reply #3 on: 27 Oct 2003, 15:39:33 »
NOO!!!!! use a silenced pistol, much better

Offline wired

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« Reply #4 on: 27 Oct 2003, 16:39:02 »
but you might run out of ammo!
We have a problem at 'Oscar-Charlie 2-7' do you read me? Well its that guy with the RPG!


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« Reply #5 on: 27 Oct 2003, 16:50:53 »
Not if you shoot them in the head or the heart!

Beware the GrimMonkey


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« Reply #6 on: 27 Oct 2003, 19:28:25 »
what about if you crept behing an enemy soldier who has his back turned and slash his wind pipe? it would be good for killing some1 without getting noticed as the knife wouldn't make a noise when you used it and the man cant alert any1.

Anyway, it was just a thought!

Real special forces will hardly ever use a knife for killing silently; a suppressed pistol is more commonly used. Besides, it's often quieter - cutting someone's throat is a noisy business.


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« Reply #7 on: 27 Oct 2003, 20:12:24 »
means the player must have resistance

 There is absolutely no excuse at this point for not having it ;)

Cpl. Vagabond

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« Reply #8 on: 27 Oct 2003, 20:39:40 »
true, everyone should be using the latest version

Mark McGrath

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« Reply #9 on: 27 Oct 2003, 22:49:42 »
I beg to differ with the statement real Special Forces doesnt use there knife.  Many many silent kills are better done with a knife.  The Spetsnaz or Spets natz as most of you call them have a heavy training regiment of silent kill techniques using cold steel.  Not to mention one of my friends who actually honestly was a navy seal about 20 years ago (currently teaches his own MA in Las Vagas) talks about using knives a whole lot.  Now granted the silenced pistol concept works fine however they still make sound if your paying attention.  Not to mention that improper bullet placement may make them jerk the trigger of the gun from the shock of the bullet entering the brain.  It is much more efficent to use a bladed weapon due to the natural response of the person to grab for the knife or hand.  This gets there hands away from the weapon.  However a proper throat decapitation is necesary as well.  If you just do the blade accross the throat like your dragging the blad from ear to ear it will not cut the larinx.  IF you dont cut that the reaction of muscles breath being exspelled etc will cause horrible sounds.  That I know from car wreck victoms.


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« Reply #10 on: 27 Oct 2003, 22:59:50 »
IRL, a knife is much better IMHO as they're silent, multi-functional (try cutting a patch of material for your torn clothes with a 9mm), they don't jam and they don't run out of bullets. In OFP, however, you'd be much better off with a silenced pistol, as the guns never jam, and the AI wouldn't notice you in some circumstances if you were dancing around them in a luminous pink jumpsuit throwing fireworks at them and singing opera at the top of your voice.


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« Reply #11 on: 28 Oct 2003, 14:53:36 »
I beg to differ with the statement real Special Forces doesnt use there knife.  Many many silent kills are better done with a knife.  The Spetsnaz or Spets natz as most of you call them have a heavy training regiment of silent kill techniques using cold steel.  Not to mention one of my friends who actually honestly was a navy seal about 20 years ago (currently teaches his own MA in Las Vagas) talks about using knives a whole lot.  Now granted the silenced pistol concept works fine however they still make sound if your paying attention.  Not to mention that improper bullet placement may make them jerk the trigger of the gun from the shock of the bullet entering the brain.  It is much more efficent to use a bladed weapon due to the natural response of the person to grab for the knife or hand.  This gets there hands away from the weapon.  However a proper throat decapitation is necesary as well.  If you just do the blade accross the throat like your dragging the blad from ear to ear it will not cut the larinx.  IF you dont cut that the reaction of muscles breath being exspelled etc will cause horrible sounds.  That I know from car wreck victoms.

I have to agree with much of that, but most people don't have the training to kill silently with knives, which is what I meant. There are, of course, ways of killing silently; through the occipital region of the cranium, by shattering the C5 cervical vertebra, up through the gap in the mandible, or by severing the jugular vein by cutting along the sternomastoid. Or, of course, by severing the spinal cord from the front by stabbing through the pit just by the clavicle.

But this conversation is taking a distinctly sinister turn, don't you think? I blame it on an addiction to medical textbooks (yes, I'm studying to become a lawyer, but I recently bought "The Practice Of Anaesthesia" just for fun...).

The SAS have been known to use suppressed .22 pistols like the Ruger series for taking out guard dogs; they're very quiet, though I'd be wary of relying too much on a round as weak as that.

Possible the best suppressed weapon, IMO, is the DeLisle carbine - basically a .45 ACP sniper rifle, and one of the few truly silenced firearms. It was barely louder than the firing pin hitting the round.

Offline SEAL84

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« Reply #12 on: 29 Oct 2003, 00:38:50 »
I've heard two different stories on this:

It is considered more or less an art to be able to kill silently with a knife, since it has to be perfect and the guy you're trying to kill can still trash around and make noise if it isn't flawless.

Now, I've heard that SEALs, even back in 'Nam, preferred a silenced pistol or SMG over a knife since a single shot to the head is so much easier on a stationary guard then creeping up on him and knifing him.  Not only is it easier, there's the range and ammo element - if the guy for some reason turns around and there you are with a knife in your hand about 5 feet away, you're in trouble.  The pistol lets you stay out of harms' way and still drop the guy.

The second case is that I've heard it's in fact better to slash the back of the neck - apparantly you're supposed to be able to immediately sever the spinal cord.  It's easier from behind because 1) the spinal cord is towards the back of the neck anyway, and 2) the location of the wound prohibits much bleeding.  Supposedly if you do it right it's not only instantaneous, but silent and quite bloodless.

But.......that's what I read somewhere..... :o


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« Reply #13 on: 29 Oct 2003, 00:58:50 »
Agreed; if a silent kill is required, the spinal cord is definitely a better bet rather than relying on drowning (which, if you think about it, is what would happen when someone's throat is cut). Another option, of course, is the classic twisting-the-neck trick, as done by Arnie and Stallone in numerous bad action films... ;D

Still, I don't think I'd be able to kill someone at close quarters like that unless it was in self-defence. In a military context I'd use a gun any day.

Mark McGrath

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« Reply #14 on: 29 Oct 2003, 23:28:41 »
Im not saying its a common things its just something I was tought to do by a very old and very x navy seal.  Also training with the Spetnaz I had the plesure of learning things.  However I personally would rather shoot them.  That poses some questions about where to strike.  As some of you know a shot to the head isnt always a gaurented kill.  Like one guy who just got shipped out with a bandage.  He took a AK round to the back of the head and the bullet didnt hit anything umm I guess note worthy.  THe docks said he lost a little motor function and some slured speach but could probably rehab through it.  I was like WOW.  

As for the 22 thats a damn good round.  A great sniper can hit a man that is moving at 1000 yards with a 50 cal.  A excelent sniper can hit a man in the eye and any distance with a 22 in the eye and let the bullet rattle around killing his target.