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Author Topic: Skye Virus  (Read 2027 times)

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Skye Virus
« on: 22 Jul 2003, 17:36:02 »
Wow!!  :wow: What a mission! I advise, no I challenged ANY decent player who thinks they're good with weapons to do this mission. And scince I couldn't find a review ne where and im currently trying to become a reviewer I thought I'd show Anmac what I could do.


Nic pic. short, But informative


None!!  >:(  :(   :'(


Not the best briefing at all. The spelling wasn't the best, and not enough info was given, etc. I just expected more after what I had heard about this mission, much more

The mission

 ;D yes, my first actual mission review. Okay, lemme calm down. Right.

Shit scary. I aint jokin neither. This mission will actually scare you. The distance you can see is the real killer. Geddit? Killer, you'll die cos the zombies will get you?? ha ha ha. No seriously,  :P right. Upon startin the mission, I look around im standing in the hall of a 3 story building there is a guy by the stairs guarding them with a shotgun. And an unarmed guy. It says if you look on the Notes in briefing 'TIP: GO TO THE RADIO TOWER FIRST', could've been made more clear scince some player mite not check here and go straight into the mission  ::). So I go down the stairs cautiously. There is a body that is in pretty bad way. Every step i take im expecting to see him stand up and lunge at me. No, he stays down. He's dead. I take his S&W handgun. 6 bullets. yay! By now I am really scared looking around, can't see a bloody thing. Right, I take the jeep with the Machine Gun on and start towards the radio tower, once I get there I get a message saying 'Radio Parts have been scattered across the island, collect them' great!! Lets go look for little bits of a radio while being hunted down by an army of the undead!!! Sounds fun! Anyway, I start towards a farmhouse, and get out. Get the first radio piece and then get back in my jeep and start driving towards the next one.

5 mins later: Shit, im outta fuel. My car stops in the middle of the road, wait look! There is someone walking along the side of the road. Maybe they can help? I get out. Waitta minute. I'm no doctor but I was pretty damn sure that people don't walk around with giant gashes in them and holes in their faces. Wait, yep lemme confirm it. Yep, thats a zombie. Pretty, huh? Hold on lemme just kill it. BANG! huh? a shot to the chest didn't even slow it down. BANG! Die you zombie freak. BANG! Straight to the head she goes down. Bloody hell that gun makes enough noise to wake up the dead. Oh yeah they're already awake!! man, im funny. Aww, im gonna go back to the car. Oh crap, theres about 6 zombies coming towards me. I have 3 bullets. Plus, I couldnt hit a blue whale with this gun. I run. For about 5 minutes. The lighting keeps changing and its really pissing me off. I find a truck, I can't see anything. Suddenly, the whole place lights up like a christmas tree.....Everywhere, there are bodies everywhere. US troops. Looks like they got massacared. I take an M16 and 3 magazines, and 2 Hand grenades. Thats not too bad, plus there is some more ammo if I need it later. I run into town, there are some more army guys, but the lights over there are out and im to much of a chicken to go over there. I here running. Crap. Three of them. I open up on them with my M16 it takes 3 bursts to put the first one down. I fire but its too late, hes jumped on me and is biting down I manage to shoot him in the leg and carry on running, I turn around and manage to get a head shot on one of them. The other keeps coming. Crap I need to reload. I pull out my S&W pistol. BANG! BANG! BANG! Shit im outta ammo. But at least that Zombie is down. I carry on running. Great, 4 more of them. I turn around and run the other way. Yay! Im surrounded. I make a break for a building and start climbing the stairs. To my suprise the AI actually follows me. I get on the roof using the ladder. And Im stucke there. The zombies are below but can't climb the ladder. And I'll die from sucha fall. Well, I'll write back when I find a solution to this.

Offline Artak

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jul 2003, 19:53:20 »
oh for the love of god max, send your 'training'(kiss ass) reviews to Anmac with e-mail as he's instructed you  ;D ;)
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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jul 2003, 21:33:33 »
Oh yeah. I 4got about that  :o damn im stupid. Cheers Artak

Offline .pablo.

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jul 2003, 21:37:38 »
you are supposed to review this mission and send it to anmac:


and i know it's scary, but it's being made a lot better, so don't review it quite yet...
« Last Edit: 22 Jul 2003, 21:38:36 by pablo_m123 »


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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #4 on: 22 Jul 2003, 21:39:37 »
Yes, I no dat  ::) but in the thread started by me How 2 become a mission reviewer or something along those lines. I state twice that the mission doesent work for me

Offline .pablo.

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #5 on: 22 Jul 2003, 22:21:26 »
and anmac said that if u can't get it to work you can't be a reviewer, because part of the job is gettin the mission to actually work

for example if the mission maker forgot to include a required addon, it is your job to hunt down which addon is needed, find out where to get it, download it, and play the mission so that it can be reviewed.
« Last Edit: 22 Jul 2003, 22:29:10 by pablo_m123 »

Offline Artak

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #6 on: 22 Jul 2003, 22:40:38 »
it is your job to hunt down which addon is needed
Actually it's not.

But you do have a point though. I'm sure Anmac didn't select a faulty mission to be reviewed as an application.
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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #7 on: 22 Jul 2003, 23:03:08 »
and anmac said that if u can't get it to work you can't be a reviewer, because part of the job is gettin the mission to actually work

is it now illegal to try and do another mission review?

Artak thanks 4 ur support

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #8 on: 22 Jul 2003, 23:06:56 »
I'm sure Anmac didn't select a faulty mission to be reviewed as an application.

sure its not faulty - its his mision (or mebe dat make it faulty ??? J/K anmac is 1 of da best ;D)

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline .pablo.

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #9 on: 23 Jul 2003, 00:49:28 »
ok maybe not if they forget to include a required addon; but if a person submits a mission that works fine on their system and the system of their beta testers, and it doesn't work on yours, you can't just hand it back and say "it doesn't work you don't get a review"

is it now illegal to try and do another mission review?

unless anmac has played the mission you reviewed, he has no way of judging how accurate your review is.  if he told you you could review it, then ignore me
« Last Edit: 23 Jul 2003, 00:53:01 by pablo_m123 »


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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #10 on: 23 Jul 2003, 02:14:00 »
You over 18?

The sticky topic does say you are required to be over 18 to be staff.

Why do you think we have a "date of birth" field on the "join the team" page.

If you are under 18 you can do the same thing in the beta testing forum and by posting a review in the comments field of missions in the mission depot.

Our reviews are supposed to be more of a technical look at the mission, not just a walk through of how to complete the mission.

Offline .pablo.

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #11 on: 23 Jul 2003, 02:22:14 »
it feels good not being the one getting yelled at for once, feels real good...

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Re:Skye Virus
« Reply #12 on: 23 Jul 2003, 17:38:54 »
it feels good not being the one getting yelled at for once, feels real good...

*yells* ;D