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Author Topic: Afghanistan  (Read 5198 times)

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Ram TN

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« on: 02 Sep 2002, 10:58:51 »
Hey, how about making an Afghanistan mission? Not one about the current conflict there, but one about the Soviet invasion to Afghanistan. The time of that invasion is also very close to OPF's time, so it would fit well. I don't have a lot of ideas about that, just the concept.

Offline Nixer6

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« Reply #1 on: 06 Sep 2002, 11:32:43 »
Good Idea, tough to model though. So many outside factors affect combat. Advantage Mujahdeen or advantage Russia? In a fair fight (in ofp) a Russian mech unit would clean a bunch of Rag Head Butt!

Set up some Rebels in good ambush though, different story. That's how they did it. That's the only way to do it. Sneak up on the guy and kil him when he isn't looking! Strategy and Tactics all rolled in one!

  If one of our resident "Rocket Scientists" could come up with a way to script a campaign that would progress based on performance, OFP would be even better!

I digress, YES 1980's Afghanistan would be interesting. Especially the mission where Bin Laden dies young ;D


Why do I have to be a Rocket Scientist to make a good mission?

O Neil

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« Reply #2 on: 10 Oct 2002, 09:36:45 »
Yo, I reacon that it would be a real cool idea.

You should make it a campaign and start with like a video clip (If possible) or a cutscene or something. Then you could like, be a marine or SAS dude that goes into the mountain 'Caves' then Kabul etc.

But you would need people that can help you with WRP Edit (Very important) and scripters and mabey a few modelers or whatever.

I've made a pretty crap mission on afganistan, but it uses some map, I't uses the map "West Leach Springs" Ideal for afganistan.

But if you want it pro, make your own map.

If your thinking of going ahead I wouldn't mind helping.....if I could cause I know about mission making, but beginner in scripting.

Wheeeew....... :P


O Neil


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« Reply #3 on: 12 Oct 2002, 17:20:26 »
 ::)The americans or british weren't in combat with the russians at anytime in the 1980s afganistan, however unofficially its beleived there supplied weapons to the mujahdeen, So O Neill :-\, SAS and Marines would not be there :o. The russians found it difficult with afganistans terrain to move armour through, forced to send infantry in that were crushed by ambush attacks and which later forced the retreat of the russians. Virtually the mujahdeen were the resistance, against one powerful enemy, but easy to target army.(sounds familiar) Anyway It'd be great to recreate this campaign, maybe make both russian and mujahdeen missions. Also the island it was played on would have to be very rugged and mountainous.
Great idea though ;) and has some potenial unlike the current afganistan campaign which doesn't have a lot of storyline at the moment.

O Neil

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« Reply #4 on: 13 Oct 2002, 04:41:09 »
O KJnow, I'm talking about operation anaconda, I know your talking anout.......ok I lose.


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« Reply #5 on: 13 Oct 2002, 16:00:57 »
I posted a request for some Mujahadeen units to be made a week or so ago purely for this war of 1979-1989. I think it would be a seriously good MOD if  a team got together of people interested in this war.
Like 'Robbo' said this Afghan war has a start and finish to it and a storyline to follow:

"The communist party in Afghanistan was first formed in 1965. Daoud, though not a communist, was an ally of the soviets. He first allied himself with the Soviets in 1954 when he asked for military aid in order to protect the border between Pakistan and Afgahnistan. Daoud was asked to resign in 1963 because he has increased the countries' independance on the Soviets. However, in 1973, he came back into power with the help of pro-Moscow communists. As soon as 1975, however, Daoud began to change his policies towards the communists. He ousted several communists from goverment positions and had himslef elected president to legitmize his regime.
He also attempted to reconcile with Pakistan which aggrivated the Soviets. Thus, in April 1978, the Afhghani communists, with the help of the Soviets, assasianted Daoud. A new socialist government was set-up. Mohammad Taraki is named Prime Minister and the country is remanmed the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. However, uprisings from the middle class and peasents weakened the new governent. In 1979 the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in order to protect the new socialist government.
The Soviet invasion that began on Christmas Day 1979 involved four Motor-Rifle Divisions, two Airborne Divisions, as well as paratroopers, Spetsnaz special forces, and KGB secret police.  Within less than two weeks the soviets had occupied Kabul, the Afghan capital.  By the end of January 1980, there were 50,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan; their numbers increased to 80,000 by the end of the summer.  Although the invasion had been carried out seemingly without effort, the "real war" had only just begun...
The war for the Soviets was an unparalleled disaster much like the Vietnam war was for the USA. In 1988 the 115,000 Soviet soldiers begin to withdraw after losing an estimated 15,000 troops in ten years"

Offline @cero

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« Reply #6 on: 20 Oct 2002, 20:31:56 »
hey, guys, how I missed this post? I don't know.
I been interested in a campaign like that for some time now, after I read the book The Shooting Gallery from the former SAS Gaz Hunter I reallice that a campaign about the Soviets in Afganistan conflict would be really good.
 About the West units in this conflict, there wa a very little number of West units working from Pakistan and some others working with the Muhahiden, but bery few really, posibli there was only no more than 10 experts in all the time the conflict toke, there was some SAS and some American too, the idea was to give the resistance some defence from the devasteting Hinds and MIGs, that was the bigest problem for the Muhahiden, there was a secret agency helping the Muhahiden to fight the Soviets because the conflict was in the middle of the cold war and West didn't wonted another country dominated by a comunist regim. Thats were the author of the mentioned book came, hi left the SAS on his therties because of personal problems with his missus and daughter and after a whille the mentioned agency call him to train the Muhahiden on the use of American made ground to air missiles and by the way hi trained them on modern fighting techniques that helped the Muhahiden to win the war against the Ruskies. The Shooting Gallery is a really good book that will help and inspire anybody interested in this kind of missions for OFP or any other missions, this book inspired the 3 diferent projects that I'm working on now and they are completly diferent from each other.
If any of you needs a hand on this Afgan war thing let me know please.
Later all.


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« Reply #7 on: 22 Oct 2002, 19:41:04 »
With the succes of the Soviet Helicopter Gunships against the Mujhadeen, certain countries with interestes in that area supplied heavy weapons namely AA missiles. First it was the British Blowpipe AA missile. But the success rate increased with the far superior American Stinger missile system. Although they were indirectly involved with fighting the western countries  trained many of the afghans. The CIA as usual couldnt help but meddle in another countries foreign affairs. I think it would be prety cool to have a few missions simialr to these events.
I dont know if its true for sure, but i have read on a russian forum that a group of 'Mercenaries' of western origin actually took part in the fighting alongside the Muj payed  by the CIA.

To be honest i think it would be good to play from both sides point of view,Soviet and Mujahadeen. So please someone start making some decent add ons, and we can start making some missions of this conflict!

Offline @cero

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« Reply #8 on: 22 Oct 2002, 23:53:56 »
is a few good addons allready that would be good for that, but is things like the Mujahideen troops that are not anywhere at all to be founded, it wouldn't be a dificult addon to make, another thing that I been trying to make while I'm learning to build islands is a decent canyoniced dessert island, I was mesiing about with Terragen and I created some stuning terrains with it, but its something that I mised when transfering to the other programs that don't give me any results, all I can make with Terragen so far is pictures :-[ :'(
but a nice terrain would be really apreciated.
Later all.


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« Reply #9 on: 23 Oct 2002, 17:50:21 »
Im seeking addons to depict the 1979-1989 conflict, like the armour and infantry uniforms of the time, i dont want to use current stuff. Be cool if a team formed up  and produce some high quality add ons. I tried making a Muj soldier model myself but i gave up, basicly I dont have the time or the skill  :P

@cero, yes it would be cool to have some mountainous regions with caves, ledges and over hangs.

Offline @cero

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« Reply #10 on: 23 Oct 2002, 19:17:38 »
So why don't we start a mod? I don't have lots of spare time as it is and I'm trying to sort out a pair of projects that I got in OFP but an Afganistan Russia conflict mod could work really well,I'm sure I would be able to get the time from somewhere ;D all we have to do is get the web space and star recruiting people, I'm sure we wouldn't have a problem to find a cuple of good addon makers and the rest of the team.
Just an idea.
Later all.

Offline @cero

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« Reply #11 on: 27 Oct 2002, 22:11:18 »
Oh no answers? I think it would be really good, anyone interested let me know by emailing me or by instant message please.


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« Reply #12 on: 26 Nov 2002, 12:59:39 »
Well @CERO and I have started a mod on the subject (so if u wanna join IM or Email us)
the war actually went for nearly 10 years so what do you think would be the best way of incorporating a 10 year military campaign into a mod??

Offline @cero

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« Reply #13 on: 26 Nov 2002, 19:49:13 »
We don't want this post to become locked by trying to recruit people from here, so as soon I got the site on the air I'll post some recruitment stuff in the training depot, but this post should go back to life anyway.
 Any good ideas for missions or if any of you have any thoughts about that just drop us a line.
Later all.


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« Reply #14 on: 26 Nov 2002, 21:28:56 »
Nothing personal, but I will not play that mission...
I hate russians... "Still there is finnish soldiers blood in our bodies" - Finland will strike back someday ! Someday...

Still thats great idea !  ::)