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Author Topic: Mine sweepers  (Read 2454 times)

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Mine sweepers
« on: 20 May 2004, 20:45:53 »
There are ways to put mines down but no way to pick them up or destroy them.

I was watching a D Day thing where they had to get past the defenses. So they invented this tank with a giant roller on it with chains whipping around and that would activate  the mine. Only the chains had to be replaced.
The tank was not hurt since the roller is far away from it. Anything like that possible? :)


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #1 on: 20 May 2004, 20:52:13 »

There are ways to put mines down but no way to pick them up or destroy them.

Incorrect, GRK...

Instead of the 'Chain-Roller-tank-thing', we have a better invention... They're called engineers. ;D

Play Sui's Facile Ground, and you should see how it's possible for engineers to defuse a mine field. It can definately be done.

Facile Ground is available at the Missions Depot.

Recently, I sound like a salesman/ publicist for Facile Ground... Hopefully this will wear off. ;D :P

Still, a giant-roller-tank could still be made to automate the process. Anyone know if there's a modern day equivolent?

-Supreme Commander PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions Studios


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #2 on: 20 May 2004, 21:07:29 »
Yeah but under fire? I wouldn't want to be the dude working over this exlosive with bullets cracking over my head. That's why it was designed for D Day.
Fine I'll get Facile Ground. Jeez where do I sign the lease PSYWarrior? :D


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #3 on: 20 May 2004, 21:25:32 »
Jeez where do I sign the lease PSYWarrior?

Seriously, just setcaptive the engineers before sending them to defuse the mines. I don't know if enemies would deliberatly pick off a group of engineers, but engineers were used in WWII more than Chain-tanks were! They were the first on the beaches at Normandy, as they had to clear out all the beach defenses ... What a job. Many engineers were killed, of course. :-\ :'(



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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #4 on: 20 May 2004, 21:39:16 »
Well DDay those tanks were used but of course out in the field...Imagine ramming infantry, ouuh oww snap snap...

Imaginary: German: Look the engineers are landing look!
Lets let them land and dispose of all our defenses, lets give the allies a chance...

Or maybe a way to blow up mines with out engineers or tanks. A hand grenade? :-\


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #5 on: 20 May 2004, 22:52:21 »
on a slightly different note... are ther any water mine addons for flashpoint? It would be dead usfull if there was a minlayer/minesweeper ships in flashpoint...


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #6 on: 20 May 2004, 23:22:57 »

ColdFire, check out the Everon Cartel's Barracuda Gunboat, it has the ability to deploy working mines over water.

No minesweepers yet, though.



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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #7 on: 21 May 2004, 00:05:33 »
Ok, Where exactly can i find it? the internet is a big place...


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #8 on: 21 May 2004, 01:39:05 »
they are called hobarts funnies and they saved a lot of lives and cleared mines faster than the engineers, so the show said lol

they are cool though id like to see the good ol bangalore torpedo also


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #9 on: 21 May 2004, 01:52:08 »
One of the edtior add ons had a floating water mine in it.
Gunslingers or kegetys?
It was kinda cool. Still I want some simple machine or vehicle to remove mines. Sometimes you can set your own ones to off but......

It'd be cool to have like a M60 chassis with a smaller shorter cannon and mine bursting capabilities.

More on DDay designs.
Originally the guys building this stuff made this steel rack with train like wheels that were heavy. THere were four and each one could take a blast but after they were all gone, the rack started dragging it had to be fixed.
Then they had these steel roller wheels on pivot arms.
The blast would send it flying over the front part of the frame. The tank would then back up and the wheel would fall into the blast crater. The tank rolls forward the wheel goes back to its original position.

Original position

After blast


Tank rolls back and wheel goes in crater and walla, the thing is back in original postion. Geinus.... ;)

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #10 on: 21 May 2004, 10:07:15 »
About using engineers instead: Not sure if I like this idea. According to a post about mines I posted quite a while ago the military doesn't prefer such a sofisticated method. They preferd blowing the mines up. Saves time and risk of being blown away. Therefor I amazingly prefer addon instead of scripting, something I don't think I ever thought I would've said.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #11 on: 21 May 2004, 10:59:18 »
Armsty: Good point about the reduced risk of destroying the mines at range, But at the end of the day, the destruction of the mines would have to be scripted in the addon anyway.

What kind of addon would you suggest for blowing the mines up? Presumably, some sort of vehicle that could spread light explosives over a wide area?

Failing that you could simulate it with an existing vehicle (for eg, the M2A2: Fires at the mines, explosions are created over a wide area (simulating a wide dispersal - like a flak cannon. Except on the ground...), and the mines are 'destroyed' using scripts).

Tricky to do outside cutscenes/ set pieces, though. Nevertheless, creating an autonomous mine defusing unit is feasable, if not particularly easy.

The tricky part is getting the unit not to fire at the minefields when there are already friendly units in there...

I want to see this now... the whole minefield going up with an almighty *BOOM* ;D


Ok, Where exactly can i find it?
The Everon Cartel's website ::)
Look on the OFPEC Affilliated mods page, I think it's listed on there.

P.P.S. - It all depends on what era you are looking for... If you're building a WW2 mission, you obviously want the one that GuiltyRoachKilla is describing. I don't know what the modern equivolent is, so the above is just a suggestion on an effective method of blowing a minefield.

BTW, Armsty, found a problem with your solution: If there are friendlies stuck in the mine field, you're going to have to use engineers. You can't really just blow them all up...
« Last Edit: 21 May 2004, 11:04:42 by PsyWarrior »


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #12 on: 21 May 2004, 21:23:55 »
I was thinking along the lines of a modern day equivalent.
Still a hand grenade should be able to blow up a mine come on....

As for the units stuck the minefield, who would know, just keep your crew quiet. ;) ;D

New suggestion, the planes that carry the explosive, CBUs? The bombs that break into mini ones (cluster bombs thats it!) could be effective on a smaller scale should the infantry mark the area with smoke.


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #13 on: 21 May 2004, 22:13:45 »
Yeah, grenades and other explosives definitely blow up mines. :-/

I don't know if anyone's been able to get past this problem, but maybe the ECP mod will...

As soon as the chain hits the mine, the mine would damage the tank, instead of the chain harmlessly flying in the air, and would launch the tank either 15-30 feet up in the air, or 20 feet backwards and facing down. :-\


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Re:Mine sweepers
« Reply #14 on: 22 May 2004, 00:03:14 »
Well that chain thing was back in the 40s when mines weren't as powerful and the brace arm holding the chain was a long ways away from the actual body of the tank.