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Author Topic: Mogadisu, somalia 1993 campaign thing. Anyone interested in making a campaign?  (Read 4475 times)

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Does anyone want to make a Black hawk down campaign?

I have loads of information, such as the below  


In 1992, a war lord by the name of Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who was in control of the former capitol of the country "Mogadishu" had been killing starving civilians in what was apparent genocide: killing off members of rival clans. The country had been in a famine (still is to some extent, but not nearly to the extent of the early 90's) and Aidid's clan was stealing food from the other clans in addition to killing off the members of those clans. The United Nations had stepped in to provide food to the starving Somali's, with a force of over 25000 Marines (I want to say 25,800.) The Marines in Somalia took some casualties that lead to Newsweek cover stories showing the Aidid militia dragging Marine bodies through the streets, descrating them and dismembering them. After peace was relatively restored, the US sent in Task Force Ranger to find and arrest Aidid.(www.muddysmind.com)

It could start with UN missions, and then Ranger missions...etc

Attatched file contains some ideas for missions.

I need a couple of mappers, some voice actors,a beta tester and a scripter, if you are interested, email duckfoot_2@hotmail.com





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It's already being done (By Kuro I believe).


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OFPEC does not allow recruitment on the forums. I suggest you head over to the Recruitment Depot if you are looking for OFP personal to join your project

Offline Sui

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Proximo's right, except for the fact that the recruitment depot isn't quite operational yet...

I'll leave this thread open provided it is used for mission discussion and not recruiting.

Good luck with your project, Duckfoot ;)


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I read the book and watched the movie but I didn't know Marines were in there, I though it was UN/10th Mt. Division and then Rangers/Delta. :D

I like everyone's enthusiamsim but I have not seen any fairly good BHd missions yet although it is talked of a lot. :o

If you can do it right, I applaud and congradjulate you. You screw up, then you just wasted one long time...... :'(

Do it right or don't do it at all. :thumbsup:

PS Wow this should be one of those quotes when you die in OFP.

Do it right or don't do it at all.


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IF you mean what I think you  mean, the marines were UN marines, Not US or British.

I could do with some people to help me (!) ;)

and it will be good.

And if it is bad I will kill myself. And/or forget it ever existed.

email me at  duckfoot_2@hotmail.com


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Here is a good timeline I found on the web - I am sure there is more out there. The best resource is to find someone that actually served over there.


Operation Restore Hope
December 9, 1992 - May 4, 1993

Dec 09 US Force Recon Marines and Navy SEAL's, followed by Company F, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment arrive in Mogadishu, launching America's intervention in Somalia.
Dec 12 First US combat action, 2 Marine Cobra gunships destroy an armed Somali vehicle.  2 Somalis KIA.
Dec 20 Marines secure village of Kismaayo in the first US combined amphibious assault since the Vietnam War.
Dec 23 An American federal/civilian employee is killed by a land mine.
Dec 25 US Marines fire on a vehicle, killing 3 Somalis.
Jan 06 Marines on a recon patrol in village of Afgoy kill a Somali gunman.
Jan 07 Largest military confrontation of Restore Hope.  500 Marines engage in a shoot-out with Warlord Aidid's forces in Mogadishu.  15 Somalis are taken POW, no US casualties.
Jan 10 Marines kill 3 Somali gunmen.
Jan 11 Operation Nutcracker.  900 Marines sweep through the Bakara bazaar.  No casualties on either side.
Jan 12 First US KIA.  Marine killed while on patrol in Mogadishu.
Jan 13 A US Navy corpsman is WIA by a Somali sniper.
Jan 14 Operation Condor Ratchet.  6 UH-60 Blackhawks from the 10th Mountain Division, carrying Alpha Co. 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry, Air-Assaults in and surrounds Abu Airfield next to village of Afgoy.
Jan 15 20 men from 10th Mountain Divisions Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry kill 6 Somalis in Bale Dogle.  No US casualties.
Jan 16 Peak US troop strength 25,800.
Jan 25 Cobras from 10th Mountain Divisions 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment destroy 6 armed vehicles, killing 8 Somalis in Kismaayo.
Jan 26 A Marine is KIA by sniper fire in Mogadishu.
Feb 24 Kismaayo Ablaze.  2nd Battalion 87th Infantry engages Somali militias in dozens of firefights:  at least 23 Somalis are killed.  No US casualties.
Feb 25 3 Marines are WIA while clearing Kilometer-4 traffic circle in Mogadishu.
Mar 02 Members of 10th Mountain Divisions Bravo Company 2/87 Infantry fight their way out of a crossfire in Kismaayo.  4 grunts, while pinned down, kill 9 Somalis.  No US casualties.
Mar 03 A Special Forces member is KIA by a land mine.
Mar 17 A Marine is WIA during a shoot-out with gunmen in the Bakara Market.  1 Somali killed.
Apr 23 Last Marine patrol in Somalia conducted in Mogadishu.
Operation Continue Hope
May 5, 1993 - March 31, 1994

May 05 Phase II, dubbed Operation Continue Hope, of the US intervention in Somalia begins.
May 17 Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal is approved for Somalia veterans by the Joints Chief of Staff.
Jun 05 2 US soldiers (trucker and engineer) are wounded in the bloodiest day in 3 months during running battles across Mogadishu.  An 85 man company from 1/22 Infantry, 10th Mountain Division, is air assaulted in to repel further attacks.
Jun 11 US troops participate in a retaliatory strike against Aidid's forces for the June 5 ambush.  The UN strikes a second heavy follow-up blow against Aidid.  US Special Operations AC-130 Specter gunships attack six targets in capital city of Mogadishu.
Jun 16-17 Six hours of fierce street battles are fought by UN troops backed by US helicopters, to capture Aidid's headquarters.  One American GI is slightly injured.  130 GIs of the 1/22 Infantry are rushed in to back the UN forces.
Jun 27 Two GIs are WIA while clearing debris from 21 October Road.
Jun 28 US helicopters attack Somali positions killing 2 gunmen.
Jun 30 13 US helicopters attack a Somali compound.
Jul 06 Two US soldiers are WIA when a Rocket Propelled grenade hits their guard post.
Jul 12 17 US helicopters conduct an attack on Aidid compound-at least 13 Somalis are killed.
Jul 19 Two US MP's are hit by sniper fire. US soldier WIA during RPG attack on compound.
Jul 21 a GI is WIA in a rocket attack.  Return fire from a Cobra kills one Somali gunman.
Jul 23 Army Chief of Staff authorizes 10th Mountain Division soldiers to wear the combat patch, shoulder sleeve insignia-former wartime service and overseas service bar.
Jul 24 Two Green Berets are WIA when their HUMVEEs are ambushed.
Aug 04 Two GIs are WIA in a convoy ambush near Bale Dogle.
Aug 05 Three GIs are WIA in mortar/RPG attacks in Mogadishu.
Aug 07 US convoy is attacked and 5 Somalis are killed in an hour-long battle near village of Afgoy.  US helicopters assist.
Aug 08 Four US GIs are KIA.  A land mine blows up their HUMVEE in the suburb of Medina causing the worst US death toll to date.
Aug 19 Four US soldiers are WIA by an explosive under their vehicle.
Aug 22 Six US soldiers are WIA when their truck is blown up.
Aug 26 Manhunt begins.  3rd Battalion. 75th Ranger Regiment and 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment (DELTA) deploy to Somalia to capture Aidid.
Aug (?) Operation "Eyes Over Mogadishu" steps up helicopter flights over the capitol.
Aug 30 50 Rangers stage a raid in search of Aidid, leader of Somalia.
Sep 07 Two Rangers are WIA during a two-hour assault against an Aidid compound.
Sep 09 Two GIs are WIA on the October 21 Road as Cobras kill numerous Somalis.
Sep 13 Three US soldiers are WIA in a 2-hour clash in Mogadishu.  About 200 GIs are ambushed by 200 Somali gunmen.  Two US helicopters lay down heavy fire, killing 15 and wounding 40 Somalis.
Sep 21 Rangers capture a key Aidid aide in a helicopter borne raid.
Sep 26 Three GIs are KIA.  Their Blackhawk helicopter is shot down by an RPG.  During a gun battle to reach the crash site, 3 Americans from the QRF are WIA.
Oct 01 US troop strength in Somalia 5,675 (4,228 under UN command and 1,447 in the Quick Reaction Force).
Oct 03-04 Battle at Bakhara Market.  Bravo Company, 3rd Ranger Battalion.,75th Regiment, Delta Force members, pilots of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Companies A and C 2nd Bn. 14th Infantry 10th Mountain Division, and Company C, 41st Engineer Battalion, battle 1,000 Somalis in Mogadishu.  18 US KIA, 78 WIA.  Somali loss is estimated at 300 killed and 600 wounded.
Oct 04 Last US KIA.  A Green Beret is killed during a mortar attack at the Mogadishu Airport.  12 GIs are WIA.  Three Marines are WIA elsewhere.
Oct 06 Mortaring of the Ranger hangar compound
Oct 08 Army policy directive authorizes wartime awards (only for actions since June 5th, 1993) and Combat Infantryman Badges and Medical Badges for participants in Somalia fighting. AC130 specter gunships come back to Mogadishu and shell the city.
Oct 09 Cease-Fire.  Aidid unilaterally declares a "total cease fire."  Clinton bars retaliation against Aidid.
Oct (?) 5,370 US reinforcements deploy to Somalia.  1,700 in Somalia and 3,670 Marines offshore.
Oct 19 Two US Blackhawk helicopters are fired upon by RPG's over Mogadishu.
Oct 22 Withdrawal of 750 Rangers from Somalia is complete.
Oct 26 Somali gunmen fire on US infantry unit.  Two trucks in the convoy are hit.  Fire returned but no casualties.
Nov 12 US soldiers wound two Somalis near K-4 traffic circle.  GIs are fired on by small arms and RPG's.
Nov 13 GIs kill a Somali armed with a grenade launcher near the Embassy Compound.
Nov 17 Manhunt Ends.  UN Security Council officially calls off the search for Aidid.
Nov 29 Navy SEAL's kill a Somali gunman in Mogadishu.  In another incident, 2 Somali gunmen are killed.
Dec 06 USS America battle group with 5,500 sailors, departs coast, reducing offshore strength from 9,195 to 3,833.  USS Independence takes up station.
Dec 12 Two US MP's are WIA by Somali gunman in Mogadishu.  Navy SEAL's kill a Somali gunman.
Dec 17 2/14 Infantry, 10th Mountain Division, departs Somalia.
Dec 26 US troops kill 2 Somali gunmen in Mogadishu.


Marine bodies through the streets, desecrating them and dismembering them. After peace was relatively restored, the US sent in Task Force Ranger to find and arrest Aidid
As far I am aware this did not happen. After the US Marines pulled out and the UN took control of the area, Mohamed Farrah Aidid unleashed his troops in two separate ambushes that murdered +20 Pakistani soldiers in which their bodies were dismembered.

IF you mean what I think you  mean, the marines were UN marines, Not US or British
Oh I am sure they were US Marines


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  ;D oops...


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I believe they were USMC as well..... :)

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Oct 04 Last US KIA.  A Green Beret is killed during a mortar attack at the Mogadishu Airport.  12 GIs are WIA.  Three Marines are WIA elsewhere.

I think the KIA mentioned here was Delta SFC Matt Rierson. He participated in the mission of October 03 and did a vital job re-organizing the lost convoy. RIP, soldier! :'(

tHe s4lut3

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hi! I'm sorry but you got some things wrong! Big mistake:Aidid was kuilled in a fight among clans in 1996(proof: the general who was responsible on 03/09/1993 resigned the day after(not logical at first but he did so because someone else had done his job :-( ) ).They were US(!) Marines.they withdrew and UN and US Special Forces were sent in(by the way aidid carried on like before the marines were there)if you don't understand why, they have different tasks.Marines take the beach,or better, they seize area(of course this is only one of many but their most important task.)Rangers fly in, hit hard and vanish again.the 10th mountain division was there, too(some rangers were a bit ashamed to have been rescued by "army grunts"), but they were part of the UN troops who delivered food and so on but the rangers and deltas were deployed to capture aidid and his "cabinet" as well as arms dealers and so on.and, of course, they were a demonstration of power.......the newsweek story was about casualties among RANGERS AND DELTAS, but showing the pilot Mike Durant in captivity of the rebels.NO MARINES WERE INVOLVED IN THE FIGHT ON OCTOBER 3rd/4rth but I am not sure if there were some left at all in somalia.I'm sorry to have to say it like that, but watch the film again,read the book and read some book which is more focussed on the whole situation and not only just on "the battle which changed the world" because i don't want to play another BHD campaign of bad quality and by someone who didn't even get the facts right and thinks he did just by watching the film(i'm just saying this happened very often don't think it's really personal!)


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just a reminder.


I would like to stress the "IF YOU ARENT INTERSTED, DO NOT ANSWER!"

In plain english, that means.. what it says.

ah well... carry on with your corrective mumbo-jumbo. If obodys answered by now I guess nobody will...

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i am working on a BHD campaign called MOG '93.  The progress was rather slow lately but at the end of the month i have free time "golden week". Therefore there will be a new release on this topic.



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Oct 03-04 Battle at Bakhara Market.  Bravo Company, 3rd Ranger Battalion.,75th Regiment, Delta Force members, pilots of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Companies A and C 2nd Bn. 14th Infantry 10th Mountain Division, and Company C, 41st Engineer Battalion, battle 1,000 Somalis in Mogadishu.  18 US KIA, 78 WIA.  Somali loss is estimated at 300 killed and 600 wounded.

Final figures were 19 US KIA  and estimates between 500-1000 Somailians killed, and they were fighting about 2000 if not 3000 armed miltia. And to clear the USMC issue, they were in Somalia, but not on Oct 3rd or after. Nearly all of the USMC pulled out of Somalia a while before this, and the UN peacekeeping forces strenthened their forces, but as soon as the marines left, Aidid declared war on the remaining forces. Rangers and Delta were there just to capture Aidid.