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Author Topic: Pick your battle  (Read 3709 times)

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Offline ZeekLTK

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Pick your battle
« on: 18 Jul 2003, 08:15:13 »
This type of mission would require a lot of scripting, but if done correctly, it could make for a very sweet mission and it would have lots of replayability.

Here's the basic plot. You are an officer of a 12 man platoon at your base, well behind the front lines. You receive a radio message that one of the towns on the frontline is being attacked by the enemy and you need to go reinforce it. Simple enough. You order your men to get into a truck and start to head down the road towards the town. During your trip, you get another radio message from another town saying that they are also under attack and need backup. Very shortly after that, you get a message from a third town, proclaiming that their recon teams have picked up a lot of enemy movement in the area and believe they are going to be attacked soon. They too need some reinforcements. Now you have to decide where you want to take your men and where you pick will determine what happens throughout the rest of the mission.

For example:

If you pick Town 1 - You arrive at town just as they have destroyed the first wave of enemies and the commander is glad to see you, saying that they lost a lot of men in the first assault and need everyone they can get.  You get your men into position and prepare for a 2nd wave of attack. HQ has received word of the damage and have sent reinforcements as well who arrive either in more truckloads of soldiers or from choppers. Either way, you get more men. The next attack comes in and you have to fight them off. There could even be a third attack if you really want to keep the player busy.

If you pick Town 2 - You arrive during the battle. You could have it so that after several members of your team get out of the truck, a tank blows it up killing some of the men who were still inside and reducing your number. That might be hard to do without killing the player, but it would be interesting. Anyways, you have to get out and disbatch your men very quickly and attempt to fight off the enemy. You will get a few reinforcements during the battle but not many. This town will actually be outnumbered and after several minutes of harsh battle the commander of the town will determine that all hope is lost and order a retreat. The retreat can either go to one of the other towns engaged in battle (Town 1 or Town 3) or it can end the mission as you head back to your main base.

If you pick Town 3 - You get there right before the attack takes place. This town is close to an enemy town/base sitting right on the border, but far enough that it's not visable from the town. This town is heavily equipped with tanks, machineguns, soldiers, you name it they have it. The enemy attack is fairly weak and pretty easy to disbatch. After a small fight your town commander declares that the defense was a success. Several soldiers in the town are still pumped up after the battle and want to go after the enemy town that is close by. The commander reluctantly agrees and orders several platoons, including yours to advance into enemy territory and attempt to capture the town/base near by. You could make the base heavily guarded so that it's a very tough fight... or you could make it so that the enemy scout team detects that you are moving in towards the base and the enemies disbatch several soldiers/tanks/choppers to intercept you. If you survive the ambush then the town/base will be lightly defended and fairly easy to capture.

Also, to add to replayability, you could have it set so that different things happen in the towns that you do not go to. If it's possible, having random things that could happen to each town that you don't go to would make it even better. For example, if I choose to go help Town 3 one time, Town 2 will win their battle and send additional troops to our town to aid in the attack against the enemy town. But if I play the mission again, and go to Town 3 again, maybe Town 2 will lose their battle this time and we won't get any additional troops from them because they are retreating to Town 1.

Like I said, it would take A LOT of scripting, but man, that would be a sweet mission huh?


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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jul 2003, 08:21:50 »
sounds good, yeh, lots of scripting, but the good ones always do.
although it's anal, there's not 12 men in a platoon, closer to 30, 12 men is really a section.
also, i think it would be better if you new you'd be needing to go to all the towns, but you had to decide who you think would last longest, maybe you could have random briefings, coz the towns are in different states of emergency. i dunno if it's possible, but it'd add to the replay value u were talking about.


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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jul 2003, 16:08:41 »
Great idea ZeekLTK. If you could pull these missions off it'd b intresting to see what their like. Sounds good.

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #3 on: 18 Jul 2003, 16:58:56 »
The hardest will be the message from HQ. "Yea, hi guys, take it slow, have a beer. This is Papa Bear, like we got 3 different towns here you know. And all of them needs like support. Yea, choose a town would ya? Cause I have a headache and Blake is driving me mad." HQ is goingt to give you orders, not suggest orders. Get my point? How would u have written this order?


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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jul 2003, 18:56:05 »
You could've been a bit more encouraging armstrong.

You could send a radio message saying that one of the towns is under attack and needs desperate backup and has practically fallen, so it may be a waste of men and ammo to help. The other one has spotted enemy scouts and its only a matter of time before the enemy launches an attack. So if you reinforce there you could save lives and resources. The other one has just been opened up on by the enemy artillery and you must provide covering fire while your allies retreat and regroup to launch  counterattack.

Offline LCD

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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jul 2003, 19:21:39 »
kool idea zee ;D :thumbsup:  8)

but armsty got point dere  :-X :noo: :moon:

but dis 1 is easy 2 solve - dont b U.S army or ny oder organised army - if u r resistance (nd not v. orginaised resistance) da squad commanders cuz prooly make coises here n dere ;) also - in lots of times da ppl dont exactly follow da exact commands ;) ;D

« Last Edit: 18 Jul 2003, 20:26:30 by LCD »
"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #6 on: 18 Jul 2003, 19:29:06 »
Omigod LCD!!! You did your classic one-liner wrong!! You put




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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #7 on: 18 Jul 2003, 19:45:49 »
you've been watching too many movies LCD, they always follow the commands, or they face a court-martial, and imprisonment. Or death depending on where you live.

Just say that satellite's are down, or some shit. Say the people your attacking have hired a group of mercenary like hackers, and they've taken down all useable satellites, so all they're getting are messages, but they can't tell where they're coming from. i dunno, i'm sure u can find somethin

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #8 on: 18 Jul 2003, 19:52:56 »
You could've been a bit more encouraging armstrong.

You could send a radio message saying that one of the towns is under attack and needs desperate backup and has practically fallen, so it may be a waste of men and ammo to help. The other one has spotted enemy scouts and its only a matter of time before the enemy launches an attack. So if you reinforce there you could save lives and resources. The other one has just been opened up on by the enemy artillery and you must provide covering fire while your allies retreat and regroup to launch  counterattack.

What? I like the idea m8, and even if I forgot to say that I did like the idea I didnÂ't say that his idea was stupid and he should eat up his pants or sumthin.


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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #9 on: 18 Jul 2003, 20:25:22 »
Via the internet I can't read ppls minds and see what they actually mean if it seems as though they're posts are ambigious. Niether can you though so ill shut up. Basically when I read you post it seemed as though you were putting it down.

Offline ZeekLTK

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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #10 on: 18 Jul 2003, 20:47:35 »
The hardest will be the message from HQ. "Yea, hi guys, take it slow, have a beer. This is Papa Bear, like we got 3 different towns here you know. And all of them needs like support. Yea, choose a town would ya? Cause I have a headache and Blake is driving me mad." HQ is goingt to give you orders, not suggest orders. Get my point? How would u have written this order?

Well, it could go something like this:

*At Your Base*

HQ: Attention (whatever your squad is named... let's say Charlie Squad), the town of Pierre is being attacked by several enemy troops. They have requested reinforcements, so get down there on the double and help fight off those invaders.

Charlie Squad: Roger that HQ, we're on our way.

*En Route to Pierre*

Echo Squad: ... Is anyone out there? This is Echo Squad in Morton. We're under heavy attack and we really need backup A.S.A.P! Anyone who gets this, help us!

HQ: What is your status Echo Squad? Is the town still intact?

Echo: Yes, but it won't be for long unless we get some reinforcements over here. They are beginning to push forward, if we get some more guys down here we should be able to hold them off, but if not they are going to overrun us.

Yankee Squad: This is Yankee Squad reporting in. We've detected a lot of enemy activity in our area, just outside of Chapoi. Our scouts believe that there is going to be an attack against us very soon. I'd like to request some backup HQ.

HQ: Roger that Yankee Squad, we'll see what we can do.

HQ: Charlie Squad, this is Papa Bear. As you've heard, we've got three towns in dire need of reinforcements. You're one of the very few platoons that will be able to get there in time to help. We were not prepared to engage in three battles simultaniously and our resources are thin. You may continue on your route to reinforce the town of Pierre, but if you feel that your men would be better suited to help defend either Morton or Chapoi, go on and head to either of those towns. Report in when you arrive to let me know which town you have gone to. We will send out other reinforcements who will arrive much later accordingly.

Something like that maybe?
« Last Edit: 18 Jul 2003, 20:50:09 by ZeekLTK »

Offline LCD

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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #11 on: 18 Jul 2003, 20:48:52 »
@ max -

Omigod LCD!!! You did your classic one-liner wrong!! You put



wtf u talkin bout ? ::) :moon: :booty: :P

@ phantom

2 much movies is good ;D

nd u cud alwayz get da player court-martial or ny oder thing 4 da sake of fun mision :P - also reread da unorgnaised resistance thingy ;) :P while i go 2 check som history books im sure dere were battles dat were won from "Stray" officers  ;D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline LCD

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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #12 on: 18 Jul 2003, 20:51:01 »
@ zee

Squad, this is Papa Bear. We've got three towns in dire need of reinforcements. You're one of the very few platoons that will be able to get there in time to help. I cannot assign you to one specific town because they all need as much help as they can get.

me thinks dat den deyll decide wat town is da most important nd tell all 2 retreat dere - or deres big chance deyll loose everythin ;)


"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #13 on: 18 Jul 2003, 22:06:35 »
You must've edited it LCD  ::)   yep, it says  Last Edit underneath that post. It said b4:


Looks like you did edit it  :-\

Offline LCD

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Re:Pick your battle
« Reply #14 on: 18 Jul 2003, 23:12:41 »
me ? edit ? ::) donnow wats dat word meens ? ::) :P

man u cant take a joke ? :P

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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