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Author Topic: A little help with some commands...  (Read 2287 times)

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Offline mastrovara

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A little help with some commands...
« on: 20 Feb 2012, 01:47:09 »
Hey guys, i am new to this site and i've always came here to look for some tips and suggestions for the mission i was developing. Now i really need to ask you some questions about things i would like to do in my missions but i really never succeded in doing.

I am a bit into the ingame editor and i know how to make simple commands, triggers, waypoint and all that kinda noob stuff, but i really never had experience with scripting in .txt files, except for some simple things like adding audio files to mission or making spawn in multiplayer maps and doing briefing with the biefring creator.

Right now i would like to expose you some situations and commands i really need to use but don't know how to do.

1: A plane passes on a trigger with a group of soldiers in it. The trigger makes the soldiers eject from the plane. A simple paratroop trigger.

2: How to delete a unit, like, the opposite of createUnit. Make this object disappear.

3: I play a lot with I44 mod, so i create trenches and stuff but, when i place soldiers without a group behind sanbags and stuff like that, when they get in a fight, they just drop down and go prone, and so they aren't able to shoot people most of the times. Is there a command to make them get a certain stance? Or just prevent them from kneeling or going prone?

4: I've read the manuals from Mr-Murray and AOF_Murdock but i just can't understand some differences in the waypoints actions. Is there some place to get a precise look on them?

5: Can you suggest me how to create a good allarm situation, in which all enemy soldiers change their behaviour and become more aggressive?

Thank you for your time! Ive got plenty of other questions but I don't remember them atm but i will keep looking and asking to this great community!

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: A little help with some commands...
« Reply #1 on: 08 May 2012, 04:46:11 »
Welcome to OFPEC! :clap:
Late reply, but to be honest, your questions have been answered many times before.

1. Search the forum for paratroop scripts, eject scripts, or download some user made missions or unpbo BI missions to peak inside their folder to see how they did it.

2. Our site Command Reference lists all commands used in the Real Virtuality engine. This one in particular is deletevehicle

3. Again, The ComRef is an editors best friend. It is in your best interest to sift through its entirety and read what each command is used for. You'll not regret the time sacrifice. You are looking for setunitpos

4. Below is an excerpt from the Beginners tutorial that I have been working on for several years but is not yet published, so here is a sneak peak.
MOVE    Used to make a group / unit move to the designed location. Completed: when the destination is reached AND the Timeout elapses.
DESTROY GET INSEARCH / SEEK AND DESTROY    Group begins a random search pattern upon breaching the waypoint radius which adds another 4 or more random search positions within a specific distance of the waypoint. The distance travelled between positions depends on the type of vehicle, for example, infantry = 50, armor= 150m, air = 300m. When the search is complete the group will move on to the next waypoint after the condition is met and the Timeout has elapsed, completing the waypoint.
JOIN    Group joins the group that is designated. If placed spatially, synchronization is required otherwise the group continues to its next waypoint. When synchronized with a join and lead waypoint (grp1) the condition field and the timeout of the join waypoint (grp2) are ignored as the join and lead(grp1) take priority. If too many units exist in grp2 to join to grp1, the slots in grp1 are filled with members of grp2 accordingly and the remaining members of grp2 continue along their waypoints. Join waypoint is complete after its condition is met (if not linked to a join and lead) Timeout is ignored in this waypoint.
JOIN AND LEADGET OUT    All vehicle occupants disembark a vehicle when the waypoint radius is breached. But do not proceed until the condition is met and the Timeout elapses, completing the waypoint.
CYCLE    A cycle waypoint will jump to the closest waypoint except the previous one.
LOADUNLOAD    Passengers grouped to the driver will disembark the vehicle upon breaching the waypoint radius, while crewmembers remain inside. The waypoint will then wait for the condition to be met after which, the Timeout will elapse, completing the waypoint and activating the next.
TRANSPORT UNLOAD    Groups not belonging to the driver of the vehicle will disembark. The waypoint is complete when all outside units are no longer on board, the condition has been met and Timeout elapsed.
HOLD    Group moves to the waypoint and holds until the enemy is spotted where they then engage until the threat is eliminated OR no longer known. They then return to the hold position until more enemy has been spotted. To break a hold waypoint, a switch trigger can be implemented. Completed: hold waypoints never complete (anything put into a HOLD waypoint's activation field will never be executed!). Timeouts also are ignored.
SENTRY    Units will stay at the waypoint position similar to the HOLD order, but once they detect any enemy, they'll proceed to the next waypoint, engaging the enemy along the way depending on the behavior and combat mode of the next waypoint. Once an enemy presence is detected AND the condition met AND the Timeout has elapsed, the waypoint is completed.
GUARD    Group moves to the waypoint and holds position. When the enemy is spotted, the group will behave as if it were a Hold waypoint (see above). When Guarded by side triggers are placed on the map, groups at guard waypoints will move to the guarded by side trigger upon reaching their guard waypoint. If more than one guarded by side trigger is placed, the group will defend the highest priority trigger (The first trigger placed) If more than one group has guard waypoints, the groups move to any unoccupied guarded by side triggers until all are occupied. Once all triggers are defended by a group, any groups remaining with guard waypoints will hold at their guard waypoint until a guarded by side trigger is no longer defended. When the enemy is spotted anywhere on the map, the group at the lowest priority trigger responds and any groups waiting at guard waypoints will move to fill their spot. Timeouts and conditions in guard waypoints are ignored and the waypoint never completes.
TALK    This is not used to control group movements so placement is irrelevant. One of its uses can be to force the group leader to speak a sound file found in the effects tab. It can also be used to have units perform animations, print text, run scripts or anything else the editor can do from the OnActivation field of the waypoint. It completes once the condition has been met and the Timeout elapses.
SCRIPTED    The waypoint will be completed only after termination of the indicated script. If the script has an infinite loop, the waypoint will never complete and the assigned group will never proceed with next WP Type. Scripted WPs are nonspatial, so the placement means nothing and the group will not move there. These waypoints are used only to ensure script execution when a group reaches the waypoint previous to the scripted one.
SUPPORT    Useful to make medics, fuel/ammo trucks drive towards allies in need of supplies/assistance. If support is requested, the unit will move to the position of the requesting unit, will provide the support and then will return to the support waypoint position. Completed: another endless waypoint type, it never completes - the supporting unit will keep in the support waypoint, forever providing support for friendly units.
GET IN NEAREST (ARMA/ARMA2)    Units will board vehicles close to this waypoint if empty. Note that the engine checks for emptiness at the mission start.
DISMISSED (ARMA/ARMA2)    Upon reaching the waypoint. A squad will split itself into groups which will then relax and wander around until contact with the enemy is made.
AND    Used by game logics only, not accessible with AI groups.
Waypoint types will complete when ALL triggers and waypoints it is synchronized with are true and completed. For example: you synchronize (see Chapter: Synchronize) an AND waypoint with 3 triggers and two other waypoints of different groups - the AND waypoint will complete when the 3 triggers conditions are TRUE and the other two groups have reached their synced waypoints.
OR    Used by game logics only, not accessible with AI groups.
Waypoint types will complete when ANY triggers or waypoints synchronized with the AND waypoint are true or completed.

    Waypoint OrderDescription - Instead of "MOVE", "DESTROY" a custom description will be displayed in game.
    Combat Mode - The combat mode to be set for the group while moving towards the waypoint.
    Formation - Formation used by the group when moving towards the waypoint.
    Speed - Speed at which the group should move toward the waypoint.
    Behaviour - Set how the unit is to behave while moving toward the waypoint.
    Placement Radius - The game will select a random position within the radius to set as the destination point for your group. The position does not change with each waypoint cycle but will remain the same throughout the mission, resetting only at each mission restart. This is a way of increasing the dynamics of a mission.
    Completion Radius (Arma2 only)TimeoutCondition - this allows the editor to use global variables to halt the waypoints progression until other needs or desires are met. As mentioned before, it is generally not good practice to depend on waypoints for key mission points. Rather use Triggers or scripts.
    OnActivation - Some selection types ignore Timeout and Condition fields and so OnActivation fields are also non-dependable in some cases.
    Script - To use scripts in this field requires no execution command.
    Never Show/Show in cadet mode/Always show

5. There a far too many ways to create an alarm system and it really depends on what your mission requires. Using a switch trigger, you can either execute a script which controls the finer tuned reactions, or you can sync that switch trigger with group cycle waypoints that will force them to exit the cycle and proceed to the next waypoint after the cycle wp. I strongly suggest opening up other user made missions and seeing these types of things in action. It is truly...the best way to learn.

Good luck and sorry for taking so long to reply.