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Author Topic: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)  (Read 9262 times)

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Offline sardaukar17

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Re: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)
« Reply #30 on: 05 Sep 2009, 04:09:30 »
Well I may be totally usless here but what the hell. I was trying to do something similar but at my level I am sure it is academic compared to what you have rolling. Plus it is all in sqs. Which I understand you are looking for sqf. I'll post what I had put together so far. You can look or not lol. Would be nice to have contributed in even a small way. I am proud of what I have learned in 2 months.

This is the basic explination. 3 cities each was meant to be taken one at a time. Each city has 3 buildings. Bunker, Factory, Tower. Infantry are tied to Bunker. Armor to Factory and Aircraft to Tower. When the building is destroyed the associated waves of that unit type stop coming.

I have 3 random start points for armor which could be used for any of the other types of units (and could be increased to any number of start points). After the groups creation it is assigned a number of waypoints you decide randomly across any of 25 different points in and around the city. These could be expanded to a map size scale though. Just move the game logics where ever you want.
When the buildings in the first city are destroyed a massive move of gamelogics occurs to the new city in which a fresh fight begins.
I know it is probly late in your progress to post this but like I said what the hell it can't hurt. You can ignore it. I will only cry a little. Below I will post what I have of the scripts so far and the map I was playing with so you can see how I had it layed out. Hope it helps  :good:


I updated these because I found some major errors in the Waypoint script. Again if it is any help let me know so I can pat myself on the back and sew a new merit badge to put on my cool kids backpack :P
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2009, 22:37:31 by sardaukar17 »

Offline granQ

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Re: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)
« Reply #31 on: 08 Sep 2009, 12:08:03 »
i will check them out later this weekend hopefully..

but it seems what you done is very different from what I am doing, still it sound cool.

What I am looking into right now is static patrols around bases that spawns when player gets close, and deactivates when player moves out. While keeping the info how many been killed and so on.

Second is land patrols between cities.

Third thing is making the "hearts and mind operations", not sure how they would function yet, like how often and so on.

make the scripts to create AA defences, this is currently the MMAI's weak spot I think.

and last,making the commander ingame move around and visit bases and so on.

after that all functions should be done and its mere tweaking it.
Cura Posterior

Offline granQ

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Re: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)
« Reply #33 on: 29 Sep 2009, 17:18:32 »
Sic semper tyrannosauro.

Offline Kremator

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Re: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)
« Reply #34 on: 01 Nov 2009, 17:51:54 »
Still playing this GranQ.  Any further updates to it ?


Offline granQ

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Re: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)
« Reply #35 on: 18 Nov 2009, 12:29:16 »
actually yes :)

Last sunday I was thinking "hm, in KP-CTI the ai was much better on defending then MMAI, maybe i should look into those scripts"..

and what a goldmine I discovered.. so been working on implemting that. My goal is to make the MMAI a tough bastard to play against in a "warfare environment", meaning players that buy airplanes, tanks and try to beat the shit of the MMAI. So far the MMAI only been good at making a "battlefield come alive" without being much of a challenge for player.

What I am currently working on is the MMAI starting in the south and the player got a base almost like evolution/domination at the north airfield.  It got barracks, hangars, service points, officers barracks (were you can watch the teletext, trying to add more dynamic info) and so on.

Now this is isn't really part of MMAI but think some might be intrested. So will tell how I plan to do things.

* Player can't choose weapon, only class? (i like this but i know many become bitches if they don't get their gun) (class are like pilot, medic, crew, squadleader (can lead ai), at soldier, sniper, mg.. maybe spec op?)
* Limit airplanes/choppers.
* normal vehicles can be spawned, so "unlimited".
* POW camp, returning POW's should give some bonus, not sure what.

EDIT. Can show current setup:
[[0,"Soldier"],[5,"Medic"],[10,"Machinegunner"],[10,"AA Soldier"],[15,"AT Soldier"], [15,"Sniper"],[20,"Squadleader"],[30,"Spetznatz"], [10,"Crew"], [25,"Pilot"]];

the number is how many points you need to switch to that role and then those are removed, so you could of course spawn into a AT soldier, drop the weapons and spawn into a sniper so you get the sniper+rpg kit.. but it would cost 30 points.

I was thinking soldiers can use only uaz, ural and possible btr90. Crew can use btr90, bmp3, t72, t90..
Pilot can fly everything..

for special forces, they can call in vodkniks in the base (but also soldiers can drive them, wouldn't be realistic), but the special forces are also allowed to make custom gear.

Good or bad idea?
« Last Edit: 18 Nov 2009, 12:40:22 by granQ »
Cura Posterior

Offline Kremator

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Re: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)
« Reply #36 on: 19 Nov 2009, 00:32:14 »
Sounds great.  I still love the MMAI in making the battlefield come alive!

Anything that adds a real challenge will be loved by the community.

Keep coding mate !


Offline granQ

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Re: Invading AI ("one" script to rule them all..)
« Reply #37 on: 20 Nov 2009, 12:11:40 »
i really need help with making good looking dialogs, mine are just functional but soo ugly.

Anyway, i will try throw in some more functions to the MMAI and tomorrow morning, then put upload a new release.

Any special requests of features? I need more feedback and ideas.
Cura Posterior