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Author Topic: Evolution Marines my Discoveries/Fixes  (Read 1525 times)

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Offline Cougarxr7

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Evolution Marines my Discoveries/Fixes
« on: 06 Aug 2009, 00:00:22 »
First let say from what I've been told we are not suppost to have this map. It was suppost to be used for testing only. Never meant to be played.

First fix, find the BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle.sqf in your data\scripts folder.
at the bottom of that file it is missing 2 semicolons on,
to this
Server operating system seem to forgive scripting syntax mistakes unlike XP.

I'm not sure how many servers are running this mission or a version of it and yet if they do not finish or cycle to fix that do the foloowing.
Find the file EVO_FillInf.sqf in data\scripts folder.
Code: [Select]
BIS_EVO_FillInf =
_grp = _this select 0;
_lpos = position leader _grp;
//_allunits = ["RU_Soldier"];
_allunits = ["RU_Soldier_MG","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_Sniper","RU_Soldier_Medic","RU_Soldier_GL","RU_Soldier","RU_Soldier_AA","RU_Soldier_AA"];
_max = (count _allunits)-1;


_j = 0;
while {_j <= _count} do
_unit = _grp createUnit [_allunits select (round random _max), _lpos, [], 0, "FORM"];
_unit setSkill 2+(random 3);
[_unit] join _grp;
_j = _j+1;
sleep 0.1;
[_grp] call BIS_EVO_OrderSquad;
Look in the same file for BIS_EVO_FillInfDummy although it is not being called or accessed, there is the same _count = # there, it can't hurt to change that one to 11 also.

Capture Offficer marker not showing up, to fix this do this.
Find the file objoff.sqf in your data\scripts folder.
Code: [Select]
// server side capture officer script
_off = _this select 0;
_grp = group _off;

_mark = format["M%1",_off];
_search = createMarker [_mark, [-5000,-5000,0]];
_search setMarkerType "mil_join";
_search setMarkerText localize "STR_M04t47_0";
_search setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
_search setMarkerSize [0.5, 0.5];

_trgobj3 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position _off];
_trgobj3 setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true];
_trgobj3 setTriggerArea [200, 200, 0, false];
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
sleep 4.001;
if (count list _trgobj3 > 0) then {_search setMarkerPos position _off};
_trgobj3 setpos position _off;

Block out this line bellow like this.
>>>>>>>>> //if ((group _off) != _grp) then {_loop=1};

if (not (alive _off)) then {_loop=1};
deletevehicle _trgobj3;
deletemarker _search;
Get within 200m of the Officer and his marker should show up. If that marker does not show up, chances are he was killed by his own men.
Anyone needing anymore help just let me know.
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