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Author Topic: TYG Civilians v1.0 Beta (nothing special, sorry)  (Read 1621 times)

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Offline Tyger

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TYG Civilians v1.0 Beta (nothing special, sorry)
« on: 29 Dec 2008, 20:57:59 »
Hey guys,

I was tired of having to edit the mission.sqm in order to have a Civilian19 start as west at the beginning of my mission. The group and set probability to zero was causing hiccups when encountering enemy, so I needed another solution. Tired of the constant editing, I broke open VS2008, the Biki, and taught myself some config scripting. Now, as I got carried away, my little one-man config addon has spawned into something just a little bigger.

So, what does this little 10.3KB download do?
It now adds 27 new units to your list under "TYG Civilian SF" and "TYG Civilians", including several civilian models that I feel are suitable for SF operations (have shoes and pants, and no sandals/thongs/flip flops) for both the BLUFOR and the OPFOR. Also, I changed the scope and added display names where needed to several of the characters not in the editor: the King, Northern Prime Minister, Riboli (RACS SF Officer), the field reporter, and the collection of civilian undead.

BLUFOR and OPFOR Civilian SF - They have better camouflage and enemy take longer to decide who they are than standard soldiers, but slightly less than SF. Also, they now have all the perks of SF (hide bodies, deactivate mines). Finally, their commander icon, and unit picture in Gear selection reflects SF. Again, just config changes.

Also, just for fun, and hopefully to let some people make a zombie mission without huge addons, I added TYG_Civilian_Undead_xi (x is a number between 1 and 4). These are what I call (almost) invincible zombies, and are at least fun to play with. They have pretty insane abilities to take damage. I.e. it took me almost a whole M249 mag to waste one.

Version: 1.0 Beta
Required Addons: None
Required Version: ArmA 1.0 (? Somebody confirm this ?)
Author: Tyger
Size - Download: 10.3 KB
Size Unzipped: 11.0KB (11,306 Bytes)

Have fun!
« Last Edit: 29 Dec 2008, 21:01:28 by Tyger »
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