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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Widows Ridge  (Read 6106 times)

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(Review Completed) [SP] Widows Ridge
« on: 02 Sep 2006, 09:13:22 »
File: WidowsRidge.zip (54k)
Version: 1.02
Requires: OFP or OFP:R
AuthorIan Murrin
Addons:Editor 102
Description:Priority Orders: You must locate Bravo Recon and complete their mission.
Review by Mike Beil:

Hey guys, Me again. Well, Widows Ridge is the victim today. The overview in this mission is just as it should be. It has some lite reading and a working picture. There isn't much I can say, While I know you aren't anticipating this overview, It won't let you down. The intro here is pretty impressive. It has a Mecca of dynamic shots and a fake looking battle. No complaints here, I thought it was sweet. Also, Dedicated to his wife Tonia. How sweet:) The briefing here is above average. It has a in-depth write up from this soldiers Officer. It also has a very impressive personal note talk about his men and so fourth. It would've been a 10 but the lack of a picture bumped it to a respectable 9. Ok, Now for the meat of the mission. The actual mission. I press "Continue" and it send me on a cutscene that doesn't make sense. It is cool though because it shows me my base and it actually looks like a base. Unlike some of the fake bases I have seen with soldiers running around guns a'ready. It tells me to go to the C.O. in a hint box. You get orders from your C.O. with a parody on words. You pick up your squad and you are on your way. Now here is my first complaint of the whole mission so far. When your troops join you, He did it so each individual troop joins. So this makes it go "1 join... 2 join... 3 join..." and so on for about 3 minutes. Instead he should of made it "ALL, join..". Now it tells you how to order the driver and so on, But I can't find the driver. It never really explain what vehicle to take. So I find a waypoint pointing to a M113, But the m113 is full. Screw it I say, I was take my own truck. This was very hard to find. While the author might of thought it would be easy to find the right vehicle, it was very difficult. Maybe he should not of locked up the other vehicles. So after dealing with that flaw, I find a way to get going. I head towards bravo teams last known position. So I find "Kevlar" and start talking to him. I don't know where the hell he is, I just read the captions. So when I find out where he is, I see that he is a fellow M21'er. Nice. There is more humor, And I actually laughed. SO He tells me that bad guys are up the hill and I am FUBAR. He joins me and we move on. Ian forgot one thing here, The m113 can't fit 11 people. So I had to leave 3 behind. Sorry Kevlar. All a sudden my m113 blows up. Now if he did this on purpose, He should of told me not to take the M113, Guess I will huff it. You are lucky Kevlar So we head up the road and intense fighting starts. They are firing from the hill. If you have ever seen "Take The Hill". It is as intense as that. I lose lots of men in a long FUBAR fire fight. I had fun with this, I kicked BMP ass, I kicked east ass, I kicked west ass(oops). But I really did have fun, Trees crashing down, Smoke, Chaos. I got my ass kicked as well. At one point, I was sniping, and bullets came down both sides of me and missed. I was very relieved. Both then I got shot in the arm. I was screwed with my M21. This mission is not easy. It makes you think it is, But it deceives you. Then I remember the arty strike. THANK GOD. I call all reinforcements I can quickly. All a sudden I get the the advantage. It feels damn good too. I storm up the hill with a small on my face. I get a message "Fire Support Complete, Have A Nice Day". That small turns to a frown as the fire starts back up. Where is that damn air support. A lot of the arty missed. This hill is hard to take. So I finally take most of it by sneaking around. I have everyone but ONE bmp dead. All my men our dead, not help. Just me and the BMP. I use everything in the arsenal I have. I finally beat it by ramming it with a St. Truck. This mission was a very fun mission. I was going to give it a 9 but it had some flaws and was very difficult.
Questions? Comments? Complaints? Email: Mike_Beil@hotmail.com AIM: Mbeil77

Edit: This mission is available, with required addon, from the Missions Depot.
« Last Edit: 10 May 2009, 00:40:47 by Walter_E_Kurtz »
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Re: Widows Ridge by Ian Murrin
« Reply #1 on: 10 Sep 2006, 05:14:31 »
Just gotta say, this is one of the first user missions I playedway back between 1.0 and 1.3 OFP. In all that time, I have only played one mission ohter than my own (but playing you rown missions makes you a lil biased ::)) that I enjoyed more, which I think Mikero can guess :p Thanks for that review Mikero, brought back memories of the good ol' Flashpointing days.

Ian Murrin

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Re: Widows Ridge by Ian Murrin
« Reply #2 on: 14 Sep 2006, 23:28:16 »

I can't believe people are still playing this mission I created nearly 6 years later  8) .  By the way can anyone tell me what happened to "The Big Push" another single player mission I posted on Ofpec many many moons ago?

Offline Mikero

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Re: Widows Ridge by Ian Murrin
« Reply #3 on: 15 Sep 2006, 08:30:31 »
The Big Push received an ofpec rating of 6. We still have the review for it. Alas, not the mission. If you find it, we can take it from there.

@Xcess. I'm happy to take all the credit, but it was Rhysduk who did all the work here.

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Re: Widows Ridge by Ian Murrin
« Reply #4 on: 13 Sep 2008, 01:43:51 »
Hi  I just played this mission. It's good, it has good camera scripting and the atmosphere is good. 

My results:
Beat the mission, but lost all my soldiers, I was the only one alive. Ended up taking out the rest of the T80's and the soldiers to complete the mission.

Your breifing was good, it was a little bit long to read for my taste. Personally I enjoy short readings and good missions.

But sometimes you got to bring in more info to give more background.

Going up to take the hill wasn't to difficult, it's just you had to pretty much be in combat mode the whole entire way up or else you'de get shot.

I think you could of made the AI a little bit harder for the player atleast. It was good don't get me wrong, it's just the AI didn't do much to defend and eliminate the player. I was able to crawl up the hill and snipe guys with my rifle and take my law/RPG and take out the tanks in a good hiding spot.  So I suppose maybe some more good placed AI would be good to make it harder.

But overall hte mission was good I give  it a 7/10.. :D
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Offline Cheetah

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Re: (Review Completed) Widows Ridge by Ian Murrin
« Reply #5 on: 15 Nov 2008, 14:43:07 »
Edit: This mission is available, with required addon, from the Missions Depot.
« Last Edit: 10 May 2009, 00:42:51 by Walter_E_Kurtz »
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