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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Punishment Battalion  (Read 18300 times)

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Offline LeeHunt

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (new version pending mid-Sept)
« Reply #45 on: 06 Sep 2007, 18:56:12 »
Again, I am really appreciative of these great betatesting comments and suggestions!!  Thanks so much guys, this feedback really helps!!!   I am busy working on version 1.20 with about 100 changes/improvements, especially to the rain, Carla, the difficulty level etc.  I am also adding some new features and strengthening the Pita Base defenses.  A list of improvements to come later... :blink:

Sorry the English runs by so fast.  The mortar is not in your gear, its actually just based on the keyboard.  But i should make that more clear.  I am working on fixing the Outro and ensuring Floyd's chopper has no problems.  The Bagango police might attack later, i will check that too.  Did you destroy the fuel dump?  That may have made the choppers crash at the same time since they ran out of fuel.  But I did revise the helicopter script to ensure they dont crash for any other reason.

Not 100% sure why AI is screwing up. I think it might be the dostop command which i am removing from cutscenes. Will fix it.  Hope you are having fun thanks for testing it  :)

Thanks for your great list of improvements and bug finds. I've printed all these out and am about halfway through implementing the changes.  These are awesome  :)

Anyone else checking out this thread, please wait for version 1.20 to come out in week or two  :good:
« Last Edit: 06 Sep 2007, 18:58:57 by Lee »

Offline Rellikki

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (new version pending mid-Sept)
« Reply #46 on: 06 Sep 2007, 21:08:00 »
Hello Lee,
I saw you had problems with the private messages, so I'm not sure if you got my PM, so I'll say it here. It's about this mission.
I will update my SLA Urban addon with totally new models and stuff, but unfortunally, it won't be compatible with the older version, because I had used a tag RLK for the addon, which appeared to be already taken. I have now registered a new tag to myself, so in the future there won't be compatibly problems anymore... I will send you a list of the new classnames for the units soon, so you can start replacing them on your mission, to make it up-to-date with my new addon. I'd also suggest you to remove the addon PBO from the mission package in case of any future updates, if you haven't already... Just provide a link to my addon, so the players will always get an up-to-date version of my addon to play your mission with. Here's the official page of the addon. I will always update that page with the most newest version and there will be always 3 different mirrors.
« Last Edit: 06 Sep 2007, 21:11:17 by Rellikki »

Offline LeeHunt

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (new version pending mid-Sept)
« Reply #47 on: 07 Sep 2007, 20:39:04 »
thanks Rellikki for the heads up (and of course for the addon  :yes:)  I will make the suggested changes, look forward to the new models.  ETA on the new classnames etc?  thanks

Offline Rellikki

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (new version pending mid-Sept)
« Reply #48 on: 09 Sep 2007, 14:49:34 »
I'll get the new classnames by tomorrow. ;) I'm organizing the classes and... making one other addon which I will base it on (It's a secret). I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Edit: Alright, I emailed them to you.

Offline LeeHunt

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[SP] New Version 1.30 Punishment Battalion
« Reply #49 on: 27 Sep 2007, 22:16:14 »
1) Download Total Package, addons & readme included (Recommended)

Version: FINAL
Type: SP
Island: Sahrani
Requirements: ArmA version 1.08 (3 Add-on's included in download: Rellikki's Urban Troops, Solus's SLX People, Editor Update)
Installation: Put the Punishment Battalion PBO in your ArmA\Missions folder and the 3 Addon's in the Arma\AddOns folder. Don't forget to check out the very valuable PunishmentBattalionReadMe.txt document....

Thanks to great betatesting feedback on this forum and in many e-mails, I've hopefully improved Punishment Battalion dramatically for you and fixed the major issues, while adding some new features and more challenges.  There is also one more addon included in the download package for those who've already played, please take note.

While there are probably over 150 changes/improvements/fixes, here are the major changes:
« Last Edit: 03 Nov 2007, 22:35:57 by LeeHunt »

Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] New Version 1.30 Punishment Battalion
« Reply #50 on: 28 Sep 2007, 00:12:38 »
Basically every change LCD suggested implemented

lol... im flatered :P

gonna test it again soonish :P

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Offline Wolfrug

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Re: [SP] New Punishment Battalion Version 1.30
« Reply #51 on: 28 Sep 2007, 09:52:24 »
Thought I'd give a small interim beta report on this, if for no other reason than bumping it. Well worth the play!  :good:

Less weapons at the start and throughout the mission = works well. You really are left with very little from the start, but after a bit of scrounging around you've pretty soon amassed enough for everyone.

One thing is of course that once one of your soldiers has 4 mags, that will probably last him until the end of the mission. Why? Well...for one, you generally keep your guys carefully hidden and try to avoid getting them killed. So they don't always get to shoot very much. Second, ArmA AI are by default frighteningly accurate (I hate seeing an enemy shoot : almost always means that one of your own just went down -> retry), which means that in a firefight which in the real world would expend thousands of rounds, in ArmA you're done without reloading once.

Solution? Well...unless via a HD-weaponry mod, or somehow scripting it (or maybe 1.09 will bring full functionality to the setSkill array command?), I guess there's just no 'solution' to this 'problem'. One thing you do want to keep tabs on is the number of AT-rockets you've got available though, although I've never really been in danger of running out. Especially as in ArmA, unlike OFP, you only need one well-placed rocket to the rear of a T-72 to make the crew bail, so a standard load of 3 RPGs is enough to take out a whole fast reaction force (if used carefully. Then again, missing usually means a facefull of lead a second later  :D)

Some notes: When rescuing Maria, be sure to unassign all vehicles from her (maybe disable her AI to be on the sure side) and such: I drove her to the safehouse in a stolen UAZ with a MG (with her as gunner ;)), and once there she got out, ran a bit to the side, waited, and then re-entered the gunner position of the uaz. I placed her on Alcazar to watch the road below :P

Speaking of: the Kamov was just hovering near Alcazar. Said girlfriend shot it down with her machinegun, and it carefully landed near the houses down there. Driving a repair truck + refuel truck (freely available from the base where the police are) to it repaired it fully - zhasam, you've got yourself a gunship! Doesn't make things -overly- easy (still Strela launchers and Shilkas around to worry you), but...well. Might want to consider making it a little harder to get the Kamov (for instance the pilot could place a satchel near it when getting out and then blow it up like 30 seconds later or somesuch: scripting that wouldn't be foolproof by any means, but it'd work sometimes?). Then again, it was probably a fluke the chopper was just hovering in such a friendly manner, and also luck it didn't explode when falling down.

Carla I've already PM'd you about, but in short: 10 minutes is a little too little. It really only leaves the Pita airbase to exploit her in, and sadly a single satchel someplace there won't do TOO much good. Speaking of : is there any chance you could make the effect of killing Beria before all his men a little more tangible? I assassinated him with Carla, but no-one really seemed to care overly much. Not really sure how that could be achieved though: a global decrease of "allowFleeing"?  :D

You could possibly make the American weapondrop a LITTLE more rewarding: the Mando Mortar and the Stinger Launcher are both great, but the 4 M4s are a bit dry. I think what the group misses the most at the point where you feel strong enough to attack the AA site and so on is heavier weapons: machineguns, grenadelaunchers. Maybe add a M240 or a M16-M203 to the lot?  :) Just to spice things up inbetween all these AK-variants. Also: the UH-60 just kept flying around the dropzone in circles after picking up Floyd. Dunno why. Suggestion: just script in something that deletes it after the player is X meters away: you can't fight the ArmA chopper AI, after all. ;)

More and faster response to your actions: check. They're everywhere.  :blink: Although I've never tried playing at night, even though you keep recommending it. Partly because I've got weirdo glitches with my NV (it turns off now and then for no reason - probably drivers/GPU related), partly because I know the ArmA AI doesn't have a lot of trouble seeing in the dark (even without NV goggles).  :D I should probably try it just for a more atmospheric experience.

Oh, btw: when Augustus panics and runs, he still doesn't get out of his transport.  ;) Just sits there, cow-like.

And finally: when loading a retry after having flown around a bit in my Kamov (close to Pita airbase) I got myself a loadgame related CTD. I'm hoping I can still 'fix' my save (can't remember how right now, but it was doable, I think ^^), but yep. I have to admit though I've got quite a lot of mods running in the background (MaddMatt's, FDF, Hulk's Oggplayer..), so it might also be due to those.  :)

Thanks for many hours of fun! If I find anything else to comment on, I'll be sure to do it here.  :clap:

Wolfrug out.
« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2007, 15:04:50 by Wolfrug »
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Offline Denz

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (REVIEW PLEASE)
« Reply #52 on: 03 Nov 2007, 21:45:36 »
Oh boy, *looks around* gotta get in quick before another staffer does.
This one is most definitely MINE!!!
I've got 'em right where I want 'em - surrounded from the inside!
Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver, SOG Recon One-Zero
24/09/41 - 24/04/69

Offline LeeHunt

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (WAIT, FIXING ONE LAST THING PLEASE)
« Reply #53 on: 03 Nov 2007, 22:33:03 »
Thanks Denz.  Here's the update, sorry about that (had to take out Chammy's Sound mod). I knew calling it "Final" would reveal one tiny last thing to edit!!!!!

Updated Total Download Package:
« Last Edit: 03 Nov 2007, 22:36:59 by LeeHunt »

Offline HailStorm

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (Review in progress)
« Reply #54 on: 05 Nov 2007, 10:51:31 »
hey there.

i've come across a wierd bug - i just saved after coming across the other punishment battalion in the north after getting the pilot, and every time a re-start from here, my no. 3 (the guy in the black shirt) just drops dead. it seems to happen to a LOT of other AI units, too, as i suddenly get a message telling me that i've wiped out most of the army, followed by instructions to mail you the codeword for such an event. then i get another message, telling me augustin has dropped his weapon and is fleeing. it's wierd, as at this stage i haven't even fired a single shot.

all i've done is gone and found marco, gone and checked out the helicopter, and gone and got the pilot, then driven around the road to the punishment group.
Mi-24 Hinds in Abandoned Armies... T-72's in Punishment Battalion... if you leave it unlocked, I WILL find a way to steal it!

Offline LeeHunt

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (Review in progress)
« Reply #55 on: 05 Nov 2007, 16:35:35 »
that definitely sounds like a corrupted saved game file- i'm sorry that happened  :(.  I ran through it maybe 30 times and its been tested about 100 other times by friends and others on the site without that occurrence.  That leads me to believe its something with that saved game specifically being corrupted, but i will check it out myself.  The savegame issue had been fixed since version 1.01 but again, i'll take a look.  Basically it sounds like all the enemies dropped dead instantly, somethign that is definitely NOT programmed in at any point into any script or trigger  :dunno:.  Could you try running around for like 10 minutes again and see if that happens on a new game?  I'l look into it on my end as well...

Offline HailStorm

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (Review in progress)
« Reply #56 on: 06 Nov 2007, 12:46:09 »
ahh it's alright mate. went back into that savegame and went and checked out the town to the east of my starting location - and was promptly shot by at least four soldiers, so not all addons (or infantry) are dead or anything. regardless, i've sent you the save file so you can have a look yourself.
Mi-24 Hinds in Abandoned Armies... T-72's in Punishment Battalion... if you leave it unlocked, I WILL find a way to steal it!

Offline LeeHunt

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (Review in progress)
« Reply #57 on: 06 Nov 2007, 13:25:35 »
ok thanks Hailstorm. I did give the game an extra look and ran it for 12 hours overnight- no problems with the mission or reloading my saved game.  Given the betatesting experiences so far I'm guessing its that particular saved game on your PC that got fouled up for some reason  :(.   But i'll try the save you sent me after work...

Offline Denz

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Re: [SP] Punishment Battalion (Review in progress)
« Reply #58 on: 21 Apr 2008, 19:58:05 »
This mission has been reviewed.

After-review discussion is opened!
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 12:37:00 by Cheetah »
I've got 'em right where I want 'em - surrounded from the inside!
Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver, SOG Recon One-Zero
24/09/41 - 24/04/69