You use Oracle_ as your personal code tag. Valid
OFPEC tags are 3-5 letters, all upper case, such as SPON_ and should be
registered to prevent multiple people using the same tag and causing issues. Sorry to make a big deal about this, but I'm mentioning it as much to remind other people as to tell you.
Sometimes I see you use (A very common mistake, that I make myself):
publicVariable Saved_Array;
rather than:
publicVariable "Saved_Array";
On a more advanced note, since you update a networked value on any client, it is possible that you could lose data when the array is updated on multiple clients at once. Ideally, the array should only be updated on the server and the clients should just send a message asking the server to update and re-
public the array.
You don't need to re-public a value on JIP. JIP players automatically synchronise with the last publiced values. Thus, you don't need to use
onPlayerConnected to sync player data.
_Handler = [] ExecVM "Oracle-Core\Oracle-Core.sqf";
WaitUntil {ScriptDone _Handler};
Is a complex way to do this:
[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Oracle-Core\Oracle-Core.sqf";
Some nice ideas and techniques used there though, so don't be put off by my corrections (not many people even try advanced scripting, so...). I never did get around to adding this functionality to SPON Money, for which I am continually berated by certain people
(I gave up that project and did other more interesting things instead)! I look forward to updates and new projects...