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Author Topic: A great Mission Idea  (Read 2076 times)

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A great Mission Idea
« on: 29 Sep 2003, 19:14:52 »
Hi there folks,
I have a great idea but I dont want to reveal too much so if anyone would be interested in this then please send me a private message.

ok, basically it is a civil war mission but thats all I'm saying for now.

I think this would be better if it is made be a multi skilled team and I believe it  could reach a 9-10/ 10 mark ;)


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #1 on: 29 Sep 2003, 19:29:17 »
Don't you trust us?  >:(

Maybe it isn't such a good idea and you need our criticism to make it one. Don't post something saying 'A Great Mission Idea' and then tell us nothing. I don't feel like IM you to find out :P .

Offline dmakatra

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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #2 on: 29 Sep 2003, 19:42:27 »
If you're looking for a team, check the recruitment depot. What's the idea having an idea when you ain't telling it?

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Captain Winters

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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #3 on: 30 Sep 2003, 15:05:50 »
Yea, it was kind of a waste to even start this thread  :-\

Tanks! 8)


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #4 on: 30 Sep 2003, 15:20:15 »

We are family here.... Please do not feel you need to hide anything from us.

:beat:*Shoots Armstrong Again*:beat:
« Last Edit: 30 Sep 2003, 15:21:30 by Iwesshome »


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #5 on: 30 Sep 2003, 21:24:25 »
OK, well I thought it would of been nice to make this a family suprise :P

My Great Mission Idea is a Mercenary mission and it came from reading several accounts of mercenaries in Bosnia during 92/93.


The group of Islands are in a ethnic war between three groups, similar to that of Bosnia. At the moment I'm unsure of the religeons and names of these groups :-\


The player is a ex British PARA and after seeing the fighting on TV decides hes up for the battles and makes his way to Nogovo.


CUTSCENE... News reports on the Island to give the player an understanding of what is happening and who they are.

The player starts as a passenger in a cessna coming into land at the amin airport. ON arrival the airport is very busy with people caught up in the war trying to leave, Buses are ferrying people constantly and the roads are covered in people walking, cylcling, drving tractors, mopeds....etc to escape the country.

The players first objective is to make his way to Petrovic and try to find a commander of an elite fighting unit, made famous from their courage on the island of Kolejev. He can get their in many different ways, bus, car, stealing, walking etc..

On the way the road is littered with wrecks bodys and gerenal carnage. Petrovic is a stronghold with checkpoints and soldier everywhere..... a very busy town  On arriving at Petrovic he finds the commander....in the local bar drinking with many fighters.

The player does not get accepted in the elite unit, but just after this happens a bomb goes off right outside the bar killing several soldiers. The commander promptly changes his mind and welcomes his new soldier.
NIGHT goes to day and the player wakes up in one of them tower blocks, he must then go and be issued his eqipment at the builders yard thing.

after that the commander tells him to get on the next truck to the front line, which he does. near the front lnie there is a section house which troops use for R&R. On arrival he meets up with the guy in charge who is glad of the palyer experience in Afganistan, seirra Leonne and the Gulf and promotes the player to lead a 8 man section with little military experience. later that day a few guys recce the enemy frontline about 600 meters away for a attack the next morning.

next morning the players section and a ex spanish soldiers section go to attack the enemy (1 more section is held back in case of the assult bogging down), some1 trips a mine and all hell breaks loose.

Both sides should have a mix on uniforms (west, eat, civ, res) and a mix of weapons.

I know I havent covered anythnig cus it would turn out to be a Tom Clancy book if I keep going, but if anyone says.."wat about this" or "that doesnt make sense" etc then feel free to ask. ;)


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #6 on: 01 Oct 2003, 04:09:55 »
I got a great mission idea but don't know if it'd work.  What  about having to stalk an enemy patrol all the way to their base which you don't know where it is?  Or another being having to sneak past enemy lines into a village and find willing civillians who wish to give up information on special people or help the fight by disclosing the location of stuff you can use.  Do you think any of those could work?


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #7 on: 01 Oct 2003, 20:02:51 »
@ BronzeEagle-

It would unlikely that a patrol would follow an ememys patrol then attack their base becausethe base could have hundreds of troops for all they know so it would be a suicide mission with a 8 man section.
They could follow a partol then form up a ambush( the force multipler) so they can attack a force 4 times their size.

The sneaking inot ememy lines could work as the SAS have done that in the past but it would have to have more content like the player getting spotted by enmey troops and a fire fight.

Anyway what do you guys think of my mission Idea?? Anyone willing to help make it?
I think it would be cool with custom vioces.


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #8 on: 02 Oct 2003, 01:45:26 »
Here go a few more:
Stakeout:  Delta Force recon mission.  Stake out the pub to see if the intelligence we gathered is

true.  It may be a russian communications headquarters, if so blow it up.  Watch out for Russians

going near it, then begin your assult.  Once you see a russian squad kill everyone but the leader.  

Take him hostage and return him back to base.  You'll be inserted by rubber raft and expected to

return to the main ship with him onboard.

another mission:  Nogova Delta Force mission:  Sneek into the city.  Stake out the government

building where the mayor does his work in a certain town.  You will all remain undercover, as the

mayors bodyguards.  If you have to just follow him a few cars back.  Once he's available kidnap him

and get to the rubber raft to meet up with the LSD.

CSAR: you are a marine being inserted by a ch53e.  There were two squads on duty from the

destabilization of the government downtown.  They both fell under attack and had to retreat them and

their supplies into some empty buildings.  It is up to you to destroy the supplies and get them out.

 Lots of scripted car explosions on the street n stuff.  Fog present.  Kinda an anarchy setting.  


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #9 on: 04 Oct 2003, 13:06:01 »
Guys, what do you think of my mission idea??

BronzeEagle, make your own thread for YOUR mission ideas ;D

This Thread is for MY idea and any questions relevent to it!


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #10 on: 05 Oct 2003, 03:30:38 »
sorry mike...


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #11 on: 05 Oct 2003, 14:00:58 »
Sounds like a great idea! what unit/units were you thinking of using for you Mercenary? Or are you going to make a whole new Model. Anyway excellent idea man i hope ya make it.


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Re:A great Mission Idea
« Reply #12 on: 05 Oct 2003, 15:14:04 »
Well messing around in the editor ive found for the players side, a mix between resistance, US and Russian soldiers is the best. They can all be on the same side by having the leader as say US and the grouping them up together or the .CPP can be edited so they change sides.

The enemy will also have a mix of the same uniforms but when there reinforcement arrive, some will be in civie clothing to represent that they were not expecting an attack.

By doing "removeallweapons" command, the soldiers can be equiped with a variety of weapons, so a US uniformed soldier may have a RPG or a PK and a russian a m16.....lots of variety and the FN FAL and HKG3 can be used cus they never get used by anyone which is ashame.

Unfortunately I dont fell confident that I have the skills to make this mission all on my own and yeh I could learn but I lead a busy life so a small team would be better of making this mission, with custom voices and great cutscenes to make this a 10/10 mission.