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Author Topic: fadeMusic  (Read 1584 times)

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« on: 01 Oct 2003, 06:53:42 »
Hey... I'm having a problem with the fadeMusic command..

What I want to do is have the music go to about half or a quarter volume at a certain point in my map, so you can still hear it, but can also hear some people talking that the music would normally cover up. But, the only time the fadeMusic command seems to work is for turning the volume off completely (0 fadeMusic 0)... if I change either zero, there's no noticeable difference in the music's volume...

Any ideas?


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« Reply #1 on: 01 Oct 2003, 11:37:11 »
i had the same problem.  does it all change volume instantly?  i.i. does the "time" value not seem to work either?

i posted a similar thread befor and got no answers.  i hope someone knows how to deal with this!

O Neil

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« Reply #2 on: 01 Oct 2003, 12:08:51 »
Man, I had the same prob. No one answered all 4 times I posted.

Good luck

O'Neil ;)

Offline Artak

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« Reply #3 on: 01 Oct 2003, 15:34:47 »
timeline fademusic volume
..I believe is the syntax for the fademusic command

timeline being the time in which the music will fade to the desired volume
fademusic obviously being the command
and volume being the desired volume. If I remember correctly the default volume is 0.5

so, for example
20 fademusic 0.2
would make the music fade gradually in 20 seconds to level 0.2

If you're having problems with it I suggest you check your description.ext and make sure you've defined it as cfgmusic and NOT cfgsound

If you discover that you've actually defined it as cfgsound and don't want to go change it you can use
command which uses the same syntax as fademusic does.
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« Reply #4 on: 01 Oct 2003, 16:18:39 »
i had this problem with the BIS music though as well as custom music.  I'll check the description.ext anyway to see if this solves the latter


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« Reply #5 on: 01 Oct 2003, 22:49:28 »
If you're having problems with it I suggest you check your description.ext and make sure you've defined it as cfgmusic and NOT cfgsound

If only it were that easy...  No, I have it in as music. I appreciate the idea, though...

I also noticed there's no tutorials I could find that cover how to add music into the game and then implement the fadeMusic command... is this a bug in the commands?... or is the syntax we're using not correct?...

Offline Artak

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« Reply #6 on: 02 Oct 2003, 11:28:25 »
The syntax is correct and it's worked for me like a charm. I'm fresh out of any solid ideas but here's a few thin ones.

In the description.ext try setting your music piece volume to +40db or something, so that the volume magnitude is larger to fiddle with.

If you're using a trigger's effects selection to start the music, take it away, and try playing the music with the playmusic command from a script or a triggers on activation field or something.

Check the volume settings in your OFP options. Make sure they're not too low. (again to give some more room for the music volume to fade in).

When using the fademusic command, try a whole bunch of different values increasing/decresing them gradually, little by little.

I can't do anything better I'm afraid, but if a wise man comes along and solves the problem, or you manage to get it to work yourself, you could write that missing tutorial so that others won't have to suffer as you did  ;)
Not all is lost.


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« Reply #7 on: 03 Oct 2003, 02:45:57 »
Well, I have a feeling now that I'm either just not noticing the difference in the volume because of where I was placing the fadeMusic command in the song, or I need to adjust some volume settings.

Although, it just struck me that settings when I converted to .ogg may be responsible... I used dBpowerAMP to convert from an MP3 with the following settings:
  • Stereo
  • Bitrate: 64 Kbps
  • Encoding: Constant Bitrate
  • Frequency: 44100 Hz
I believe these are the correct settings for converting, but am I wrong and one of them is nullifing the effects of fadeMusic?

I'll get on and tinker with it in a bit... I'll let you all know what happens, and...

I can't do anything better I'm afraid, but if a wise man comes along and solves the problem, or you manage to get it to work yourself, you could write that missing tutorial so that others won't have to suffer as you did  

I definately appreciate the help and wisdom, Artak. And you all can count on there being a tutorial soon(tm)...   :)
« Last Edit: 03 Oct 2003, 03:00:34 by -Omega- »