Dead? nononon, far from it, iv spent a couple of weeks on the Challenger 2 since publishing the 3DSmax screenshot on the site, and the exterior textures are at about 35-40% done now, and looking nice, aiming to complete them in the next 3-4 weeks, so I can start the interior.
The Royal Marines are also having the LODs all ironed out b4 having the coding improved and then some testing to find any bugs, if you see less activity on the site, it generally means we are actually working harder, lol ;-)
expect some updated screens of the Challenger 2 in the coming few weeks ;-)
Also once we get the SA80/LSW to the right standard, the RM release shouldnt be too long off ;-), and no I cant give a date or estimate :-)
Texturing on the MLRS should commence in the not too far distant future, CoC have almost finished working their magic, on the coding/scripts, so once the textures are done, its 100%, minus final Beta testing, if we encounter no major hickups that is. It shall be a large texturing job though :-P