hey i dont mean to hijack... but since everyone is talking about respawning i just thought i might ask.
Is non-playables respawnable in MP?
Hey I played a MP mission that had spwan pionts and as we advanced up the road the spawn pionts would move with us. Any one have an idea how do do this. I would love to use it in some of my missions.
Init.sqsplayer addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "myrespawn.sqs"}]
MyRespawn.sqsPlayer removealleventhandlers "Killed"
@ alive player
Player setpos (getpos
orPlayer setpos (getmarkerpos "markername")
player addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "myrespawn.sqs"}]
If I use that base respawn with a FDF units, there is a little problem..
When they have respawned, they'll get AK47 I want that they get RK62 ( FDF weapon ) or something like that..
Can anyone help me?
The following will give the unit the weapons it started withUnit's Init field_this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "unitspawn.sqs"}]
MyRespawn.sqs_unit = _this select 0
_unit removealleventhandlers "Killed"
_weapArray = weapons _unit
_magArray = magazines _unit
_primary = primaryweapon _unit
@ alive _unit
removeallweapons _unit
_unit addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "unitspawn.sqs"}]
{_unit addMagazine _x} forEach _magArray
{_unit addWeapon _x} forEach _weapArray
_unit selectWeapon _primary
alternatively you can specify a different loadout@ alive _unit
removeallweapons _unit
_unit addmagazine "XXXXX"
_unit addmagazine "XXXXX"
_unit addmagazine "XXXXX"
_unit addweapon "XXXXX"