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Author Topic: SEAL Team - Vietnam Era Mission, Similar X-Com/Jagged Alliance  (Read 3192 times)

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Offline TheCaptain

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I'm working along a mission using the SEB Nam pack, which plays similar to X-Com or Jagged Alliance 2. (Thank you resistance dialogs! Custom GUI's WHOOO!)

It's seton the Ia Trang island.

As the leader of a SEAL team, you build little firebases, command *up to* 12 seals (you'll need to rise in the ranks to command the full platoon), call in air strikes, support teams, etc, and participate in large missions. Your superiors run inteligence and objective based operations, giving you missions absed on the information you discover. If you find out information, from prisoners, or by stumbling on it during a mission, or from generating your own custom recon mission, command generates one for you to go on, and you choose which ones to accept. However, inteligence degrades with age, and your intel is only as good as what you discover, though there are occasional day old intel flyovers...

It centers around a mythical island in the mekong (Ia Trang... I know that wasn't in the mekong, deal with it), which was taken by the VC after the marines failed to establish a beachhead, and you have to go in there and liberate it with minimal civilian casualties. Since seals used funding, I'm thinking on a combined weekly funding/command rating to allow the player to buy/request new stuff, which is periodically shipped to the airstrip. Of course, you have to retake the airstrip straight off... =)

Villages are full of civilians, and you can train local militias to fight off the VC. Napalming civvie/vc filled cities is a bad idea.
Takes at least half a day of accelerated game time (likely 1 second game = 1 min real life) to request replacements, equipment, etc.
When you piss off your superiors, your funding starts to dry up. The more 'bullet points' that you accomplish a day/week/night, the higher your funding for your time period. If you capture/interrogate officers, destroy arms caches, and wreck supply lines, that weighs in a lot more than just slaughtering vc. It's a bad thing if the VC retake/harass towns, and if you lose your airbase, you're cut off. Secondary firebases save you if you lose a main base. The main goal is to force the VC off the island, or cripple them to a point that the marines can come in and save the day. It's set in south vietnam, so I'm not using the NVA. The riverine regions of south vietnam were feared by us forces, with lots of swamps, heavy underbrush, and wraith-like VC that would harass and wound the hell out of them until they ran. That's what the seals were for, and that's what this addon is about.

You'll 'unlock' weapons and equipment as they become available, I'm accelerating the nam timeline, of course, to make the early equipment only available at the beginning, and the later war toys available towards the end, even though total game time may only be 2-3 months.

I wanted a mission along the lines of seal team, EA, 1993, but now that I finally figured out how to use dialogs, sky's the limit...

Hopefully it'll be completed by the time Nam pak 2 is released, which means all I'll have left to do is add in the new units; sampans, machine guns, etc.

Sound interesting?
The Captain


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sound interesting?
it sounds bloody fantastic!!!!.
Plea man, if you need any help for mission ideas, or someone as a Navy SEAL advisor, I'd be more than happy to help. And if the MOD can get moving, we can probably give you a website too.



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I know someone in the naval special warfare thingy that can help you. He gets a little edgy when you talk about stuff like desert storm, but he MIGHT help out.

tai mai shu

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great idea man.  your "funding" concept is brilliant.  its a great way of incorporating "money" into a  realistic scenario (these guys arent mercs, so money is unrealistic).

but jeez thats gonna be pretty darn hard to implement.  that's like MOD/DEV team level work, but if you can pull it off, this thing could very easily blow up into a mod of Counter-strike proportions  ;D

i think that the chani of command guys would like to hear about this.  i think their line of work is relative to this topic.

about the special forces info, i dont think your gonna need to go as far as freakiun interviews with ex-spec ops guys lol.  just skim books like Special Forces by tom clancy, or bravo two zero (excellent book), We were soldiers once... and young

or watch movies like hamburger hill (DO NOT WATCH PLATOON, THIS MOVIE WILL SCREW YOU UP CUZ IT'S THE MOST UNREALISTIC 'NAM MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN), we were soldiers, or platoon LEADER.

you just gotta remember tha the viet cong were horrible soldiers, absolutely nothing compared to the ai in ofp.  the kill ratio of Vietnamese to US soldiers in the war was 19:1, im not lying, thats a fact. (vietnam isnt as much of a US ass kicking as most believe), most Vietnam missions ive played, the vietnamese were portrayed as being too good, and it was way too unrealistic.  (like, thered be missions where the US would get creamed like the did in the OFP campaign)

the VC DID NOT have tanks whatsoever, the NVA had a small force later in the war, but they were also knocked out pretty quick in teh battle of saigon.  they didnt have ANY choppers ( the NVA had a few) and no CAP aircover.


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I find what you've said to be pretty strange. And i think that it's bullcrap. I'm not here to start a fight, but I have a big problem with people impersonating someone they're not.

As far as the US Military are concerned (or so they say to the publice) the Navy's SpecWar unit performed no operations in Desert Storm. So if what your saying is true, then you, and especially your friend are in a whole world of trouble.

« Last Edit: 02 Sep 2002, 17:43:39 by Phantom »

tai mai shu

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lol Mr. Phantom, i totally agree with you.  there are so many phonies on this site.  i bet half the people who say they were or are"Super-elite special forces SAS navy Seals Delta force superduper assault team commandos" (LOL)  are probly greasy teen weekend paintballers with a severe disorder and have some gun fetish and fantasize about killing, not about serving their country.  people who are truly in the military dont spend all their time playing a videogame lol.

now dont get me wrong, i aint agaisnt the military or anything, i myself am only 14 years old, but i do plan on going to the US Army Academy at Westpoint when i graduate, and plan on making a career out of the military, not because i wanna go shoot some guns and kill some terrorists lol, but because i want to serve my country.

Offline vade_101

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As far as the US Military are concerned (or so they say to the publice) the Navy's SpecWar unit performed no operations in Desert Storm.

Naval "Special" Units Deployed During Desert Storm/Desert Shield (From www.navy.mil)

SEAL TEAM THREE           12 AUG - 03 APR
SEAL TEAM ONE             12 AUG - 12 MAR
SEAL TEAM FIVE            12 AUG - TBD
SDV TEAM ONE              15 JAN - 03 APR
SEAL TEAM TWO             09 AUG - 02 MAR
SEAL TEAM FOUR            09 AUG - 02 MAR
SEAL TEAM EIGHT           09 AUG - 17 APR
SDV TEAM TWO              03 AUG - 25 AUG

SEAL's performed several tasks during Desert Storm, they (SEAL TEAM 1) conducted reconnaissance of the beaches in southern Kuwait to see if a marinine amphibious landing was feasible (it wasn't) and when a land based attack was decided on they conducted a simulated "landing" at Mina Su'ud as part of the diversion. they boarded and captured seven oil platforms in the Durrah Oil Field (after US Helicopters had come under fire) as well as condunting high-risk anti mine operations.

SEAL's also operated as part of the coalition forces (along with UK Royal Marines and SBS) enforcing trade sanctions (a total of 11 "takedowns" of ships that refused to submit to inspection were carried out during the war.)

Offline TheCaptain

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Reminds me of this site (navyfrogmen.com?), where a few contributors swap stoies about the phonies they've uncovered.

I've found that the allowfleeing command when combiend with 'skill' allows for the player to react quicker. Also, on the thickly brushed locations in the ia trang valley, when units flee, they have a much larger chance of surviving, while also repositioning themselves to different firing positions. Makes a half dozen VC feel like twice that number, and ammo supplies really dwindle. =)

In fact, allowfleeing of about .5 through .7 and skill at .2-.6 actually simulate "smarter" ai than normal OFp ai, at keast in the realm of jungle fighting. The soldier that stays still is a gonner, what with all the mortars, grenade launchers, and fire support.

The design I stated will pretty much hold true, though I will, of course, flesh it out.

I'd be able to script all this myself, however I'm working on *another* major dynamic multiplayer map (Think CS), and I can't split my time well enough. =)

So, I'm asking for a little help from some skilled and unconventional scripters.
« Last Edit: 04 Sep 2002, 07:06:49 by TheCaptain »
The Captain


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Brilliant idea!! I think what you could do is make a personality script so like if the guy has a grenade launcher hes happy, but then if a tank comes he sh*** his pants and runs off.

Im also happy to help if you need any.

c ya!!


Offline TheCaptain

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Allowfleeing + skill/setskill + hasweapon + getdammage work very well for setting personalities.


allowfleeing - sets how likely they are to flee; useful with counting the number left in the squad
skill/setskill - dynamically modifies skill based on whatever factors, including what weapon they have
hasweapon - checks which weapon they have
getdammage - you can set skill/allowfleeing higher or lower based on how injured they are.
setdammage - make units tougher based on a numebr of factors. Extends their shelf life =)
time - checks for current time, in hours. You can have units who are best at night, and otehr best during the day

What this boils down to, is that you can have a rambo unit that always holds his ground no matter WHAT is happening, just as long as he's got an M60, but flees if he's got anything less. On the other hand, you can have a scaredy unit who runs away a lot, but has this wierd propensity for getting lost and staying alive (setdammage/getdammage/allowfleeing). In the middle of the road, you can have units who have a skill set highest if their whole group is alive and they have their preferred weapon, but tend to run away or act dumber if things start going badly. As missions progress the skill and overall 'health' of units can increase (IE, they can take more hits before dying).

Combine this with a team selection menu before each mission starts, and some names and bios, and you've got yourself a very interesting squad oriented sim.

The Captain


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Re:SEAL Team - Vietnam Era Mission, Similar X-Com/Jagged Alliance
« Reply #10 on: 10 Sep 2002, 20:10:25 »
A good idea, also would be to make a script that every time a member of your squad kills an enemy soldier they get allocated 3 points once you get, say 9 points you can add a new weapon to their kit, or make it so they get better at shooting, and can take more damage. One question. Will the mod be fairly cinematic?

c ya!!

Offline TheCaptain

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Re:SEAL Team - Vietnam Era Mission, Similar X-Com/Jagged Alliance
« Reply #11 on: 15 Sep 2002, 00:08:31 »
Cinematic, as in....?

Scripted events in the missions? Very few. Battles and engagements are randomized, as they should be. Contact can be made in the best and worst places, and enemy units partol the map in certain areas at will. The skilled player will lure the enemy into ambushes and the like, as opposed to running around and dying... However, the battles will have a cinematic feel, with the player becoming attahced to his squad, and the members doing both very smart and very dumb things, air support coming in at the last second, radio calls bringing rockets and napalm down on a large, advancing enemy, etc.
The Captain


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Re:SEAL Team - Vietnam Era Mission, Similar X-Com/Jagged Alliance
« Reply #12 on: 18 Sep 2002, 23:15:20 »
Me, Phantom and KTottE started a SEAL mod, but the other guys were just too busy with other mods.I can help, I am a quite good mission maker, and If I can get my .dxf files into o2 i can be a modeller as well, just don't ask me to do any scripting ;D