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Author Topic: Tank pics, and new code system!  (Read 2359 times)

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Tank pics, and new code system!
« on: 28 Mar 2003, 05:23:38 »
Argh i lost my whole msg right, ok now heres my thing...

Um at ww2ec we have created what we call the 'Universal Armor System' its a math formula designed to take real armor and vehicle values and translate them into ofp. Were happy to share our formula with any guys making tanks out there who want them to be compatible with ww2ec addons.

No ww2ec addons have used the formula so far (and as u know our current tank addons have been um well looking great but coded unpredictably)

This will be no more, for we are rereleasing our old tanks with the universal armor system code, and also adding new artwork/improving etc.

The Stug is getting a retexture (in grey first then camo) and the sherman is getting a new texture altogether (vibes gave permission) also vibes cromwell, these 3 for a start will use the code!


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #1 on: 28 Mar 2003, 17:30:15 »

Could you give an e.g. of your armour standards. For instance, how many BIS RPGs does it take to kill a Sherman (sounds like a bad joke...).

I'm of the opinion that armoured vehicles should be pretty hardy -  irrespective of actual figures - for the sake of gameplay. It's daft having infantry carriers, for instance, that are slaughtered by a single RPG. Two, fine... one, daft.

I heart the Bradley, for instance, yet it's an FFFing liability. One RPG and you lose it and your whole squad, usually whether they happen to be in the thing or not given that the secondary explosion damage is so high. Grrr  >:(

I would also favour slightly higher 'get out' threshholds', so crew/passengers actually have some chance of escaping a damaged vehicle.  
« Last Edit: 28 Mar 2003, 17:34:04 by Strangelove »


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #2 on: 28 Mar 2003, 18:46:10 »
The system is based on real figures however the damage locational system and the less surgical accuracy (But realistic) makes tank fights so exciting that u could make a pure tank based mission where engaging tanks is exciting, the new system was so cool me and my flatmate played a network game with 2 recoded tanks!


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #3 on: 28 Mar 2003, 19:13:49 »
Right... so you've increased the dispersal field. All for the good.

 ;D answer the question, man  ;D

How tough are ur tanks compared to the BIS standard?


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #4 on: 28 Mar 2003, 23:47:15 »
stug update


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #5 on: 28 Mar 2003, 23:49:03 »
This is the Sherman!  Retextured of Vibes

And remember guys we are going thru all the old armor addons at ww2ec updating them and making new ones, which will all use the new universal armor code.


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #6 on: 29 Mar 2003, 03:37:37 »
Right... so you've increased the dispersal field. All for the good.

 ;D answer the question, man  ;D

How tough are ur tanks compared to the BIS standard?

Well I'm not sure if comparing it to a BIS RPG would be accurate. Comparing it to other ww2 tanks is better (and far more fun). I was actually playing with the test code Stug and Sherman and it was a different experience to say the least. I can't say for sure it was realistic (because I don't know) but it was fun and it "felt right".  I positioned a Stug on the end of the bridge and the Sherman on the other and of course the Stug won every time (about 3 hits). The tanks do seem realistic as they are slower and take longer to reload (remember it's the 1940's), but it's good fun. I think you guys will like it


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #7 on: 29 Mar 2003, 04:36:20 »
Well it is realistic in that real figures are used to make the calculation, however one big difference is that where as 1 would determine a tank beaten by it exploding (as it does normally in ofp) using the 'ww2ec universal armor value system' (wow what a name) a tank will be destroyed for example without exploding (but may explode later as damage seems to cause explosion delays some time after) hehe

If you aim low u can blow off its tracks (depending on values) thus immobilising her and letting the crew abandon, or if ur confident go for the turret in the desperate hope u might jam it etc

Whatever happens where u hit will have the effect. Just approach the system with difference expections as you would normally! Um also um the values are made thru a math formula regardless ofps values.

Believe it or not real figures are used and put thru our math formula and thus leads to tank damage determinations being realistic. So total realism is a must here but the system is also designed to incorporate more random elements such as the unpredicatable nature of damage (locational system more emphasised) and the fact that humans are less accurate than their surgically accurate instruments of warfare !


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #8 on: 29 Mar 2003, 11:12:00 »
OK, yes, that all sounds good.

Decreasing the accuracy and increasing randomness of damage is certainly the most welcome change. This has been shown to be the way forward in OFP, ever since RED's WEAPONS.

It should be POSSIBLE, yet unlikely, to knock out any armoured vehicle with a single RPG. To improve gameplay, it would be good if the overall durability of ALL armoured vehicles could be raised somewhat. Again, I'm talking about infantry carriers, mainly.

But this is a balancing act. Infantry must also have an effective attack against armour, otherwise it's game over.

Hope that wasn't an entirely trite post!   :P


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #9 on: 30 Mar 2003, 00:44:23 »
Um at ww2ec we have created what we call the 'Universal Armor System' its a math formula designed to take real armor and vehicle values and translate them into ofp. Were happy to share our formula with any guys making tanks out there who want them to be compatible with ww2ec addons.

Well, can we see the formula, even we that arent making a WW2 tank for WW2EC?
« Last Edit: 30 Mar 2003, 00:44:52 by CrunchyFrog »


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #10 on: 30 Mar 2003, 04:40:50 »
Ok wait a sec in my next reply i will post the formula we have in making so far

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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #11 on: 30 Mar 2003, 17:49:31 »
Yes, thats worth empahsising. Other teams should have full access to this system, to make addons compatible with each other...


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #12 on: 30 Mar 2003, 23:49:12 »


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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #13 on: 30 Mar 2003, 23:59:32 »
Very nice... always said there was only one colour for a Nazi tank... battleship grey. You gonna stick any vegetation on it, or not?

Also, the previous version of this tank had no MG... I've no idea whether this is accurate or not. Did the germans never stick an MG on it  ???

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Re:Tank pics, and new code system!
« Reply #14 on: 31 Mar 2003, 23:23:06 »
I think they may have, but Vibes left if off because it wasn't co-axial, which it would have to be in OFP. I know that the Ferdinand/Elaphant was conspicously missing any MG or HE rounds, but I assume the Stug did....