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Author Topic: Landrover 110  (Read 48352 times)

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #15 on: 25 Aug 2002, 18:48:41 »
Sorry for the lack of updates, my mother's been in hospital since Thursday (they let her come home today though) so I havent had a chance to do much really,, still havent managed to sort out Milkshape, gonna hack the registry to bits later - that'll learn it good! Then I'm gonna download GMAX and forget all about Milkshape.
What's all this talk of me giving up? I dont know, don't post anything for a couple of days and it's all doom and gloom ;)
There are only 2 mod teams (excluding Falklands which until I read this I wasnt aware they were) that are making landies, the Royal Forces and the SAS (who I have been having discussions with lately).
If the Falklands mod are doing landies wouldnt they be short (88") and long (109") wheelbase Series III landies? Stu35 btw a 110 is a long wheelbase version of the Defender and the 90 is the swb - not being picky, you just pick that sort of useless info up when you spend as long as I have trawling through landrover sites  :D

Offline Davies1

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #16 on: 26 Aug 2002, 17:00:37 »
Found ya you little beaut!
 :-\ sorry to hear about your old dear mate :-\
also I have heard that sneaky lil dudes are going to put 02 up for public release on flashpoint1985.com sounds good to me :D
ok later lilt mate im off to the pub
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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #17 on: 26 Aug 2002, 23:35:14 »
Thanks Davies1, mmm pub, no must resist, work tomorrow  :(
I think I should have the Milkshaope problem sorted - I'm gonna d/l Milkshape in work so I can convert the model to something that can be used by gmax (or possibly even O2 - we can but hope), which I'm about to download, as I still can't get rid of Milkshape, I've uninstalled it and scoured the registry but it still reckons it's expired when I re-install it and the registry codes that I edited last time it screwed up are no longer there  >:( Milkshape is the tool of the Devil I tells ya!Oh yeah, almost forgot, what the best format to convert to fo importing into gmax? .obj?


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #18 on: 26 Aug 2002, 23:46:05 »
Hey again

Sorry to hear about your mam DeLiltMon, hope she's okay.

Hey, I had a similar problem with Milkshape. I tried swearing, cursing, kicking, hollering and other forms of abuse, then I gave up and sold my old PC and got a new one. Problem solved!  ;D

Seriously though, I've found that the only simple way of getting rid of cr@p like that is to backup and reformat. Which is a pain in the ar$e at the best of times, so I don't know why I recommended it.

Okay, I'll be quiet now...


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #19 on: 27 Aug 2002, 00:03:06 »
Thanks Shady,  hopefully I should have it sorted, without having to format just yet, it just involves using the machines in work  :D


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #20 on: 27 Aug 2002, 23:20:58 »
it just involves using the machines in work

Natch. Why else would they put all that useful equipment at work?  ;D

I bet everyone's sick of me saying this now, but I hope everything runs smoothly from now on DeLiltMon!

Offline Davies1

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #21 on: 28 Aug 2002, 13:27:37 »
if they get sick of it that's their beef, there aint enough polite peeps in the world anymore  :cheers:
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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #22 on: 29 Aug 2002, 15:33:26 »
Why else would they put all that useful equipment at work?  
My thoughts exactly, it's not as if they are there to do work on, we actually counted the machines we've got the other day and not including servers, it works out to 5 PCs each, not bad for a team of 3 ;D

if they get sick of it that's their beef, there aint enough polite peeps in the world anymore
Couldn't agree more, there are too many ingnorant feckers, especially on the roads, but enough of this before it turns into a full scale rant.
I havent had a chance to convert the model - I'm off to Florida on Saturday for a fortnight and it seems that just about everything that can go wrong has this week in work  :(
but hopefully when I come back O2 will be available to the great unwashed and I'll be able to import it straight into that.

Offline Davies1

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #23 on: 30 Aug 2002, 18:34:54 »
aye have a good one :D
im off to the florida sun in november, but I have the damn problem of having to play in my band over there  :P
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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #24 on: 04 Sep 2002, 23:00:25 »
Aww, thanks lads.... I seem to have something in my eye....  :'(

I also believe that there are too many ignorant feckers on the internet. Maybe we should have something called the Briternet where only us Brits can do stuff without rampaging hordes of american trolls degenerating society until it's a bunch of men with beards and animal skin clothes hurling rocks at each other and going "1 4/\/\ L33T!!".


This is not the view of Shady, this is a Humourous Comment(tm) and no offence is meant to our American...... hnnngh .... cousins

But seriously, if everyone was nice to each other, we'd all be happy and there'd be no more wars and money would be worthless as people would give stuff to each other and maybe even Jen would like me....

Okay, not much chance of the last one. Dammit.  >:(
« Last Edit: 04 Sep 2002, 23:02:14 by Mr_Shady »

Offline Davies1

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #25 on: 04 Sep 2002, 23:25:23 »
hehe too true my son.

Also let them blow the middle east to bits we are too small to be fragged :P
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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #26 on: 05 Sep 2002, 18:54:57 »
This is getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic now lads, but it's good to talk exclusively to some British guys for a change!

The US is the only country that employs tank rushes and plane rushes... maybe they played too much Red Alert when they were in officer training, I dunno. I mean, Afghanistan. 99% hills, goats and sand. Does it justify swarms of B-52's whanging bombs all over the bl00dy place?

And now they're kicking off with Saddam again. IMHO, they should have got that crazy b*****d in 91, instead of wrapping up early and letting him off the hook, effectively. Now he's rebuilt his army and a lot of people are going to die because it seemed a good idea to call the war off when we were winning so we could save some cash...

OK, rant over.

As ever:

This is a public service announcement, brought to you, in part, by Mr Shady (AKA RabidOffspringFan1986 or PezKing or LessThanJakebutMoreThanYou). The views expressed in his posts are either intended to be taken humourously, or in the case of the last one, or taken as someone's opinion, right or wrong, intelligent or just plain stupid. If you don't like it, I apologies. It is by no means Mr Shady's intention to initiate yet another bl00dy flame war. Even if it seems like only Davies1 and DeLiltMon post on this thread now, but hey, that's not the point.

Bl00dy hell, these disclaimers are getting bigger and bigger!
« Last Edit: 05 Sep 2002, 18:56:10 by Mr_Shady »


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #27 on: 05 Sep 2002, 20:25:01 »
i dont suppose theres any chance of getting a Perentie anytime soon? The Perentie 4x4 is just lightly modified LR Defender 110 (http://www.4wdonline.com/Perentie/4x4.html).

the 6x6 model might need abit of work though still its a very cool vehicle (http://www.4wdonline.com/Perentie/6x6.html http://www.landroverclub.net/Club/HTML/Perentie.htm)


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #28 on: 06 Sep 2002, 00:34:59 »
It is nice to talk to some brits on these forums now and again, the yanks just dont make the same sort of conversation.

I totally agree with you Mr_Shady, they should have done a propper job in 1991.

Can't wait till liltmon gets back, those jeeps just don't cut it  ;D


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #29 on: 06 Sep 2002, 01:06:49 »
DeadMeat, you AGREE with me? Or is it a cunning ploy so you can beat my head in with a crowbar whilst my guard's down?  ???

This forum's really friendly (proof: only one guy's mention Jen. Read my personal text. Go figure) but there's always the odd prat to ruin a great thread. Look at the Female Addons and Female Addons, Again thread over in Addons Ideas. One guy made some dumb jokes and got the first one locked, then got himself banned from the second. The moderators may seem like the Gestapo sometimes, but at least they keep the forum free of really out of order people.

Just my aimless ramblings.

Not much to do until DeLiltMon gets back, and calling the Americans is so passe, so let's start on the French!!

(That was an ironic joke for the record. Don't kill me or anything)