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Author Topic: AI checks the comotion  (Read 882 times)

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AI checks the comotion
« on: 19 May 2003, 23:49:14 »
Ok here's the deal. I know absolutely jack s**t about scripting  and maybe not enough about edditing, anyhow...

Let's say you're a black op, infiltrating an area crawling with red's. It's pitch dark so the enemy is patroling with cars and bmp's, with they're lights on.
If you crawl in and shoot a few, the others simply get on with their business, even when you blow up something. Is the're a way to make the entire force running to the attack site to find out what the hell hapened? (or maybe a pre-determined portion for realism sake)

Or to make them chase you when detected? I'm really breaking my head over this,  :(     becouse nobody keeps doing their patroll rounds like nothing ever hapened after you blow up a Bmp, 100m away.

If any of you have a clue, pls let me know.

Thx in advance :)


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Re:AI checks the comotion
« Reply #1 on: 20 May 2003, 00:03:03 »
 Well... there are a few different things you can do to make it all come off correctly in this situation...

 First off you can make use of the Sentry and Guard Waypoints for some of your soldiers...

 Sentry groups will report to the nearest Guard group once an enemy is spotted.. and guard groups will be called to assist any other group that is in need of reinforcements on the field.

 The biggest thing to do is toss yourself up a trigger that covers the entire battlefield and make it activated by   West detected by East

 then you can make use of the 'switch' waypoint for your patrols...   I'm assuming that you have some guys on a 'cycle' waypoint right now, but you can throw a 'switch' waypoint inbetween your 'cycle' and its next 'move' waypoint that is synched to your Trigger.

any waypoints synched to a trigger will not be "seen" by the AI until the corresponding trigger goes off.

So until the trigger is tripped, the 'move' waypoint is the next in the 'cycle'

once the trigger goes off.. the patrol moves to the 'switch' waypoint instead.. and then on another path you set off of that waypoint like a 'seek and destroy' or 'guard' waypoint

if you just want dudes to run to your exact position you can put this in a triggers activation:

dummy domove getpos player

and the AI named dummy will instantly know the exact position of the guy named player and go to that spot directly.    Bad news for anyone who stays in that exact spot and waits usually ;D

hope this helps you ....   that  'switch' waypoint stuff can be a little sticky for me.. as it's been quite a while since I used it .. so I may have missed a few small details...    



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Re:AI checks the comotion
« Reply #2 on: 20 May 2003, 18:02:43 »
Thx a lot, Your post is now being pasted into a word document  :D :D

I think I might be able to get it right this time ;D
« Last Edit: 20 May 2003, 18:03:22 by McBurne »