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Author Topic: A Friendly Observation....Looonng  (Read 1010 times)

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A Friendly Observation....Looonng
« on: 04 Mar 2003, 02:26:08 »
Sup all..I was just going through the a couple OFP forums and have noticed something that I think is kinda strange...there is ALOT of overlapping when it comes to addon building.  What I mean is that there are alot of mod groups building the same thing. like many mod groups building the SAME special ops units using the SAME weapon(as in same type) and my question is why aren't more group  working together instead of what seems like competing against each other? Yeah, we all have our favorite addon's mine being everything BAS..and I enjoy others between my BUSY schedule of being an Embry Riddle flight student.  which brings up another point..unless you live on the computer your never going to have enough time to try all these addons so why don't mod groups figure out what one group is doing and try not to do the same thing cause honestly most of the thing modders come out with are never used more than a couple times because good missions that involve addons are few and far between. An example.  BAS has made a superior weapons pack..why don't other modders ask BAS permission to use their weapons on their unit addons..that way the community of users don't have to download what seems like a billion weapon packs to use a unit..we probally will never use anyway.  And seriously, 90% of these guys who are making or claiming they are making mods, addon campaigns will never finish them for one reason or another. Maybe the ones worth working on could actually be done if the ego's of addon makers weren't such a problem. how many M4's,Delta Forces,Islands that never make it past beta,projects will be released "soon..",my new blackhawk down mod, do we really need or use. Here's my suggestion..some kind of alliance needs to be made by the guys who consider themselves hardcore addon and designers, get on one page, ASK THE COMMUNITY what THEY REALLY would like to have in the OFP world(maybe a time based poll on the more popular forums)take away the most popular ones and work on those..that would probally kill alot of the "when is some gonna make for me..." or "how come someone hasn't made a..." Something that must be remembered by all is that no one want's junk on their hard drive, the very few good addon and mod designers all do this for free in their own time, and this is just a game but a game alot of use enjoy in our spare time and would like see develop into it's full potential....sigh..I think thas enough ...you get the picture though...my 2 cents


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Re:A Friendly Observation....Looonng
« Reply #1 on: 04 Mar 2003, 06:30:29 »
There is a very long and informative thread about this same subject titled "A Question To BAS Addon Studios" started by the AvonLady over in the Addons Discussion section of the official forums.  Read it, and you will find out that the mod teams are tossing the idea of a cooperative effort back and forth, but there seems to be too many holdouts who see anything like this as being told what to do.  Kids, what can you do?  The more mature teams seem to be considering this though.


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Re:A Friendly Observation....Looonng
« Reply #2 on: 04 Mar 2003, 18:58:55 »
Thanks for hearin me out Schoeler...it just seems to be against common sense to continue working on the same addons as someone and trying to compete with them instead of helping each other out....


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Re:A Friendly Observation....Looonng
« Reply #3 on: 05 Mar 2003, 20:47:13 »
While it would be nice to see teams working together the biggest and probably most helpful thing would be to share the damage and armor levels of vehicles and weapons.

Make it easier to use the addons from different teams together.