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Author Topic: Lawries grand ambitious plane! what u think?  (Read 1014 times)

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Lawries grand ambitious plane! what u think?
« on: 08 Mar 2003, 21:04:19 »
Right well first off ud all better check my nice new ingame german early war pics in my other thread about the wonderous german lol, but anyway im announcing my grand attempt or interpretation of the german army!

Basically im penning the plans to produce 6 packs, each of these packs will on their completion (u wont need to wait for them all to be completed before downloading them shucks) will i imagine come with different weapon choices, so u can download a ww2ec weapon version, or the upminder weapon addon version or even the i44weapon version (that would be me just arming my units with cpp codes pointing them to their weapons for example when their demos out or mod is released etc)

Right so if that hasnt confused u, heres pack rough sketchy details.


In this german pack is effectively the Wermarcht in its Polish/French Campaign Uniforms, including officers, with probably the odd famous character with a unique model etc. Also expect a small but effective selection of AFRICA KORP units (there wont be many but some to keep those desert guys happy) Also expect a cool german unit with goggles for motorbikes!

Um included will be a variety of troop types with the same weapon, i never believed every player model should access every weapon (like SEBNAMs got the right idea) so similarly expect the same in this pack. There will be more variety this way, so for example 3 wermarcht privates with K98 sporting slightly different models. Expect a lot of character in the packs hehe. Also in this pack famous regiments/ insignia, and some units with campaign medals etc.


By this time uniforms are evolving, and are representing for example the Russian campaign troops, expect also paratroopers to be included in this pack, a variety of troop types including wermarcht camos etc will be here. Included will be famous germans regiments, for example a  manstein unit. Expect also for u russia fans some embittered looking stalingrad type germans, (Stubbly.)


By this time great weapons arriving, but food and clothes out the window... expect a combination of german homeguard, hitler youth, and defraggled troops wearing uncomfy economy driven uniforms etc.  


This pack will include the SS paramilitaries, the WSS of the early war, the WSS and SS of the mid war (that fought so effectively in Russia) their camoflages etc will be a pain to texture etc, also expect crazed angry ss types representing its late war fighting. Imagine this as it were of representing the beginning and ends of Himmlers troops but bear in mind that units synonomous with genocide and nastiness will be included in the pack (if ur crying right now i dont care go find momma...)


Um this general mishmash of stuff will include vital units (that will be released before the final completion of this distinct pack) such as tank crews, some pilots, mechanics, ground crew, staff officers, a chubby quartermaster, and possibly some eastern and western european civilians. Also included though will be artillery crewmen and other such likes.

PACK 6 -  Onwards 46'

Right now i know this is more contraversial, but dont even think of locking this thread cos of this (cos think how long it took me to type!) This pack will represent a counterfactual historical scenario for what equipment and uniforms the german army would wear had the war continued onwards for some years. Expect a lot of research to go into this pack, A seperate contingent of SS units will be represented in this pack too!

So there u go! Lets hear ur opinions and ideas!


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Re:Lawries grand ambitious plane! what u think?
« Reply #1 on: 08 Mar 2003, 21:35:41 »
Good idea..
I think WW2EC are behind you.. atleast I am..

(PS when I saw the title I thought you made an airplane)

Offline Gogs

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Re:Lawries grand ambitious plane! what u think?
« Reply #2 on: 08 Mar 2003, 22:31:43 »
I said it before, I'll say it agian. Good luck, and I hope it all works. Just two points.....
1. Early war should include the paratroopers, since thats where they were the most active.
2. The Medeteranian? (Crete, Greece, Sicilly, Italy)


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Re:Lawries grand ambitious plane! what u think?
« Reply #3 on: 08 Mar 2003, 23:08:24 »
lol good point, well paratroopers are in the mid war cos otherwise itll take me years to finish the early war pack (but hey they were used midish ish from a certain point of view... *ahem yeah*) also as for mediterranian, well that will be in the late war maybe as in Italy )germans serving in italy) but realy the packs will focus mostly on the european theatre (but im nice ur all getting some desert korp, and some med germans) just not many lol!


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Re:Lawries grand ambitious plane! what u think?
« Reply #4 on: 09 Mar 2003, 04:42:44 »
parratroopers rule...............


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Re:Lawries grand ambitious plane! what u think?
« Reply #5 on: 09 Mar 2003, 04:46:32 »
i could provide you with some information on the Fallschirmjager if youd like