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Author Topic: about 4 questions... :-)  (Read 1155 times)

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about 4 questions... :-)
« on: 27 Aug 2002, 01:10:04 »

If I do:

[30] Exec "pushups.sqs";

in the initialization field, they only do 3 pushups (which is only 1 playMove "FXStandDip").

Why won't he do 30?

Code: [Select]
; pushups.sqs - Order a unit to do pushups

PushUpTotal = _this select 0;_i = 0;
PushUpTotal = PushUpTotal - 3;
? PushUpTotal < 1:PushUpTotal = 1;

goto PushUps;

@ _i != PushUpTotal
this playMove "FXStandDip";
_i = _i+1;
goto PushUps;



Also with nearestObject, I tried to get the nearest dead soldier, but I simply can't. I tried:


for an alive soldier (doesn't work), and I tried:

nearestObject[this,!alive Man]

for the nearest dead man. Why wouldn't it return an object?


Is it possible to make a unit turn on full-auto mode on his weapon if he has a weapon with full-auto capabilities?


What do I do to define (in description.ext) a Resource for titleRsc ["RESOURCE_HERE", "PLAIN"]?

What do I do to define (in description.ext) an Object for titleObj ["OBJECT_HERE","plain"]?

« Last Edit: 27 Aug 2002, 01:10:59 by Mercenary »

Offline Messiah

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Re:about 4 questions... :-)
« Reply #1 on: 27 Aug 2002, 01:28:55 »
2. if u have version 1.75 then it doesnt work anymore

3. unitname fire ["m60", "auto"]

4. look at the command reference
Proud Member of the Volunteer Commando Battalion


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Re:about 4 questions... :-)
« Reply #2 on: 27 Aug 2002, 02:10:15 »
Thank you for your reply.

2.) What if I want to run to the nearest dead guy, what command would I have to type in?
Code: [Select]
unitname move !alive ???

3.) Thanks ;-).  Also I believe that someone has told me if you order an RPG soldier to fire upon a Chopper/flying object the soldier would fire... but only in version 1.75 and will NOT fire and you CANNOT get him to fire in previous versions.  Is this true?

Code: [Select]
; code will not work with less then 1.75?
unitname doTarget Chopper;
unitname doFire Chopper;

4.) I looked in the command reference all it says is:

Resource title - argument in format ["name","type", speed] or ["name","type"] If speed is not given, it is assumed one. Resource can be defined in description.ext.

Okay I know it can be defined in description.ext but how?  I mean where do you search for the file (pic)?
« Last Edit: 27 Aug 2002, 02:11:40 by Mercenary »

Offline Chris Death

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Re:about 4 questions... :-)
« Reply #3 on: 27 Aug 2002, 04:19:50 »
; pushups.sqs - Order a unit to do pushups

PushUpTotal = _this select 0;_i = 0;
PushUpTotal = PushUpTotal - 3;
? PushUpTotal < 1:PushUpTotal = 1;

goto PushUps;

@ _i != PushUpTotal
this playMove "FXStandDip";
_i = _i+1;
goto PushUps;


OK, first of all:

What is the first "goto pushups" for?

goto PushUps;


This doesn't make sense to me, because you order the script
to goto PushUps, while the next line is #PushUps.
This means, without the goto statement the script would
goto PushUps anyway.

Then it must be: goto "PushUps" instead of goto PushUps

That's the reason, why your script isn't looping, so it ends after the first PushUp round => so he doesn't do 30'

~S~ CD
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