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Author Topic: [SP] Camp Defiance  (Read 1345 times)

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Offline nightjay

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[SP] Camp Defiance
« on: 15 Jun 2022, 02:55:26 »

Latest arma3

Required Addons: (zombies and demons-steam)

Mission Description:
Defend the camp against the hordes of zombies.

-Quick fun
-Endless waves of zombies

Known Bugs: None

Steam Workshop Download:

Thank you Enjoy
« Last Edit: 16 Jun 2022, 02:00:28 by nightjay »
"Trying to get AI do what you want in Arma3 is like going to the dentist to get teeth
pulled while doing algebra, lol.

Offline RichUK

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Re: [SP] Camp Defiance
« Reply #1 on: 15 Jun 2022, 06:41:14 »
It looks like good fun pal  :D

My graphic card had a problem and I am just waiting for a new one to arrive today, but after I get my desktop working with the new card I will try your mission.

Offline Gruntage

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Re: [SP] Camp Defiance
« Reply #2 on: 15 Jun 2022, 20:18:49 »
So I had a look at this one yesterday and passed along some feedback already, but I'll put what I've said along with some additional notes here in the traditional format.


Not too shabby, does the job. Room for improvement? Absolutely. I think the image could do with being more enticing, something more apocalyptic to go with the zombie theme. I'll come back to this point later but for now I'll say I think we need something with more 'creepy' factor; something to convey the zombie threat.


None. I won't go too deeply into this at the moment but one major thing we're lacking in this mission is story, and an intro of sorts would go a long way in setting up a potential story. In this case, an intro would answer many questions a player may have; why are we fighting zombies? Where did they come from? Was it an experiment that went wrong? I'll come back to this later.


To be honest there isn't much to be said here since there isn't much substance to the mission. It's a decent attempt at a zombie mission, but there's a lot that can be done here. The mission did provide some fast-paced shooting fun, which I guess is the point of the mission. There were some issues though that did make the mission become boring after a while, like the zombie spawns seemingly being in the same place consistently. There wasn't much surprise because I knew where the zombies were going to appear and so I could pre-sight them with mortar fire. Some randomisation is needed I feel so the player doesn't know where the next attack comes from.

Another issue we have is that the zombies are not really all that threatening. Once they reach the building most of them just stand there and wait to be shot. It kinda makes me wonder why bother shooting them. A couple of them manage to get in but it's still not particularly threatening.
I think to make the zombies more threatening we need to have the number of zombies increase more quickly. Also, I would look at using a different building than the one we have currently. I played a game once with a zombie mode similar to this, and most of the fighting took place in a cabin. Occasionally you would have zombies spawn in the basement of the cabin and so you would have to fight enemies coming at you from two places. It was really cool and the zombies were threatening and challenging.

One small point I will mention is when the cars are thrown at you they tend to get stuck on the side of the building and an annoying sound loops.

The mission isn't too big or taxing in terms of performance, so I would look at creating a custom house or building using assets. I played a mission once called 'the bunker', where the creator was able to make a decent 'underground' bunker using in-game assets. It was really neat and such a thing could work well for a zombie mission. It would just be better than a metal shed.

I think the biggest issue I have with the mission is that there isn't enough varied action to justify the endless nature of the mission. I played the mission for 20 or so minutes and I'll be honest, I got bored. There didn't seem to be much of a reason for playing for longer than 5 minutes. I'd be happy to play for longer but I would need some kind of return on my investment.

Did the mission perform well functionally? I would say so; the mission works. For me, it's lacking in the fun department.




I think what we have here is the bare bones of what could be a great mission. Unfortunately, I think these kinds of very quick missions are not really my thing. I'd like a mission to have story; to be more than just go around and shoot things. I'm not saying that a mission needs to be Shakespeare for me to enjoy it, but for me a mission needs to have some substance.

I will go into the story point a bit more here, in case you are looking to give this mission some substance. I daresay some people will enjoy this kind of mission and that's absolutely fine, but it just doesn't do it for me at the moment.

In any case, as I said there is plenty of scope for depth here and you could absolutely make a zombie mission that's a cut above the rest without it being too long. A mission doesn't need to be War and Peace but it doesn't have to be over in 2 minutes either.

What we do need is the answer to some very important questions. Why are we fighting zombies? Where did the zombies come from? Did CSAT conduct an experiment that went awry? Was it intentional? These questions and their answers help build the world and establish the stakes. What happens if the zombies win? What happens if the infection can't be contained?

One idea I had is what if CSAT conducted an experiment on Stratis that went so wrong that the entire island is quarantined and cutoff. The story could be that special forces must infiltrate the island to locate the source of the infection. Perhaps after doing so they have to mount a defense against hordes of the infected while an extraction method is sorted out. As I said yesterday, you could have the player and his team be forced to abandon their stronghold in order to reach the extraction helo.

It's a not an original or an amazing story by any means, but it would give the mission some depth. It would also help make the zombies into an actual threat, rather than just mobile target dummies.

Anyway, I'm sorry if my feedback is too harsh in places; I do tend to call a spade a spade. The mission was fun for about 5 minutes as I said, but I think there needs to be more substance.

Hope this is useful,


« Last Edit: 15 Jun 2022, 21:51:12 by Gruntage »
"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba