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Author Topic: Paradrop object ??  (Read 866 times)

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Paradrop object ??
« on: 16 Oct 2002, 01:59:19 »
it is possible to paradrop object like ammo crates?
i 've try with setpos command and also with the script paradrop object (helidrop,heli4drop) and the ammo crates still in the air like the monolith in 2001 space odissey :P


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Re:Paradrop object ??
« Reply #1 on: 16 Oct 2002, 07:15:36 »
To the best of my knowledge, it's not possible, but I didn't try very hard to get it to work when I played with it.

My understanding is that the different categories of objects have different properties and behave differently in the world - ie, mobile vehicles & units obey gravity, while making buildings and ammo crates obey gravity would be something of a waste of processor cycles, given that they're unlikely to (eg) step off the edge of a cliff.  :P

It may be possible to modify the .cpp of an ammo crate (to make a custom crate) which would behave differently, and therefore do what you want it to.  ???  I don't know much about .cpp hacks.

If anyone has successfully tried this, please post your technique/snippet/tutorial to the Editor's Depot, as ammo crate paradrops would be a lovely thing...  ;D

Edit: Ok, I thought of something you could try. I haven't tried this, but it should give you something...
Write a looped setpos script that controls the parachute and the ammo crate (have a look at the 'hanging' part of the heli4drop.sqs script you mentioned for the type of thing I mean) and then use that sort of relative setpos to decrease the Z value of the setpos progressively.

crate is crate1, heli is heli1, chute is chute1
_xpos = getpos heli1 select 0
_ypos = getpos heli1 select 1
_zpos = (getpos heli1 select 2) - 2

setpos crate1 [_xpos, _ypos, _zpos]
setpos chute1 [_xpos, _ypos, (_zpos +1)]
_zpos = _zpos - 1
?!(_zpos < 1): goto "droploop"

crate1 setpos [_xpos, _ypos, 0]

Ok, that should give you something but:
1) No drift for wind - comes straight down
2) will act a bit odd when it lands
3) I haven't tried it... might work..
4) You'll have to play with the PAUSE delay and the -Z value to get a vertical speed that looks right.

Just off the top of my head.. lemme know if that works..
« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2002, 07:38:26 by CareyBear »