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Author Topic: "ALL BOARD BLACKHAWK"  (Read 761 times)

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« on: 02 Dec 2002, 00:03:37 »
I have been thinking about this problem for 2 days,
and I can't solve it.

A UH60 is flying with 10 men inside, the troops and the chopper is not a group, I used the moveincargo command.

Then I downloaded a script from OFPEC, called "groupeject.sqs". All troops inside a chopper will eject when the script is activated.

Well, the chopper is flying towards a trigger that says: West present exec gro.....sqs etc.

Now here comes the BIG problem :'( : When the troops have landed, the leader says: 3,5,8etc. board blackhawk. and the blackhawk lands, and the troop runs onboard. 1.I want the chopper to deploy the troops and go away! 2. I want the troop to carry on with their waypoints.

It's like the chopper, and the troop is a group, but their not(well in the mission editor that is)
Please help me, or I'll end up like a maniac, this problem is driving me crazy!!!! :beat:
« Last Edit: 02 Dec 2002, 00:05:06 by dolemite_11 »


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« Reply #1 on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:26:03 »
Its because that script is...wrong?

It ejects them but it doesnt unassign them from the vehicle, meaning they try and get back in.

Because i don't have the script, i'll go out on a limb and try and tell you what to do.

Look in it, and go down to where it says '...action ["eject",...]' (just search for action).

Before that, there should be a variable or something:

Ie. _currentguy action ["action",helo]

Now add this piece of code below it:

unassignvehicle _currentguy

Changing _currentguy to whatever it says before the word 'action'.

Get that? ::)

The guys should automatically continue with their WP's when they hit the ground. :)



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« Reply #2 on: 04 Dec 2002, 20:16:42 »
Do you want the Troops to be Parachuted in, or Dropped off on the ground and have the UH-60 leave?


If you want to have the troops Get Out of the chopper while the chopper is on the ground, Do this in the editor. (you really dont need a script for this) Go to Empty/Ojects/H (Invisible), then put the H where you want the chopper to land.

Then, Select the Chopper and set a waypoint, on that H object, as "Transport Unload". Then set another waypoint After the "Transport Unload" Waypoint, to Some place far from your LZ. This will make the chopper, at the begining of the game, fly to the H drop your troops off, (via the "Transport Unload" Waypoint) Then Fly to the Second Waypoint. (The Chopper wont  take off to the second waypoint Until all the troops are out on the ground)


To get the Soldiers in the Chopper, (you already know, but i'm going to go over it) Name all your soldiers to s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6..etc. (you can name them anything you want) Then in Each soldiers Init Field, type: unitname moveincargo t1 (t1 is the choppers name) This will move the Soldiers into the Chopper from the Start of the Mission. Then, Select the Groups Leader and set a waypoint for him to move to your Objective. Then, If it's AI, When the chopper drops the soldiers off, the group will follow it's leader to your Waypoint you set for the leader. (Meanwhile, you can watch the chopper fly off in the Distance ;) )


If you want the Soldiers to Load up in the chopper when the chopper is waiting on an H pad at your "base", then you might need a script to do it. It's possible to do it in the editor, but i think it's much easier via script. If you want to know how to do this, Go into OFPEC's IRC Chat Program, and Catch any of the Great Scripters in there. (Dinger, CareyBear, SelectThis, Just to name a few ;) ) And their mostly in there alot of the Times. if you have any more questions, Contact me In there, or Send me a Forum Private Message, or an E-mail: (Swatdog6488@hotmail.com)

If you have an IRC Program, Click here: irc://irc.de.quakenet.org:6667/ofpec Or use the already set up IRC Program right here on the Site. Click on the "Chat" Link on the Navbar by the Banner. :)

Good Luck,
« Last Edit: 04 Dec 2002, 20:30:19 by Swatdog »


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« Reply #3 on: 16 Dec 2002, 16:43:49 »
That is easy thing to do just like this..................

if you have group of soldiers set the GET IN waypoint
(place that blackhawk take your crew to copter)

then you should put copter far away from landing zone.
Set MOVE waypoint to helicopter close to your group. then the important thing you have to SYNCHRONIZE copter's MOVE
and your crew's GET IN waypoint (that means the copter lands on the ground near your soldiers and the synchronize means that copter waits until everý men of the group are aboard!!!!!   ;D


  • Guest
« Reply #4 on: 17 Dec 2002, 06:49:36 »
Yea, that will work. But some times the sincronization wont work for me. But, it might work for you. ;)


  • Guest
« Reply #5 on: 17 Dec 2002, 15:11:31 »
It's very simple to do. Have a sript with the following commands:

_grp = _this select 0
_veh = _this select 1

_n = 0

_j = count  _grp
;not sure, but if this doesn't work, change '_j = count  _grp' to '_j = count units  _grp'

_unit = _grp select _n

_unit action ["eject",_veh]
unassignvehicle _unit


? _j==_n: exit

Goto "eject"


'_veh' is the vehicle where your group boards in
'_grp' is an array of units to be ejected from the vehicle (plane,chopper or land vehicles):

ex: [HELI1,[Unit1,Unit2,Unit3,aP]] exec "thisscript.sqs"
ex: [Tank1,units GRP1] exec "thisscript.sqs"