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Author Topic: I have a idea, what about Red storm rising?  (Read 1046 times)

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I have a idea, what about Red storm rising?
« on: 10 Dec 2002, 13:06:52 »
Its a Tom clancy book about the soviets that try to invade germany after a terrorist attack at a oil central where all their oil is and they make war in germany and take over iceland and us sends carriers and supply ships that get bombed from iceland by soviet aircraft. And its a really exiting book! Everyone should read it.  :)
The Nato wins of course.. But someone could make a cool campaign about it, it has it all.. airfighting and bombing missions and tanks and infantery and blackops targeting with laser pointers and stealth bombers and stop the scud. And satelite would be awesome. And aircraft carriers..and so on..
Only thing is of course that we need Â'nato and east submarines and we need russian fighters and bomber planes and we need a decent stealthplane and carriers and just a few more details..  :P

Well if someone cared they could make it like 10-20 missions and then release them like single missions or coop missions. That would be cool to ;)


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Re:I have a idea, what about Red storm rising?
« Reply #1 on: 20 Dec 2002, 13:59:19 »
yeah, ive read the book.

How do you think youre going to realisticly simulate a battle over europe though with such small islands?


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Re:I have a idea, what about Red storm rising?
« Reply #2 on: 20 Dec 2002, 21:50:50 »
Cheers Commando,
Actually I've been in the research phase of doing this for the last couple of months. Just quietly piecing together the storyline and flow of events. A few friends of mine have been helpful too inputing a couple ideas.

I would like to assemble the project as a series of missions specifically geared for coop play, the usual single player mode. Not that single player isn't fun or anything, I just think that team play tends to be more gratifying. Getting together with some of your mates online to complete a difficult mission is as good as it gets in gaming for me.

So anyways, I'm also incorporating some elements of WWIII: the Untold Story (a great book by Sir Gen. John Hacket, mid '80s paperback) as a way of outlining the overall flow of the war in Europe. Kinda melding the 2 books together. A way of looking at it is if we didn't have OPFLASH, where everything is resolved before a major war is started.

The campaign will follow the lives of soldiers caught up in different parts of the world at war, and what happens to them.

As an Army veteran who did a tour in FRG from '86-'88, I have a particular interest in how that time period is portrayed. I was with 1st Bde, 3rd Armored Div, the largest combat brigade in the Army then. Our operational area was Fulda through Eighterfeld.

I have most of the story outline and timeframe done. Have collected some music here and there for specific missions. Assembled a listing of addons needed and schematics for those that have yet to be made.

I've also made some inquiries into poss creating larger maps as the most troubling part of the story to execute will be those missions involving air and naval operations. Slow (extremely at times) but steady progress is being made (if I can only keep myself from spending all night playing America's Army!).