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Author Topic: Why?  (Read 1846 times)

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Offline pcverden

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« on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:08:35 »
Something has been bugging me a lot lately as I have been getting more and more back into OFP.

Why did OFPEC adopt a policy that say that only people 18 or older can be staff members or reviewers? I am not say this because of myself, but because of all the talent that lies in the people that are below 18.

I thought that the internet was a place where age was nothing and action was everything. So if the actions u do are good enought why shouldn't u be allowed to be "rewarded"?


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« Reply #1 on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:25:26 »
Well said PC..

Hi everyone ;D Long time no see :P

Offline toadlife

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« Reply #2 on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:32:21 »
long time no see pcverden! :)

This is an old argument. Expect it to be locked soon, with perhaps a short explanation by WB.
"Whenever you want information on the 'net, don't ask a question; just post a wrong answer." -- Cancer Omega.

Offline pcverden

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« Reply #3 on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:36:25 »
Well it might be an old argument, but u have to remember that I haven't been around here lately because of this rule. I gave up on ofpec because of this rule as everything I had worked for got taken away from me because of it.

And to be honest a short explanation won't simple due.

Offline Wolfsbane

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« Reply #4 on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:47:25 »
Well, a short explanation will have to do.

Because as Toadlife say, it's an old debate.

We do not, on policy, hire people under the age of 18, due to bad experiences with said under-age people, not doing their jobs as dilligently as perhaps someone with a more mature tint might have.

We have generally found, that some people under the age of 18, act, under the age of 18, which is a shame.

We also find that people under the age of 18 (Not specifying anyone, but unfortunately, this does apply from our experience, to the majority) have difficulty in understand why certain roles exist, and what functions are expected of them whilst carrying out these functions.
Perhaps a Moderator might feel that being a moderator is cool, and it gets you respect.. which is simply not on at all.
We require more experience and more common sense from people that are going to take on, what is in essence, a high demand, high risk job.

You are right, there is a lot of talent out there, but if the best modeller on the planet was 15, yet still held all his arguments with:

"ur a fucking dick."

Then he's no use to us.

And I've met people like that.

So, as a rule of thumb, no under 18's.

Alos because I know a few under 18's whom have suffered in their education because of OFP.

This is a bad thing.

And when the majority of under 18's are in some form of full-time education, the last thing we want, is for them to find that they are torn between OFP, OFPEC, and real life demands.

We've known a few guys to chose OFP & us over RL, and that's just wrong.

That's the Admins job to do that, not someone who's future depends on studying hard in school or college, and not falling asleep because they were on OFP or OFPEC until 2am.

This issue is not up for debate.

Although it is a rule of thumb, perhaps nowadays, you'll find we're less likely to stick to it.

But Moderators & Addon Reviewers, will never have anyone under the age of 18 in them.

Just as a club can decide what age group to allow entry to, or a company can decide what age group to aim a product for, we can decide what age group we wish to have on our dedicated Volunteer Staff Roster.

At the end of the day.....

It is the Admin that run this site, it is the Admin that pour in countless upon countless of unpaid, often unthanked, often unrewarding (In the immediacy) hours into bringing OFPEC to you on the best level possible.

We have final say in this site, and no-one can argue against that point, because no-one I know, would be prepared to put in all the hours, and put up with all the shit that we have had to put up with in the past.

If we feel we want a mature Staff group, and don't want it filled with people that unfortunately don't seem to grasp the concept of what is required of them, then that is our privilige and our right.

This issue is not open to debate, as this has answered the debate.

Thank you.

The greatest days, with the greatest people.. OFPEC.. The friends are never forgot.


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« Reply #5 on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:49:50 »
Well said PC :thumbsup: :cheers: *stands up and applauses* no offence to the people who run OFPEC but its a pretty stupid rule. Over 18's act "imature" too. And if anyone choses OFP over real ilfe, well, i dont what to say... get out more.
« Last Edit: 02 Dec 2002, 23:53:44 by HotShot »

Offline pcverden

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« Reply #6 on: 02 Dec 2002, 23:57:31 »
I am not saying that having this rule is stupid. What I am saying is that why did the people who slaved hours on hours for this site have to suffer because some idiot (cumboy) had to destroy it? I am just wondering why because I put in too many hours into this site to just get a reply that it was all wasted.

Offline Wolfsbane

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« Reply #7 on: 03 Dec 2002, 00:01:44 »
So.... It is personal.


pcverden, you should know fine well why you're no longer on the Staff list. Read back my previous post, see if anything rings a bell.

At the end of the day, we always appreciated the work you did, and I could be like many other people, and take this as an opportunity to bitch at you from on high, but I'm not like that.

I don't see your issue.

Oh, and Cumboy was just the tip of the iceberg.

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