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Author Topic: Allgemeine Waffen SS Standarte 45 Nazi Soldats (aka Men In Black)  (Read 3498 times)

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Black Magic

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I'm working on soldiers of the Allgemeine (Waffen) SS Standarte 45 Nazi soldiers of WWII. I'm basing it upon this picture right here as it's the best I have heh. ::)

Anyways, the addon will include a Scharführer (officer), Standarte SS Soldats (soldiers, medics etc) and a helmetless soldier for the hell of it. :o As for weapons, I don't know how to work that stuff so I figure I'll supply them as is, without weapons, and you pick and choose from the vast array of weapons available out there. Yeah yeah I'm lazy. :-*

Textures are all made from scratch by me (except I did get a little help on the knee high boots.. mmm leather..), which is why they're so, well, um, crap. Ah well, my first addon, cut me some slack. Then again, you need to see it in game to really appreciate it ( *cough* ::) ) as you can't make out much from the attached screen because I reduced the quality to cater for the 50kb attachment limit. As soon as I can host a decent pic somewhere I'll post it up. ;D

Anyways, should be ready for beta'ing soon but until then I need some comments and critique so give me your opinions based on what little you can see, tell me what you'd like to see in it, and send me a certificate certifying that I am a qualified dumbass from trying this thing. 8)

P.S. Does anyone know the significance of the "domino" style patch on the right collar of the suit? Some pics the soldiers have the one dot on the patch, in others two dots and so on. Rank? Battalion? :-\
« Last Edit: 30 Nov 2002, 03:54:36 by Black Magic »

Offline vade_101

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hmm. odd choice of addon; SS dress uniforms wouldn't exactly be a common sight on the battlefields of europe (and i will admit that hearing that the "black suit uniforms [that] have that certain style about them" does make me a little uneasy).

but, if you want an explanation of SS Rank Insgnia go look at http://www.wssob.com/rank.html

in fact http://www.wssob.com is a generally excellent site all round and takes a fairly balanced view of the waffen SS as part of the Larger SS organisation and looks at the atrocities commited by Waffen-SS formations as well as the often staggering effectivness of these units on the battlefield

Black Magic

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Hrm. So it's a no go? No good? If that's the case, perhaps this thing should be scrapped and I should go back to the ol' drawing board. Oh well - you win some you lose some. My bad! ;D

Oh and please don't think I'm trying to glorify the SS or any Nazi party here. I was just making the addon for pure fun in the game. Apologies if it came off that way. :-[

Anyways, I guess I've stepped right into it, I'll pull out of this one and look to do an addon less, hrm, less arguable. Perhaps a Super Space Monkey 2000 with Ray Blaster Gun. ::)

P.S. I know Return To Castle Wolfenstein is nothing to go by in regards to realism, but the Waffen SS in the suits who guard the castle - never happened in real life? :-X
« Last Edit: 30 Nov 2002, 04:05:25 by Black Magic »

Gerald Duval

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why not make some panzer grenadiers in splinter camo ponchos, pants and helmets? those were more common and as we all know splinter camo is the sexiest of all camo...

Offline vade_101

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No, it did happen, there were "guard" units of the Waffen-SS (for example the SS-"Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler"-Wach Kompanie was Hitlers personal bodyguard) who were used to guard SS installations or places that himmler deemed important. There is a list of these "Watch Battalions" @ http://www.wssob.com/000watch.html or at http://www.feldgrau.com/wss-sich.html.

Apologies if i came on a bit heavy, but it is awfully easy to look at the SS and see the "cool uniforms" etc. and forget what the organisation actually stood for.

But Gerald is right, a far better addon would be the actual combat troops of the Waffen-SS who saw combat in all the major campaigns of ww2

Offline Gogs

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What about the whole "special operation" SP mission aspect of things, ie. RM Commandos/SBS/American Equivalent (Rangers I suppose.) Certainly for a WWII "Black Op" style mission, they'd have some use. Seems a shame to bin them, even if they are a long way from realise.

Black Magic

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Hrm. Well Vade had some good points but what you say is also true Gogs. So now what? Finish or bin them? It's not that big a shame if I bin them, because I've only really spent about 1 or 2 hours on it. Anyways, I actually made them for my mission more than anything else and if it's of no value to anyone else no point eh? Hehe. ;D
Tell me something - I've started work on the German troops who held Bastogne for my Bastogne mission - Am I wasting my time again? ::)

Offline Gogs

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Only if you can be bothered to make American units as well. And as for the SS in black, hows about you make a General, but leave out the infantry? I got a mission just waiting for a german SS General.....


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Come on dont be so god damn sensitive. I mean, the japanese regular army butchered millions, and tortured the hell out of our guys and I see no one complaining when someone makes a mod of them. The VC used to go around shooting people. The Soviets were some evil assholes during WWII, like shooting Polish officers after they and the germans partitioned Poland and claiming it was the jerries who did it. Oh, and  the Siberian POW camps with the cannibals, or the raping of about every german woman in Berlin. Its a game, no one here is a nazi and its fun to shoot the bastards. So make some SS in their black uniforms and jackboots.

Black Magic

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Um, man, this is old news. ;D Why bring it up again? Just so you know, being "so damn sensetive" as I am ( ::) ), I'm actually finishing them up with new models and all. So, take that and eat it. 8)


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Ok good then. Hey, make some camo or grey uniforms too.

Black Magic

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Yeah you damn right good then. :P

Grey uniforms I can't help you with just yet. But as for camo, perhaps these will be of interest. Donated by a certain individual to the www.ww2ecteam.com mod and we got other troops in the works, maybe even Winter SS:


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Hey guys I love those models they are  Great !!!!!!
I have a dream I wish to have the old good germans and americans pack (ww2team released)
 with the Lawrie textures but with new p3d so we can have such decent and more accurated helmets like this above :)

I can help you with this idea if you wish I made a wermacht units using the lawrie textures on a new p3d but the p3d need works and it is unfinished
WW2EC team what do you think ??

Black Magic

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Send me a picture of these Wehrm's to mohan.j@email.com or try and catch me on the forums (www.ww2ecteam.com) and I'll see what I can do. 8)


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I just sent to you the pbo on your email :)

I am planning to replace all the p3d's of the WW2Team with new and more accurated ones with new helmet and some accesories because those packs really rocks !!!
AND finally we'll can play a good  ww2 battle with the best and more amusing ww2 addons.
This is a tribute to the WW2Team .
Lawrie if you are here tell me what you think ok :)
Bye mates