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Author Topic: [COOP-20/A3] Whole Lotta Stratis - Dynamic Mission (New v0.81 update)  (Read 5056 times)

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Offline SaOk

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Author: SaOk
Type: Arma3 Alpha/ COOP for 1-20 Players
Mission version: 0.81

Installation: Put co20_whole_lotta_stratis_v0_81.Stratis.pbo to MPmissions folder in arma3 main folder (Steam/SteamApps/common/ArmA 3)


Change Log:
Code: [Select]
-Important performance tweaks
-Player can now skip time at campfire
-Respawn added with new location
-Much gear crates added
-Empty Choppers/Boats added
-Unwanted Team-members can be deleted (via radio)
-Other tweaks/fixes
-More performance tweaks
-AI shoot flares at night time
-Air/Land Support can be called via radio
-Custom Voices are disabled now when in vehicle
-Other tweaks/fixes
-Much small issues fixed
-Added respawing cars to respawn point
-New quickly respawing respawnpoint vehicles/chopper
-Much more AT-weapons/magazines in crates
-Enemy have now sniper "towers"
-Respawn point have some more cover
-Car removal near spawning point improved
-Other tweaks/fixes
-Added player markers
-Added accelerated time (default 1h is 12 ingame hours)
-Added changing weather (new values on every 10 minutes)
-Mission starts with random time (as default)
-More gear in crates (Optics, Suppressors)
-Some less vehicles, tweaked spawning/deleting times for vehicles
-Other fixes & tweaks
-Added "=BTC= Revive" by Giallustio (Thanks PawelKPL for showing me the way)
-Revive system have "moving respawn point"-mobile
-Playeable units divided to four 5 men groups
-FIX:Crates shouldnt be deleted anymore
-Briefing should now work
-Random mortar no longer drop grenades on respawn
-Player is moved to respawn point if accidentally spawned into ocean
-Accelerated time should be smooth now
-Waypoints are now given to groups for nearest capture-able zone
-AI may use smoke sometimes
-AI team-leaders may call support sometimes
-AI Team-leaders use now vehicles to move between capture-able zones
-AI Team-leaders can spawn cars, unless set off in parameters
-Fixed: Waypoints was given only for first zone
-More important tweaks/fixes for AI team vehicle use
-Important fix in waypoint giving system
-New respawn location (I may add chooseable/random respawn point at some point)
-Capture-able zones reworked with more detailed positioning (no more soldiers in toilets)
-Added chopper pick up radio call for player led teams
-Fixed Crates
-Added Backpacks to crates
-Improved AI vehicle use (e.g. new stuck check)
-AI teams may use choppers sometimes to travel
-Performance Tweaks
-Other tweaks & fixes
-New parameter to set max fog
-New parameter to set AI aiming accuracy
-Many other fixes & tweaks, and some earlier additions now working
-Added "no AI vehicles"-mode for better stability in current alpha (default - enabled)
-Added "more infantry"-mode to compensate vehicles and for better servers (default - enabled)
-Other tweaks&fixes
-Crates cant be destroyed no more
-Added experimental live feed, for players, from nearby chopper (default - disabled)
-visible timer added for zone capturing (need to be less than 25m away from marker)
-Other fixes/tweaks
-Teamkillers are send to an island with increasing penalty time from each kill (default - enabled)
-Option to disable extra friendly AI life (default - disabled)
-Option to disable civilian/animal life
-19 new invisible infantry zones
-Added AI First Aid Support (v0.1.5) by DAP
-If extra friendlies are disabled, also zones have no more friendly life
-Some other tweaks
-Terrain Grid can be now set near respawn (unless set off in server)
-Improved player/AI markers
-AI vehicles/less units set on as default (for the new Alpha that seems to be stable now)
-Other tweak/fixes
 -Added Headless Clients support (for up to 3)
 -Much new parameters for Headless Clients
 -Updated "=BTC= Revive" by Giallustio to latest
-Some performance tweaks
-Some other fixes and tweaks
-Client releated error fixes
-Added revive system by norrin (=BTC= Revive removed)
-Updated: AI First Aid Support by DAP to latest
-Marker colors should now display right for JIP-players
-DEV-version still REQUIRED to play
-Works with both Reqular & DEV Alpha
-HOTFIX: Removed removed script commands
-Removed revive system for now (missing removed script commands)
-Smoke signals now work to call chopper to land more near
-Calling help with smoke should work too
-Fog code updated & defaut max fog now is "dense"
-Some other tweaks/fixes
-Added/Enabled latest Norrin Revive script
-Contact-loop improvement
-Added Beta content (Playable units are blufor or green army)
-Norrin revive updated to latest version
-DAP first aid scripts is now enabled for enemies only
-Added animals
-Added alarms
-More vehicles
-New AI functions
-Other tweaks/fixes
-Much important tweaks/fixes
-Mission should be much less demanding for server now
-New respawn location
-Team-leaders are able to call gear drops
-Many functions from SP version of the mission added (fortresses, vehicle parachutes, infantry patrol brought with truck...)
-Revive system by norrin currently disabled (Will put it back once new version is out)
-Many other tweaks/fixes/additions
-DEV-Version required to play (until new vehicles are in basic version)
-New Tracked Vehicles added 
-More tweaks/fixes for better performance

-Try being team-member for AI team-leader (e.g. play alone in LAN server)

There is may parameters to choose. If you set Wizard AI off the AI team-leaders cant spawn vehicles which may slow their way to next zone.

Key Features WIP:
-Dynamic mission using whole Stratis map
-Dynamic life generator for enemy/friendly units (patrols, scouts, camps, towers, slow/fast
-reinforcements, support vehicles)
-Enemy groups communicate to track player's position, offering still change to flee unnoticed
-Random positioned dynamic tasks to give different feeling for the mission every time
-Much optional, but meaningful tasks included
-All tasks have effect on generating scripts or/and bigger tasks
-Difficulty level goes slowly higher during progress
-Random events
-Much improved heavy dynamic civilian/animal ambient life
-Many Custom gameplay elements (Smoke signals, dynamic reinforcements...)
-Friendly AI groups fighting with player depending on relationship values
-Made with Perfomance Friendly Methods

3rd Party Scripts & Thanks:
-AI First Aid Support by DAP
-Revive System by Norrin

Extra Thanks:
-Accelerated Time feature was heavily inspired of TAW_Tonic's MP Fast time FSM.

Coming in later versions:
-Better tasks, more features, cutscenes, story...
« Last Edit: 16 Jul 2013, 13:19:10 by SaOk »

Offline SaOk

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I re-uploaded the current version 0.51. I may have prevented one the crashing issue and AI team with chopper lands now before dissemparking.