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Author Topic: AddScore for side  (Read 8966 times)

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Offline Iceman77

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AddScore for side
« on: 09 Feb 2013, 19:07:37 »
How can I add to a sides point total without adding score to the sides players? If that makes any sense. AddScore is working great to add points for players, and thus the side aswell. I just don't want to add points to the players score, but rather just the sides total. And I'd rather use the engines point system, and not some pseudo point distribution method. If possible.

Any help would be appreciated.

This is what I currently use to distribute points to a side. I want to go away from this.
Code: [Select]
WEST_SCORE = {{If (Side _x == WEST) Then {_x addScore 1}} ForEach AllUnits};
EAST_SCORE = {{If (Side _x == EAST) Then {_x addScore 1}} ForEach AllUnits};

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Re: AddScore for side
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jul 2014, 02:24:39 »
I realize this is super old but just wanted to throw this thought in there to see if there were any other solutions found for this.

Have you tried to check the score of the side and then adding a score to that variable?

_scoreW = scoreSide west;
_scoreW addScore 10;

Just a shot in the dark.