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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] OPERATION RATTLESNAKE V2.1  (Read 27023 times)

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.15)
« Reply #15 on: 11 Aug 2011, 23:11:13 »
Ah yeah, alpha, I forgot they were actually kilo. Makes sense now.
The group sizes are just right at around 8. I tend to only engage the lower numbered squads so I don't lose focus on the target. If you want to increase difficulty, you can simply move the waypoints around with a slow looping script every 2 minutes or so.

Offline Gruntage

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.15)
« Reply #16 on: 12 Aug 2011, 14:32:04 »
Ah yeah, alpha, I forgot they were actually kilo. Makes sense now.
The group sizes are just right at around 8. I tend to only engage the lower numbered squads so I don't lose focus on the target. If you want to increase difficulty, you can simply move the waypoints around with a slow looping script every 2 minutes or so.

Ah I see now. Well, the trigger which is synchronised to Kilo's waypoints have:

Code: [Select]
? Detected and (not aadown)
Where 'Detected' is whether or not the alarm has gone off, and 'aadown' becomes true if all four shilkas are destroyed.

This should mean that Kilo will not arrive if the shilkas have been destroyed. They should only appear if the alarm has gone off. The only issue with this is that Kilo will be quite close to the Shilkas when the satchels are detonated. I guess I'll have to move their waypoints away from the Shilkas so they don't get caught up in the blasts.

I might give the player the option of calling in reinforcements himself via the radio. Not sure yet.

As for Kilo triggering the alarm, that shouldn't happen as in order for them to be there in the first place the alarm must first be triggered.

I'm currently working on an outro atm which should be finished in a few days time  :D

"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.15)
« Reply #17 on: 12 Aug 2011, 22:50:50 »
I would definitley suggest inserting a radio trigger with Kilo support as the channel text, synchronized with Kilo's waypoint to head into to town. That gives the player complete control of his support.

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2)
« Reply #18 on: 14 Aug 2011, 12:11:18 »
New version is now available to download  :D An outro has now been added, as well as the option to radio in the support squad.
"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2) (updated 16/8/2011)
« Reply #19 on: 18 Aug 2011, 17:02:36 »
Bump ^^ A new version is now available for testing  :D I'm eagerly awaiting feedback  :)
"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2) (updated 16/8/2011)
« Reply #20 on: 19 Aug 2011, 05:26:25 »
Haven't forgotten. Others need testing too and trying to split my free time equally. Will get back to this one as soon as possible.

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2) (updated 16/8/2011)
« Reply #21 on: 19 Aug 2011, 09:19:08 »
Thanks for the heads-up SBG, take your time  :)
"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2) (updated 16/8/2011)
« Reply #22 on: 07 Sep 2011, 11:00:51 »
Is anybody else going to test this mission? It's been a while since I last heard any feedback  :)
"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2) (updated 16/8/2011)
« Reply #23 on: 08 Sep 2011, 00:49:55 »
Yes, sorry. We've been caught up in the middle of the MEC and trying to get things in order for judges and intel ads was swamping. I'll do my best to give it a test run this weekend. Sorry for the delay.

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2) (updated 16/8/2011)
« Reply #24 on: 10 Sep 2011, 22:02:26 »
Nothing in the world is as certain as death.

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Re: [SP] NEW! Operation Rattlesnake (V1.2) (updated 16/8/2011)
« Reply #25 on: 12 Sep 2011, 14:27:54 »

Hi, sorry about the late reply. I have to admit I have absolutely no idea why the tank chose to attack. During all of the tests I performed that has never happened before lol.

I'll release 1.25 without the tank. In answer to your question the tank was put there to engage any russian armour that approached the insertion area. During one test it was able to distract the enemy armour long enough for the player to escape believe it or not. But, in order to prevent any future problems with the tank, I have removed it.

There shouldnt be any reason now why the mission can't be completed lol, at least, no reason that I'm aware of  :)

EDIT: New version (1.25) is now available for download and testing  :D
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2011, 15:02:49 by Gruntage »
"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba

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Played version 1.2 with CWA on veteran. This time around I chose the easy setting.
It played out similar to previous test runs as I used the same tactics. I plan to play again using different tactics on harder selections.

Things I noticed different.
Big improvement in the wildlife area. Birds, crickets, frogs,etc. were good for immersion.

Speaking Russian voices from patrols.

A couple of new trucks drove through the town, bringing the environment to life even more and also increasing the challenge of maneuverability. The Fuel truck that come into town from the north(I think), got stuck on the corner of a building while turning. It was ruining immersion a bit so I popped him in the head.

Set off the bombs and was blasted by the main gun of a BMP while making for the boat.

Reloaded and this time ordered everyone prone and to the shore. The armor was closing in and so I ordered Kilo into the fight to distract them and it did that well enough.(although I felt bad using Kilo like that)

Was able to get into the boat this time. But the boat never moved. I got out and shot the driver and tried to board in his place but it wouldn't let me. The mission ended successfully a few seconds later.

The outro was super. The only thing missing now are voices for the debrief.
« Last Edit: 20 Sep 2011, 00:45:34 by savedbygrace »

Offline Gruntage

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Thanks for the good feedback SBG  :good:

Now, about the fuel truck. I have a random vehicle creation script which runs from the beginning of the mission, which basically creates a vehicle from a selection of four types, and then sends them on their waypoints. The problem with the vehicles not negotiating the junction in Houdan is quite annoying, because like you say it ruins the immersion. So, I am considering removing that script and perhaps putting a UAZ there instead.

The whole issue with the boat not moving is still one which continues to bug me. I'm not entirely sure why the boat refuses to move, or rather, why the driver is unable to follow his waypoints. So, I've come up with three possible options to solve the problem:

- Remove the driver as soon as the boat reaches the shore, allowing the player to make his own extraction at the end of the mission.

The only problem with this is that it isn't realistic, and could easily ruin the immersion. So, I came up with option 2:

- Have one of the black ops (who are with you in the mission) drive the boat, also allowing the player to make his own extraction.

I consider this to be the best option, because at least there won't be issue with the boat not moving. It's also fairly realistic, so this might be the option I go with. Option 3 is:

- Have the player drive the boat at the start and at the end.

Probably not the best option, as I don't really want the player inserting the team anywhere along the coastline. Chances are I won't go for this one.

Let me know what you think is best on this one  :D

At least now you were able to see the outro, which is a huge improvement on past versions  :D Thanks for the compliment, but I think I'll improve the text a little bit; perhaps changing the colour, and maybe the font.

As for the voices, well, to tell you the truth I'm not entirely comfortable doing the voices. I did the voices the radio, which was fine. But I'm not a gifted voice actor, and I certainly cannot do any American accents. Perhaps, you would be interested in doing the voices? As you saw there's only a couple of stuff to be said. I noticed that the voices in your mission 'The Kolgujev Contract' were pretty good, and that's the standard I would be looking for.

Again, thanks for the positive feedback. I'll see if I can get v1.3 done soon.



"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba

Offline savedbygrace

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A simple solution to that boat issue is to have the boat setdir facing away from the shore once the player is 200 meters away from it.

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Ok that seems to work fine; the boat now faces away from the shore. Hopefully the boat will now move when it's supposed to.

I'll make the other changes I mentioned and release it as soon as possible  :D

EDIT: I may have just worked out why the boat didn't move for you. Were all members of your team dead? I just noticed that this:

? !(alldead) and !_aMsg and (("alive _x" count _b) == ("_x in zod" count _b)) and (ap in zod): _aMsg = true; [[West,"hq"], "r13"] exec "sideradio.sqs"; goto "SUB"

'alldead' is called when all members of your team are killed. So, if all team members are dead then clearly the boat won't move. I'll rectify this in the next version.
« Last Edit: 20 Sep 2011, 19:08:48 by Gruntage »
"But one thing I can tell you from not just OFP but life in general:  criticism is directly proportional to quality. The more criticism a mission receives, the better the outcome" - macguba