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Author Topic: [Solved] How to identify the _x that activates a trigger?  (Read 2012 times)

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Offline Undeceived

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Hi! ;)

I have the following in the condition line of a trigger (the trigger has size 0 and repeats itself):

Code: [Select]
{(Dude knowsAbout _x) > 0.0002} count (units group enmygrp) > 0
If I'm not mistaken, this should activate the trigger when "Dude" knows about any unit of the group called "enmygrp". At least I hope this happens! :D

Now my question is:

How can I identify WHO THAT UNIT IS that makes the trigger launch so I can use his name to launch a script from the activation line?

In other words: I want the name of the detected unit of the group so I can do this with it:

Code: [Select]
[nameofdetectedunit] exec "dude_kills_detected_unit.sqs";

Do you have an idea? Thanks a lot!
« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2011, 17:00:05 by Undeceived »
Current project: Black Lands (Arma 3)

Offline bedges

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Re: How to identify the _x?
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jun 2011, 22:36:54 »
Personally I would us a slowly looping script for this rather than use a trigger: much more control, and a lot easier to grab the needed variables.

More to the point, is there a reason you're not using a killed event handler? Do they still have event handlers in Arma2?  :dunno:

(spot the OFP user...)
« Last Edit: 01 Jun 2011, 22:39:20 by bedges »

Offline Undeceived

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[Solved] How to identify the _x?
« Reply #2 on: 02 Jun 2011, 12:09:54 »
:) It works with this code in the trigger (thanks to Celery!):

To identify the trigger activator ("_x") of a certain enemy group:

Condition line: true

Activation line: 0=[] spawn {while {alive Dude} do {{if (Dude knowsAbout _x > 0.0002) then {[_x] execVM "engage.sqf"}} forEach units enemygrp; sleep 1}};

To identify the trigger activator ("_x") in a trigger area that covers all possible units:

Condition line: true

Activation line: 0=[] spawn {while {alive Dude} do {{if (Dude knowsAbout _x > 0.0002) then {[_x] execVM "engage.sqf"}} forEach list triggername; sleep 1}};

-> The trigger that covers all units has to be set to Activate by Anybody.

With this codes and a "engage.sqf" script which I'll post under this you can make the AI ("Dude") recognize the enemy in the dark night without having to set a trigger for every possible enemy unit... :)


Code: [Select]
_enemy = _this select 0;

dude reveal _enemy;

dude addweapon "NVGoggles";

sleep 0.1;

dude reveal _enemy;
dude lookat _enemy;

sleep 1;

dude removeweapon "NVGoggles";

dude reveal _enemy;

sleep 5;

dude reveal _enemy;

if (true) exitWith {};

(I still didn't find another way without adding the NVGs for 1 second...)
« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2011, 17:12:58 by Undeceived »
Current project: Black Lands (Arma 3)