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Author Topic: Airstrike script  (Read 2271 times)

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Offline onmas

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Airstrike script
« on: 27 Apr 2011, 20:56:56 »
Hey guys.

I've muddled on with this one for a while, but its now bugging me.  Basically, it works fine except only for me (on locally hosted games).  If anyone else calls it (e.g. from a radio trigger), the marker goes down, but the aircraft is never created...  Sorry its a little muddled, as I've tried to hack it multiple ways.  I realise I should probably be using public variables and event handlers, but got lost implementing it.

I have a couple of other scripts that operate CAS, a heli drop and a cruise missile attack.  All operate in a similar fashion...but only for me.

Can someone please help rewrite the script so that it'll work safely for anyone who calls it please?

Code: [Select]
// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: kylania (modified by onmas)
//  From trigger:
//  nul = [player] execVM "airStrike.sqf";
sleep 0.5;

// Wait till the Functions module is ready.
waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

// Paramaters.
_unit = _this select 0; // who called it.

//Get mouse clicks
sleep 1;
titleText ["Indicate TARGET on map by map-click","PLAIN DOWN"];
onMapSingleClick "airTarget = _pos;dt=false";
waitUntil {!dt};
onMapSingleClick "";

// targeting
_obj = "Sign_sphere10cm_EP1" createVehicle airTarget;
_fastAirObjects = nearestObjects [_obj, ["Car","Air","Tank","Truck","Ship","House","Office","Barracks","Hanger"], 75];
deleteVehicle _obj;

_fastAirAliveObjects = [];
{ if (alive _x) then { _fastAirAliveObjects = _fastAirAliveObjects+[_x] }; } forEach _fastAirObjects;
_unit sidechat format["TARGET that ""%1""", typeOf (_fastAirAliveObjects select 0)];
if(count _fastAirAliveObjects > 0) then
_fastAirTarget = _fastAirAliveObjects select 0;
"fastAirTargetMkr" setMarkerPos getPos _fastAirTarget;
"fastAirTargetMkr" setMarkerType "b_plane";

_airType = "AV8B";  // Type of transport.
_start = getMarkerPos "airStart";  // location of start/spawn/delete location.

/////////////// SERVER ///////////////////
if (isServer) then {
// Create a little shiney ball we can use to get the direction from start to caller with
_blinky = "Sign_sphere10cm_EP1" createVehicle _start;
_flightPath = [_blinky, _unit] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo;

// Spawn the air, facing the user, in the air at the start location.
_air = [[_start select 0, _start select 1, 250], _flightPath, _airType, side _unit] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

// Name the air globally so that waypoint orders will work.
fastAir = _air select 0;
_airGroup = _air select 2; // group of air so waypoints work.
_airGroup setCombatMode "BLUE"; // Make sure they don't get distracted.
// fastAir setCaptive true; // uncomment this to make airstrike safe.

// message letting them know it's coming.
_airDist = fastAir distance airTarget;
fastAir sidechat format["Roger that, we are %1km from your TARGET", round(_airDist)/1000.0];

// These lines might be needed in MP. :)  Didn't test it yet.
_air select 0 setVehicleInit "fastAir = this; this setVehicleVarName ""fastAir""";

// Delete the cute little light that let us spawn facing the right direction
deleteVehicle _blinky;

// WP 1 - en route to TARGET
fastAir setCombatMode "BLUE";
fastAir doMove getPos _fastAirTarget;
fastAir flyInHeight 75;

waitUntil {fastAir distance _fastAirTarget < 2000};
titleText ["Fast air is hot!!!","PLAIN DOWN"];

// WP 2 - approach to TARGET
fastAir doMove getPos _fastAirTarget;

sleep 10;
fastAir flyInHeight 300;
bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle getPos _fastAirTarget;
smoke = "Smokeshell" createVehicle getPos _fastAirTarget;
_fastAirTarget setDamage 1.0;
{_x setdamage 1.0} foreach nearestObjects [_fastAirTarget, [], 25];
titleText ["Fast air is RTB","PLAIN DOWN"];

// WP 3 - return to start/spawn point
wp3 = _airGroup addWaypoint [_start, 20];
wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE";
wp3 setWaypointCombatMode "BLUE";
wp3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
wp3 setWaypointStatements ["true","titleText [""Fast air is now available"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew fastAir; deletevehicle fastAir; ""fastAirTargetMkr"" setMarkerType ""Empty"";"];

titleText ["No TARGETs identified...","PLAIN DOWN"];


Offline onmas

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Re: Airstrike script
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2011, 20:07:23 »
Bump  :)