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Author Topic: Radio messages disappearing after changing them in the editor [SOLVED]  (Read 3511 times)

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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Hey folks, I am encountering the following problem:

I just changed the radio messages inside a trigger, as well as an external .sqs that is called by a trigger, and suddenly all the relevant new information, e.g. the new lines of text won't show ingame. What can I do against this?

Help is appreciated,


EDIT: I am attatching the mission in question to the first post of this thread for examination.
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2011, 22:33:12 by mathias_eichinger »

Offline savedbygrace

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Paste us an example here of how you're changing things. It could just be something simple that you've overlooked.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Hm, I would need to re-download my mission from my thread and open it to post a comparison... but as far as I recall, cpbo does not work anymore with OA files... could you recommend a working unpbo tool?

Oh, and even the music that is activated via a trigger does not play anymore since I typed something else in the "on activation" field.

Offline h-

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cpbo does not work anymore with OA files
Works fine here, just remember to download the latest version..

The other thing messing things is the annoying pbo association with the game so you need to get rid of that too.

Copy/paste this into a text file you name to something like blah.bat and run it:
Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00













Make a restore point first so if something for some odd reason goes south you can recover. Not that I have had any problems with that.

Or you can use Mikero's Eliteness..
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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hey h-, thank you for pointing me to eliteness.

Here is an example of my problem:

me sidechat "Eagle to Base, we have discovered intel on a suspicious Takiban location. Could you check by UAV?";"
[WEST,"HQ"] sidechat "Negative, Eagle team, all UAV assets in the AO are currently on battle overwatch duty.";
me sidechat "Ok, requesting permission for a close target recon mission then.";
[WEST,"HQ"] sidechat "Permission granted. Report your findings immediately.";
TitleText ["Ok lads, I have marked the position from this note I just found in the car on the map.","Plain Down"]
TitleText ["It's high in the mountains, almost in the middle, if you draw a straight line between Landay and Chaman.","Plain Down"]
TitleText ["I have no idea what it is, but we will soon find out Let us take one of the SUVs and drive on the road to the foot of the mountains.","Plain Down"]
TitleText ["Or maybe we can go uphill. Anyway, saddle up!","Plain Down"]

conversationHQ.sqs with changed lines

me sidechat "Eagle to Base, we have beaten back a kidnapping attempt and are in need of extraction with a potentially valuable civilian.";"
[WEST,"HQ"] sidechat "Negative, Eagle team, all air assets in the AO are currently engaged in operations. You have to acquire transportation yourself or remain in hiding until further notice.";
me sidechat "Roger, we can take a SUV available on site.";
[WEST,"HQ"] sidechat "Copy. Your team will be notified at the earliest opportunity of helo extraction.";
TitleText ["Mr Mayor, come over here! To the cars!","Plain Down"]
TitleText ["Ok gentlemen, looks like we have a bumpy ride ahead us. We have to make it back to base on our own, or at least drive until extraction is available Get in one of the SUVs.","Plain Down"]
TitleText ["Sir, we will take care of your safety. Please get in, we have to drive until a helicopter is free to get us.","Plain Down"]

All the sidechat lines that have been changed won't display on screen.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Mathias

Offline savedbygrace

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You have an extra quotation mark after the semicolon on the first sidechat on both scripts which could be mucking up the rest of the sidechats maybe? Your TitleText lines look okay and so there is no reason why those should not work.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Tried it, and it does not work.

The strange thing is that a BLUFOR-activated trigger right at the start of the mission should call a script going by the name of "conversationFlight.sqs", which is inactive up to the point where two Takis are shot dead. Then said script runs, immediately followed by the posted "conversationHQ.sqs", even if the HQ script is the only one being called by a trigger having the dead Takis as condition. SideChat messages are missing throughout.

Offline savedbygrace

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This may sound silly but check to see if "me" is still on the map and make sure you have a unit placed for HQ sidechats.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Well "me", is the player's unit... so it is definitely on the map. Do you mean I need different units to run different conversation scripts, e.g. running conversationHQ.sqs after conversationHQ.sqs with the same unit (me) speaking does not work?

Offline savedbygrace

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No I mean that for sidechats to be able to be seen, there must be a unit named for it.

Is the player named "me"?

Is there a unit named "HQ"?

If not, of course they won't be spoken. There's no one to speak them.

I really don't see how else you would be having problems with that. It looks fine to me.

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Re: Radio messages disappearing after changing them in the editor
« Reply #10 on: 31 Jan 2011, 21:04:54 »
« Last Edit: 31 Jan 2011, 21:09:40 by SaOk »

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: Radio messages disappearing after changing them in the editor
« Reply #11 on: 31 Jan 2011, 21:50:49 »
The player's unit is named "me", and I could swear that having HQ radio messages never required a unit on the map, as in

[side,"HQ"] sideChat "Move to your position and wait for further orders!"

which would be
Papabear: Move to your position and wait for further orders!"
in OFP
Crossroad: "Move to your position and wait for further orders!"
since ArmA 1.

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: Radio messages disappearing after changing them in the editor
« Reply #12 on: 01 Feb 2011, 01:08:21 »
Being that it's SQS, the ";" are not needed, correct?
Each line is already independent of one another, correct?
I always presumed a unit had to be present for any sidechat or say command.
And while we're on the subject, the player needs no name; "player" is it's own global.

Does this occur for only the sidechat or is the TitleText affected as well?

Have you tried to use a trigger to call the same sidechat to see if it is something in the script?

Which mission is it? This has nabbed my curiosity now.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: Radio messages disappearing after changing them in the editor
« Reply #13 on: 01 Feb 2011, 20:49:07 »
I have just attatched the mission to the first post, hopefully that describes my problem pretty much in depth.
Please note that it does not work properly beyond the point where you kill the 2 Takiban (at least not tested), since I noticed these weird problems during my first test run after modifying the mission according to SaOK's comments.

The mission in the beta forums is the old version before script and trigger modifications.

Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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Re: Radio messages disappearing after changing them in the editor
« Reply #14 on: 01 Feb 2011, 22:50:20 »
You have a BLUFOR--PRESENT trigger near the player's starting point. I changed the conditions for that very first trigger from "this" to "true" and everything worked. All radio sideChat messages and titleText speech displayed, including conversationHQ.sqs .

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