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Author Topic: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice(Review Complete)  (Read 16168 times)

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Offline bardosy

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #30 on: 15 Nov 2010, 14:17:50 »
Sorry. :(

Before that dirty trick, there was no nothing at the end of this mission. The runner escape to north, but finally he had to stop, because he cannot escape to South (american zone). So he just stand and you can easily grab him. One of betatester suggested me to spawn enemy at North to defend him. But - beleive me - normally (if you don1t spand too much time to find him) it never happened.
Shoot the black SUV from UH-60 extract, finish the truck's crew and run for him.
If you can stop the black SUV enough early, you have many time.
And you never will meet with enemy.

I suggest you to restart.
Fix bayonet!

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #31 on: 13 Dec 2010, 00:11:17 »
I can review this one. But it will take some time, I try to have this ready in early January. Test reports before that if I find something not already mentioned. :)

Offline bardosy

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #32 on: 15 Dec 2010, 10:39:03 »
Fix bayonet!

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #33 on: 19 Jan 2011, 23:14:37 »
Sorry it took much time, but I finally played this through. I didnt spot any showstoppers but some small typos and missing mission names in briefing, but I dont know if that last one is some beta bug. I think I saw mission name right in briefing, but later it was changed to say "intro". I saw it wrong in 3rd and 4th mission, but just to make sure if you want you could check the rest of the missions too.

The small typos:

4th mission:
-"what is the satrep of czech sf units" -> sitrep?
5th mission:
-"We are follow you, one. Over" -> following?
-"...We hear that arty firing. Now We`ll can find it. Over" -> "...We hear that arty firing now. We should be able to find it. Over" ?
6th mission:
-"Negative. Only robber and tiger attack Falar. Theif and leopard..." -> Thief
8th mission:
-(late chat after meeting the leader in first village): "...Obama is thanks you..." -> remove is
-(in Ravanay after seeing the dead civilians) "...try to figured out what happened..." -> figure

In 5th mission there is unneeded savegame after blowing the D30s.

In 6th missionIn 7th mission the chopper lands too close of the stopped radioactive truck. It can easily end badly in unfair way. I suggest to move the landing spot much more far. E.g. 100-200m more away. When the player get out the chopper this error is displayed but it have no effect on mission (it played well to the end):
Code: [Select]
p destance nuc < 50 -> should be "distance"
But overally a very nice challenging campaign. I start writing the review now, that should be ready in few days (+time for english check). If you want you can still fix some or none of these small issues - Let me know. I can also review the campaign as it is now.

EDIT: I noticed you have 1.0 version in Armaholic, but it says 0.9 in here which is the version I played trought. But after compareing the modified dates, is that first post giving also the 1.0 here? That readme in the download, should include also the version number, installation instructions and the game version that is needed (e.g. OA 1.57).
« Last Edit: 20 Jan 2011, 01:36:26 by SaOk »

Offline bardosy

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #34 on: 20 Jan 2011, 10:24:16 »
SaOk: Thank you for your time to play through this campaign and the review!

I'll not make deep changes already in this campaign, because of lack of time, so I'll not add reinforcements in 6th mission, but of course I'll fix the bug in the script at mission 7th and the typos (except the takistani guy's text, because he don't speak English... :) ).

Unfortunately I knew the problem with the chopper insertation and I tried to solve in many way, but I couldn't. There are many parameters in that situation, what made the problem harder:
1., the convoy are move and I (designer) don't know when the player will stop it: it could be anywhere in a very long road. So the solution to put an invisible H in design time in not an option. I have to calculate it in runtime, but it's extremly hard to me.
2., This is a slim valley and BIS choppers AI has a little problem with these terrain...

When I tested this part of this mission I found that problem many times and - as a player - I could solve it to reload the last (automatic) savepoint and try the insertation again. And many times, the second try works well.
Fix bayonet!

Offline SaOk

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #35 on: 21 Jan 2011, 12:39:46 »
Nope, it was a very nice campaign to play with the smooth performance. :)

I have the review almost finished, but I will wait for that your new version with at least that one error-message fixed, before releasing it. Let me know the final changes, so I can more easily check those to make sure that all still runs fine.

And remember to update the readme with a simple installation guide and required game/mission-versions.

Offline bardosy

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #36 on: 28 Jan 2011, 16:54:35 »
Hey SaOk,

sorry for the delay... I just gain some freetime now and start to sweep my old files to fix what you reported.

1., I found the syntax error what you reported: destance and fixed it.
2., But I didn't find the fist spell error: satrep. It was sitrep in my stringtable. So maybe you're right, there could be some version chaos. :(
3., The other spelling error was found and fix. Thanks.
4., I pack the whole staff together and update the readme file with install instruction and version number (v1.01).

I'll upload to my site (the same link as here in the first post) and inform the armaholic about the change. If I'm done, I edit this post.


I did it. New version is uploaded to my site, so the first post link is correct now.
« Last Edit: 31 Jan 2011, 09:34:11 by bardosy »
Fix bayonet!

Offline SaOk

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #37 on: 31 Jan 2011, 11:01:06 »
Great, I let you know when the review is released hopefully today or in few days. :)

Edit: 7th mission still have the destance bug. I opened the heliroute.sqs and looks like you have already fixed one loop. There is two loops still with the destance instead of distance:
Code: [Select]
?(p destance nuc) < 50:goto "extract"
« Last Edit: 31 Jan 2011, 15:58:10 by SaOk »

Offline bardosy

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #38 on: 02 Feb 2011, 07:27:41 »
I'm sure I fixed it. But I confess, I didn't check more times in that file.
Ugh... Sorry. I'll check it.

EDIT: Sorry. Fixed. Uploaded.
« Last Edit: 04 Feb 2011, 07:50:09 by bardosy »
Fix bayonet!

Offline SaOk

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Re: Please review it! [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #39 on: 04 Feb 2011, 12:01:28 »
Nope. Mistakes happen. ;)

I checked the mission with the error and it runs good now. The review is released and readable here: :)

Offline Barbolani

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice(Review Complete)
« Reply #40 on: 10 Nov 2011, 01:46:38 »
I'm on it now, great as allways Bardosy. I miss Pajaro, but is ok :)

Offline zonker3210

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice(Review Complete)
« Reply #41 on: 21 Jan 2012, 21:31:30 »
FYI - I just attempted to download this campaign from the OPFEC site and received a file called "CAOperationMightyJustice_v101.zip". Unfortunately, both the default Windows "extract" utility and 7ZIP are unable to unpack the file.

Again, the bad download was from the OFPEC page here:

Downloading from the link at the start of this thread (which gives me a file called "oaarmycamp.zip") works just fine.

Offline bedges

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice(Review Complete)
« Reply #42 on: 22 Jan 2012, 16:26:18 »
Apologies for the inconvenience. The site is gradually undergoing some improvements to the back-end, and this was definitely not one of them!  :-[
The downloader script has been fixed (the file on the server was not the issue) and will now deliver the requested missions correctly.

Offline zonker3210

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice(Review Complete)
« Reply #43 on: 25 Jan 2012, 05:57:05 »
Thank you very much, bedges!