Thanks Igor I did not understood your post yesterday, so today I came back and enabled my brain others cores
. If I understand correctly the Code would do that :
this setpos (NearestBuilding BuildingPos 10)
10 for position ten, so I just have to order an AI into a building position, that's when the choice pop up and a position label show up; that I choose which position suits me best. I will try it and report.
Ok Igor your code did not I persisted with setPosASL and found what was wrong, the camera.sqs retrieve the two axis but give not the correct height, so I took the height from a BIS placed unit and put it in my unit and it worked fine.
So I think it is possible to have a script to automate things a bit, it could be based on camera.sqs as adding height in ASL (AS Sea Level), then to copy/past it to clipboard.
The advantage is not guessing AI height while positioning it in building neither others axis in 3D, as I tried the "getpos" method AI kept falling on ground, or was limited to house predetermined house position. You position yourself where exactly you expect AI to stand etc...
So if coders could make this tool this would be great, as I don't got knowledge