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Author Topic: [SP] Night Patrol (Review Complete)  (Read 4338 times)

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Offline W0lle

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[SP] Night Patrol (Review Complete)
« on: 09 Oct 2010, 16:45:57 »

Author: W0lle
Version: 1.01
Description: Conversion of the original CWC Mission, based on the Xbox version which contains more attacking units.
Required Addons: None

v1.01: Added M136 launcher; fixed mission ending; smaller scripts and mission fixes
v1.0: Initial release

I removed the mission intro because the camera coordinates do not match anymore (of course) and with my limited time it's currently just too much work to redo the rather short intro. Please forgive me. :)

Night Patrol v1.01
« Last Edit: 04 Dec 2010, 12:58:19 by mathias_eichinger »
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Offline Wolfrug

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Re: [SP] Night Patrol (Review Please)
« Reply #1 on: 09 Oct 2010, 18:27:11 »
Hiya W0lle!

Always nice with another OFP remake. :) This particular one played out quite differently from what I remember though. As I recall, HQ picked up movement around the guard post, and sent in a chopper (with daytime specops! totally awesome). You were supposed to hold tight until they arrived - although this in practice meant you killed the two or so Spetznats that were coming in to blow up the tower, and then the mission ended. I -think- there might have been a BMP or two out to sea as well coming in, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, the way it worked in this version was was: LT came in to see me, had the funny little convo (aw man, I miss Armstrong!) and then drove off. A few moments later, I was shot from nowhere by an unsilenced Bizon (why unsilenced? might want to change that). Restart, and this time I killed the Spetznats. Got the radio message about the choppers, and saw the APC off in the distance. It unloaded a squad and proceeded to bear down on me. Despite my valiant efforts from the Hummer-mounted M2, I was soon killed. Darn. Third try (or thereabouts): I move the hummer to a better position behind the logs, kill the first Spetznats, and wait for the BRDM. Once it arrives, I open up: 100 bullets later, it's a flaming wreck, no sign of its occupants. Victory! ...and then I was shot in the back by another Spetznats. Goddammit!

Third try I wasn't really sure how to do this any longer, but I knew I had to kill the specops. So I did that, ambushing them both, and then I kind of hid behind the shed hoping reinforcements or something would arrive (I think the BRDM drove on a mine, since its crew jumped out just beyond the fenced area). For some reason, the Russians wouldn't charge into the compound, they all stopped just outside. But then, the mission ended, score 1400 with two red X's, x2 spetznats killed. No reinforcements having arrived or any new radio messages or anything. Oh, and with a full squad of enemies right outside the gates ;)

It's a short and fairly fun mission, but I think the victory conditions are a bit skewed, as is the level of challenge. Just killing two Spetznats like in the original mission would maybe have been a bit boring, especially as they didn't come from random directions but always the same. But the BRDM and the squad were a bit too much (although I had some fun/scary moments while they shot up the hummer I had until recently occupied!), especially as there was apparently no sign of any reinforcements. When it ended for me, in fact, the enemy could've just aimed their big-assed gun on the radar I was meant to protect and blow it to pieces, so it didn't really feel like much of a victory :)

Suggestions, before reviewing:

- Add back the old radio messages about reinforcements etc, and also send them in.
- Make it so that the end condition is dependent on not just the death of the two spetznats, but either the arrival of the reinforcements or the death of all enemy forces.
- Although I didn't check it; will the Spetznats actually attempt to blow up the radar, or will they not? If not, consider implementing :)

If this is too much, I guess something like, say...giving one of the Spetznats a Metis launcher and making the end condition "everyone is dead" should be plenty. Not quite fair to have a single guy with no AT capabilities take out an armored vehicle all by himself :) (or alternatively add some other AT to the outpost - say inside the tent?).

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline W0lle

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Re: [SP] Night Patrol (Review Please)
« Reply #2 on: 09 Oct 2010, 20:07:25 »
Thanks for taking a look.  Sounds like you had some fun outta there.  :D

Finding the right balance is always a bit tricky when converting old missions designed for the OFP AI. Maybe the amount of enemy units is a bit too much for just one guy. In the orginal OFP mission you had to deal with only the two Spetsnaz which is why I have taken the xbox version with the additional units.

The helicopter with the reinforcements and the tanks coming to aid are still in. But maybe the distance is too much so the reinforcements arrive when it's already too late (or are shot down by one of the enemy APCs). I look into that. Might as well add an M136 launcher to the HMMWV, just in case...  :)

The sound files are all there and should be played, but maybe I forgot to add the full path to them in the description.ext which now is required.

I check the end triggers too. And yes, each of the Spetsnaz should plant his pipebomb at the tower and blow it up when he's in safety.

Updated v1.01 available in the first post.

* The original radio messages once the enemy is detected are now played
* Now also the reinforcements arrive
* Smaller script and mission fixes/tweaks

And yes, the Spetsnaz place their satchels and blow up the radio tower.
Mission ends now 30 secs after the area (50 meter radius) is clear and the Abrams tanks arrived.
« Last Edit: 10 Oct 2010, 01:30:07 by W0lle »
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Re: [SP] Night Patrol (Review Please)
« Reply #3 on: 05 Nov 2010, 16:56:23 »

Offline W0lle

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Re: [SP] Night Patrol (Review Please)
« Reply #4 on: 07 Nov 2010, 22:47:54 »
Probably the AI has problems spotting in you in the dark because at me they shot for sure.  :D
The Spezsnaz guys should see you though, I'm sure they have NV Goggles. But I gonna check that to be sure.
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Night Patrol (Under Review)
« Reply #5 on: 13 Nov 2010, 14:42:39 »
I'll review this one.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Night Patrol (Under Review)
« Reply #6 on: 04 Dec 2010, 12:41:22 »
The mission has been reviewed and can be downloaded here:
