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Author Topic: IED/Suicide Bomber Script v04  (Read 8857 times)

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Offline tcp

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IED/Suicide Bomber Script v04
« on: 29 Aug 2009, 19:12:25 »
UPDATED - 20091002
v04 Changelog
- tweaked init delay/gap
- prevented objects from containing blast
- more luck variations, engineer considered

v03 Changelog
-added support for Rhino device
-changed nearestObject detection method

v02 Changelog
- publicVariables removed (was not being passed to server, only clients?)
- Suicide bomber works (triggers not used, nearObjects check, somewhat slower though)
- Ability to assign trigger to delay proximity check until activated (optional)

Code: (tcp_IED.sqf) [Select]
/* tcp_IED.sqf v04 executed from init of object that is the IED
Author: tcp <http://blackop.co.cc> for support
Used examples from Jeevz's Proximity IED, POTS SuicideBomber, Foxhound Random IED, Javhe/HOZ IED, SPON VBIED
To create a proximity IED/Suicide Bomber place in init line of any object where:
<this> is object reference/name
<west,east,guer,civ> is the activating side (1 only)
<"Small","Medium","Large","Huge","Massive"> is the magnitude of explosion
<10> is the radius/proximity for detonation
<60> is the sleep delay when no onjects of target side are present (improves performance) *note* delaying trigger check and the proximity check creates a gap when IED might miss a target, but unlikely
<["M1151_M2","M1151G_M2"]> is an array of vehicle types that can detect IEDs (after they are active, see below) 3% chance of detection and 20% chance of detonation every half second starting 40 feet out
<trigger1> is a trigger reference/name that has to be activated before IED is considered active/planted
_iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";
_iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60,[],trigger1] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";
_iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60,["HMMWV_Armored"],trigger1] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";
_iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60,["M1151_M2","M1151G_M2"]] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";
By default, IED only set off by Land Vehicles(_targ), can be disarmed by player on foot(_eod), or by shooting/destroying IED or Suicide bomber
10% chance IED disarming will fail, safer to try to destroy it from a distance, however, engineer has 100% success rate. For vehicles, 33% chance IED will not go off if speed under 10mph
Configure class types for target vehicles and EOD personnel below
if(!isServer) exitWith{};

private ["_ied","_side","_size","_rad","_time","_dtec","_trg","_targ","_eod","_wait","_wait2","_armed","_near","_nrsd","_detect","_tmo","_count","_sel","_luck","_pos","_tim","_engi"];
_ied  = _this select 0;
_side = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {west};
_size = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {"Medium"};
_rad  = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {15};
_time = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {60};
_dtec = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {[]};
_trg  = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {};

// Edit the targeted vehicles to include only the class types that you included in your mission (for better performance)                                      
_targ = switch (_side) do {
case west: {

case east: {
default {

// The class types able to disarm the IEDs
_eod = switch (_side) do {
case west: {

case east: {
default {

// Engineer/Demo Expert class types that never fail disarming
_engi = switch (_side) do {
case west: {

case east: {
default {

if (!isnil "_trg") then {
while {alive _ied && _wait} do {
sleep _time;
if(triggerActivated _trg) then {_wait=false;};

if(count _dtec > 0) then {_detect=true;};
while {alive _ied && _wait} do {  
sleep _tim;
_near = (getPos _ied) nearObjects 500;
if(_side countSide _near > 0) then {
while {(alive _ied) && (_wait2) && (_tmo > 0)} do {
sleep 0.5;
_near = (getPos _ied) nearObjects (_rad+40);
_nrsd = [];
{if(side _x == _side) then {_nrsd = _nrsd + [_x]}} forEach _near;
_count=count _nrsd;
for [{_x=0},{_x<_count},{_x=_x+1}] do {
_sel = _nrsd select _x;
_luck = random 1;
{if((_sel isKindOf _x) && ((_sel distance _ied) <= _rad)) exitWith {_wait=false; _wait2=false; if(_luck < 0.33 && speed _sel < 10 && !(_ied isKindOf "CAManBase")) then{_armed=false;};}} forEach _targ;
{if((_sel isKindOf _x) && ((_sel distance _ied) <= 5)) exitWith {_wait=false; _wait2=false; {if(_sel isKindOf _x) then {_armed=false; hint "Disarmed";};} forEach _engi; if(_armed && _luck > 0.1) then {_armed=false; hint "Disarmed";};}} forEach _eod;
if(_detect) then {
if(_sel isKindOf _x) then {
if (_luck > 0.80) then {
if (_luck < 0.03) then {
hint "Detected IED";
} forEach _dtec;

if (alive _ied && _armed) then {
_pos=[((getposATL _ied) select 0) + 1,((getposATL _ied) select 1) + 1,((getPosATL _ied) select 2) + 2];
if (_size == "Small") then {"R_57mm_HE" createVehicle _pos;};
if (_size == "Medium") then {"M_Sidewinder_AA" createVehicle _pos;};
if (_size == "Large") then {for [{_x=1},{_x<=12},{_x=_x+1}] do {"M_Sidewinder_AA" createVehicle _pos;};};
if (_size == "Huge") then {"Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getPos _ied);};
if (_size == "Massive") then {"ARTY_R_227mm_HE" createVehicle (getpos _ied); "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle _pos;};

_ied setDamage 1;

if (true) exitWith {};

Test Mission (very straightforward):
« Last Edit: 03 Oct 2009, 19:29:00 by tcp »

Offline Mille

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Re: IED script
« Reply #1 on: 09 Sep 2009, 15:56:36 »
tcp would not prepare a sample mission. one ied and one car.

Offline tcp

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Re: IED/Suicide Bomber Script v03
« Reply #2 on: 10 Sep 2009, 09:37:58 »
It wouldn't work or do you want me to prepare one? Try -showScriptErrors command line if you can't isolate problem or tell me more about it.

Offline Mille

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Re: IED/Suicide Bomber Script v03
« Reply #3 on: 13 Sep 2009, 09:50:41 »
Thanks tcp nice work thanks again sample mission. :good:

Offline tcp

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Re: IED/Suicide Bomber Script v03
« Reply #4 on: 23 Sep 2009, 02:59:36 »
Just to clarify, you are able to change the types of units that set off or disarm IEDs (only in the script though, not the initialization).

For example, to have a West soldier set off instead of disable the IED, change this particular section to:

Code: [Select]
// Edit the targeted vehicles to include only the class types that you included in your mission (for better performance)                                     
_targ = switch (_side) do {
case west: {

case east: {
default {

// The class types able to disarm the IEDs
_eod = switch (_side) do {
case west: {

case east: {
default {

The vehicle you set to detect (and optionally detonate) will still work if you pass it in the initialization.

Offline Landdon

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Re: IED/Suicide Bomber Script v04
« Reply #5 on: 11 May 2010, 03:29:58 »
This script seems to be what I'm looking for could I have some more detail on how to execute it or a sample mission please?